Bayerischer Fernsehpreis (the Bavarian TV award) is an award presented by the government of Bavaria, Germany since 1989. The prize symbol is the "Blue Panther", a figure from the Nymphenburg Porcelain Manufactory.[1] The prize money is €10,000 (Special prize: €20,000).[2]
Michaela May, Honorary Award of the Bavarian Prime Minister[3]
Stefanie Albrecht as an author and reporter for twisting facts and fake news: Undercover in alternative media (RTL)
Stephan Lamby as a journalist for his political documentaries Nervous Republic, The duel – Merkel against Schulz and Bimbes – The black coffers of Helmut Kohl (all ARD)
Claudia Garde in the category television films / series and series as director of the television films Eine Gute Mutter (ARD) and Das Nebelhaus (SAT1)
Robert Löhr as best screenwriter for the series Das Institut (BR, NDR, WDR, Puls, ARD Alpha)
Thomas Hermanns in the entertainment category as moderator of the entertainment program 25 years of nonsense Comedy Club (Sky)
Mark Land as Executive Producer of the entertainment program Ninja Warrior Germany (RTL / Norddeich.TV)
Daniel Harting, Amai Haukamp and Anne Morgan in the culture and education category as authors of the report Mann oder Frau? – Living in the Wrong Body (VOX)
Gerhard Polt, honorary award of the Bavarian Prime Minister, he is an expert on the character of the Bavarians[12][13]
Sonja Gerhardt, Best Actress in the categories TV Movies / Series and Series for her roles in Jack the Ripper – A woman hunts a murderer (Sat.1) and Ku'damm 56 (ZDF)
Devid Striesow, Best Actor in the TV Movies / Series and Series categories for his roles in Das weiße Kaninchen (ARD) und Luther and I [de] (ARD)
Katrin Nemec, young talent award as an author for her graduation film About Loving and Dying as a film student
Arndt Ginzel and Marcus Weller as authors and reporters of the article Exclusiv im Erste: Spiel im Schatten – Putin's undeclared war against the West (ARD)
Felix von der Laden, as presenter of Like or Dislike: YouTuber Dner in the US Election Campaign (ZDF)
Carmen Butta and Gabriele Riedle, as authors of the documentary The Secret Revolution – Women in Saudi Arabia (ZDF)
Lars Friedrich, as the author and director of the documentary Melancholy and Lightness. Dietl's Journey (BR)
Senta Berger, honorary award from the Bavarian Prime Minister for outstanding achievements in German television[14]
Tobias Krell, Young Talent Award as a reporter in the documentary Checker Tobi Extra – Why so many people flee (BR/ARD/KIKA)
Nina Kunzendorf, as best actress in the categories television films / series and series for her role in Nacht der Angst (ZDF)
Martin Brambach, as best actor in the categories television films / series and series for his roles in Fatal News [de] (NDR/ARD), Unter Verdacht: A Judge (ARTE) and Tatort: In One Shot (MDR/ARD)
Antonia Rados, as author of the reportage Nachtjournal-special: The IS-Connection (RTL)[15]
Güner Yasemin Balcı, as author and director of the documentary Der Jungfrauenwahn (ZDF/ARTE)
Olli Dittrich, as author and actor of Schorsch Aigner – The man who was Franz Beckenbauer (ARD)
Sky sports department, represented by sports director Roman Steuer and commentator Wolf-Christoph Fuss, for the Sky Bundesliga conference – the original (Sky)
Dietmar Klumpp, as author and director of the report: Fight for peace in the Congo – the largest UN mission in the world (life adventure) (Kabel eins)
Mike Conway, as author and director of the documentary Nobody is allowed to know – Corinne and her secret (ZDF)
Jörg Armbruster, honorary award from the Bavarian Prime Minister for outstanding achievements in German television[16]
Mala Emde, Young Talent Award for her role as Anne Frank in My Daughter Anne Frank (ARD/HR/RBB/WDR)
Felicitas Woll, as best actress in the categories television films / series and series for her role in The Disobedience (Sat.1)
