Ben 10 is an American media franchise conceived by Man of Action and owned by The Cartoon Network, Inc. The franchise, mainly consisting of animated series produced by Cartoon Network Studios, revolves around a young boy named Ben Tennyson, who discovers the Omnitrix — a high-tech, extraterrestrial device shaped like a wristwatch. This remarkable gadget contains the DNA of various alien species, allowing Ben to transform into them at will. Initially, the Omnitrix features ten alien transformations, but over time, Ben gains the ability to unlock additional species.
The franchise has garnered considerable critical acclaim, securing three Emmy Awards. It encompasses five primary television series, five feature films, and numerous video games. It ranks as Cartoon Network's second longest existing franchise. Furthermore, Ben 10 has inspired a line of toys produced initially by Bandai for the franchise's first four series and later by Playmates Toys for the reboot. The Ben 10 franchise is one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time.
On February 17, 2021, Cartoon Network announced three 44-minute specials slated for April 2021, titled Ben 10,010, Ben Gen 10, and Alien X-Tinction. These specials serve as both the series finale for the 2016 reboot and a crossover event involving the first four television series in the franchise.[1]
Ben appeared as a parody of Benjamin Franklin on the show MAD, in an episode titled "Ben 10 Franklin". Franklin was flying his kite when he was struck by a lightning bolt, gaining the Omnitrix. He used Swampfire to sign the Declaration of Independence. He also used Humongousaur to defeat the British and smash down a junior high school bully's house in revenge. He used other aliens from Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, where they have his hair and glasses.
Also in MAD, a reference to Alien Force was made with a parody of the movie Cowboys & Aliens, with many titles: "Cowboys & Alien Force", "Cowboys & Equestrians", and "Cowboys & Silly Bands". The reference was made at the beginning when Jake awakes with Ben on his side, but with Jake wearing Ben's pants and hat, with the Onmitrix on his wrist. He also used the Omnitrix to become an alien with the mix of Diamondhead, Chromastone, and Way Big to smash a cowboy.
In the South Park episode "You're Getting Old", Cartman's Mother mentions that Cartman gets upset when he does not get a present every time someone else gets a present at a party. One of the presents Cartman gets is a "Ben 10 Wrist Rocket".
The Robot Chicken episode "Hurtled from a Helicopter into a Speeding Train" shows Ben on his 14th birthday party, where he complains about his gifts given by Azmuth.
Ben 10 villains, such as the Enoch, Hex and Animo, make a brief cameo in The Secret Saturdays episode "Van Rook's Apprentice". References to Galvan Prime and Wildvine's species also appear in "Guess Who's Going to Be Dinner?" and "Eterno" respectively. Both references were made by the Secret Scientist Dr. Arthur Beeman, the UFOlogist for the series.
In the Peep Show episode, "Man Jam", Jeremy jokingly refers to Ben, the boyfriend of a woman he admires, as "Ben 10" during a phone call to him.[4]
The game features famous and notable Cartoon Network characters in robot-type form. Big Chill, Swampfire, a DNAlien, Kevin, Vilgax, Rath, Armodrillo, Ultimate Humongousaur, Ultimate Echo Echo, and Ultimate Big Chill appear as playable characters.
To promote the Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United special, Cartoon Network updated Titanic Kungfubot Offensive, adding new bots, such as "Shocksquatch" and "Clockwork"; both of which are aliens accessible to Ben.
The character design for Ben Tennyson was changed when the original Ben 10 series ended and was replaced by Alien Force. In the game, he serves as a "Player Guide" offering guide-based missions and special items.
Cartoon Network Universe: Project Exonaut
In another browser-based game entitled Cartoon Network Universe: Project Exonaut, Ben's aliens, alongside Gwen and Vilgax, appear as "exosuits". The exosuits' purpose is protecting the player and giving them unique abilities and powers. The planet Kylmyys (the home of one of Ben's aliens, Big Chill) and the Perplexhedron are featured as battle arenas. Ultimate Kevin and Alien X are currently the new exosuits for Project Exonaut representing Ben 10. The new exosuits feature Gold versions of Manus, Marceline, Mojo Jojo, and Rath.
Ben appears in the game as a playable character. Swampfire, Humongousaur, Big Chill, and AmpFibian appear as Ben's playable aliens. Vilgax, the archenemy of Ben Tennyson appears as a playable character for the first time. Gwen and the Vreedle Brothers are "summons" in the game. Additionally, Bellwood and the Null Void are included as battle arenas. Kevin also appears as a "summon" in the game, but is featured as a playable character on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii versions called Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion XL. Kevin in Ultimate Kevin form appears in the game as a boss. The young version of Ben appears in the console version of the game as a playable character.[6]
Following the success of the Ben 10 animated TV series and films, various Ben 10 merchandise has been released for general sale. These items include comic books, board games, card games (such as Top Trumps), toys, video games, Lego construction sets, bedding, coloring books, footwear, and watches (the Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix). All four shows have been released on DVD.
Video games
The game franchise has many different formats. The video games franchise started in 2006 with the release of Ben 10 for the HyperScan, while the franchise's first official video game Protector of Earth came out in 2007. Twelve games have been released:
Bandai manufactured Ben 10 toys from the first four series,[11] while Playmates Toys has produced toys for the 2016 reboot.
Six construction sets were produced by Lego, depicting Spidermonkey, Humungousaur, Swampfire, Chromastone, Jet Ray, and Big Chill.[12]
The series received three McDonald's Happy Meal promotions internationally, as well as one in America in August 2011.[13] The toys are colored translucent figures of some Omnitrix/Ultimatrix aliens and their Ultimate forms, with a small photo of Ben inside. The Alien Force toys are four rings, each one is an alien (Goop, Jetray, Alien X, Chromastone) with features linked with their powers.
Comic books
Developed by Jason Hall, Min G. Kuand and Heroic Age, the Ben 10 comic revolves around Ben's summer vacation with Gwen and their Grandpa Max, travelling in the Rust Bucket. The Ben 10: Alien Force comic revolves around Ben, with Gwen and a reformed Kevin, battling the Highbreed and the DNAliens.
In February 2013, IDW Publishing announced a partnership with Cartoon Network to produce comics based on Cartoon Network properties. Ben 10 was one of the titles announced to be published.[14]
^Zahed, Ramin (May 19, 2009). "Daytime Emmy Noms Announced". Animation Magazine. Archived from the original on March 8, 2014. Retrieved October 1, 2012.