Matthias Brandt, as best actor in the categories television films / series and series for his role in A Faithful Husband (ARD / HR)
Otto Waalkes, honorary award of the Bavarian Prime Minister for his life's work[17]
Julia Koschitz, Best Actress in the TV Film category for her role in Take Care of Him! (ZDF)
Kai Wiesinger, best actor in the TV film category for his role in the docudrama The Resignation (Sat.1)
Gisela Schneeberger, Best Actress in the Series and Series category for her role in The Spin Cycle (BR)
Alexander Held, best actor in the series and series category for his role in Munich Murder (ZDF)
Young talent promotion award of the LfA Förderbank Bayern for the producers Lüthje Schneider Hörl Film GbR for their television series Lerchenberg of the ZDF
Thomas Liesen, as author and producer in the information category for the film Live, love, forget – Alzheimer's at 40 (ARD)
André Schäfer, as director and producer in the information category for Willy Brandt – Memories of a Politician's Life (ARD/WDR)
Hilmer Rolff, as a producer in the information category for the miniseries From Spreewaldgurken to FKK – Die DDR privat (n-tv)
Nadja Uhl as best actress in the television film category for her roles in Operation Sugar [de] (ARD/WDR, BR) and The Tower (ARD/MDR, BR, NDR, WDR, SWR, RBB)
Falko Korth and Thomas Riedel as writers and directors of the documentary Freiheit! Das Ende der DDR [Freedom! The end of the German Democratic Republic] (Sat.1)
Silke Zertz, writer of Wir sind das Volk [We are the people] (Sat.1)
Christiane Hörbiger, Bavarian Prime Minister's award for Der Besuch der alten Dame [The visit of the old Lady] (ARD), Zwei Ärzte sind einer zu viel [Two doctors are one more than needed] (ZDF) and for lifetime achievement[22]
Katharina Wackernagel as Best Actress in the television film category for Contergan [de] (ARD) and Mein Mörder kommt zurück [My murderer returns] (ZDF)
Edgar Selge as Best Actor in the television film category for Angsthasen [Scaredy-cats] (BR/ARD)
Karsten Scheuren as writer and director of Galileo Special Grab in eisigen Höhen – Bergung aus der Todeszone [A grave in icy heights – rescue from the zone of death] (ProSieben)
Thomas Präkelt as writer and producer of Der Arbeitsbeschaffer [The job-finder] (RTL)
Wolf von Lojewski as writer and director of Meine Heimat, Deine Heimat – mit Wolf von Lojewski durch Ostpreußen [My homeland, your homeland – through East Prussia with Wolf von Lojewski] (ZDF)
Detlef Michel as writer of Eine folgenschwere Affäre [An affair with consequences] (ZDF)
Anke Engelke and Bastian Pastewka for Fröhliche Weihnachten! – mit Wolfgang & Anneliese [Merry Christmas with Wolfgang & Anneliese] (Sat.1)
Hape Kerkeling for Kerkeling liest – Ich bin dann mal weg [Kerkeling reads – So I'm gone now] (RTL)
Thomas Weidenbach and Shi Ming as writers, directors, and producers of Chinas Größenwahn am Yangtse [China's megalomania on the Yangtze] (arte/ARD)
Janina Stopper, Nachwuchsförderpreis (Youth Award) for her supporting role as Mother Anne Kempf in the Tatort episode Kleine Herzen [Little Hearts] (ARD)
Holly Fink for cinematography in the miniseries Die Flucht [March of Millions] (ARD)
Richard Gress, special award for his documentary about the Surma people in Ethiopia: Voxtours: Reise zu den letzten Gladiatoren [Voxtours: journey to the last gladiators] (VOX)
Manfred Oldenburg for his sports documentary Das verflixte dritte Tor – Wembley '66 – Die wahre Geschichte [That damn third goal – Wembley '66 – The true story] (ZDF)
Bayerischer Rundfunk, special award for the charity event Sternstunden [Magic Moments]
Frank-Markus Barwasser (also known as Erwin Pelzig) and the BR show Aufgemerkt! Pelzig unterhält sich [Attention! Pelzig chats] in the field of entertainment
Klaus Feichtenberger for book and direction of ZDF series Expedition – der Kontinent [Expedition – the continent]
Lisa Eder and Thomas Wartmann for book and direction of the documentary Jenseits von Samarkand – eine usbekische Liebesgeschichte [Beyond Samarkand – an Usbek love story] (SWR/arte)
Jürgen Ast and Daniel Ast for the documentary Abrechnung mit Stalin – das Jahr 1956 [Settling the score with Stalin – the year 1956] (Arte/RBB)
Jens Kemper and Mark Brauckmann for the RTL documentary Mein Chef der Bundeskanzler – Ludwig Erhard aus der Nähe und in Farbe [My boss the chancellor – Ludwig Erhard close-ups in colour]
Ulrike Kriener for her performance as an actress in Kommissarin Lucas – Vergangene Sünden [Commissioner Lucas – Sins of the past] and Kommissarin Lucas – Vertrauen bis zuletzt [Trust until the end] (ZDF)
Andrea Morgenthaler for the documentary Joseph Goebbels (SWR/WDR/ARD)
Dan Setton and Helmar Büchel for directing the report In Gottes Namen – Die Rekruten des Heiligen Krieges [In the name of God – the recruits of the Holy War] (Spiegel TV/RTL)
Theo Koll for presenting the broadcast Frontal 21 (ZDF), as a proxy for the entire editorial staff
Dagmar Manzel for the television film Leben wäre schön [Life would be nice] (BR/ARD)
Veronica Ferres for the television films Annas Heimkehr [Anna's returning home] (BR/ARD), Für immer verloren [Lost forever] (Sat.1) and Stärker als der Tod [Stronger than death] (ZDF)
Heidi Umbreit and Bernd Umbreit for the documentary "Sam und Tim – geboren an der Grenze des Lebens" [Sam and Tim – born at the edge of life] from the series Menschen hautnah [Close to people] (WDR/ARD)
Meinhard Prill for the episode "Von Himmel und Erde – Alltag im Kloster Landshut-Seligenthal" [On Heaven and Earth – Life in the Landshut-Seligenthal monastery] from the series Irgendwo in Bayern [Somewhere in Bavaria] (BFS) and "Kulisse für alle Zeiten – der Stadtplatz von Eggenfelden" [A scenery for eternity – the town square of Eggenfelden] from the program series Unter unserem Himmel [Under our skies] (BFS)
Dominique Klughammer for the film Jung, erfolgreich – arbeitslos [Young, successful… unemployed] from the program series 37° (ZDF)
Max Thomas Mehr for the screenplay of "Sebnitz – die perfekte Story" [Sebnitz – the perfect story] from the series Ein Tag mit Folgen [A day with consequences] (arte)
Hans-Hermann Hertle and Gunther Scholz as directors of Als die Mauer fiel. 50 Stunden, die die Welt veränderten [When the Berlin Wall fell. 50 hours that changed the world] (SFB)
Jan-Josef Liefers for directing and acting performance in Jack’s Baby
Peter Lohmeyer for acting performance in Der Elefant in meinem Bett [The elephant in my bed]
Hans Werner Meyer for acting performance in Und morgen geht die Sonne wieder auf [And tomorrow the sun will rise again] and Die Cleveren [The smart ones] (RTL)
Christine Neubauer for acting performance in Frische Ware [Fresh goods] (BR)
Nina Steinhauser for Tötet die Hure – Der Fall Maria Stuart [Kill the whore – the case of Mary, Queen of Scots]
Dominik Graf special award for the TV films The Scorpion [de], Dr. Knock and Das Wispern im Berg der Dinge [The whispering inside the mountain of things]
Andreas Christoph Schmidt for the documentary film Festung Berlin – Der Untergang der Reichshauptstadt [Fortress Berlin – The downfall of the Reich's capital] (SFB/ARD)
Joachim Bublath for the series Abenteuer Forschung [The adventure of research] and Die knoff-hoff Show [The 'knoff-hoff' show (a pun on the English "know-how")] (ZDF)
Max Färberböck for the TV films Einer zahlt immer [There's always one who's got to pay] and Bella Block (ZDF)
Ingo Bethke und Ulrich Brochhagen for the TV film Pulverfaß Provinz. Der 17. Juni 1953 im Bezirk Halle [The provincial tinderbox – the 17 June 2953 in the Halle district] (MDR)
Gero von Boehm for the TV film Schöpfer Mensch [Creator Man] (SWF)
Ernst Arendt and Hans Schweiger for the TV film "Lied der Landschaft" [Song of the landscape] from the series "Tiere vor der Kamera" [lit.: animals in front of the camera] (BR)
Erich Böhme for the talk show Talk im Turm [Talk in the tower] (Sat.1)