Adolph Kohut

Adolph Kohut (10 November 1848 – 21 or 22 November[1][2] 1917[3]) was a German-Hungarian journalist, literature and cultural historian, biographer, recitator[4] and translator from Hungarian origin.


Born in Mindszent, Kohut was born as one of thirteen children of the very poor, pious Talmud scholar Jacob Kohut. He studied from 1866 to 1868 at the Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau[5] as well as his older brother Alexander. Then he studied two semesters new philology and art history at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Breslau and afterwards at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin. In Vienna he lectured for three years at the University of Vienna and received his PhD from the University of Jena in 1878.

In 1872 he was called by Karl von Holtei to the editorial office of the Breslauer Nachrichten. In 1873 he was editor of the Düsseldorfer Zeitung.[6] Leopold Ullstein hired him in 1878 at the Tribüne in Berlin and later at the Berliner Zeitung. Afterwards he edited the magazine Deutsches Heim. "Illustrated entertainment sheet for all estates".[7][8] Like many other journalists Kohut was also persecuted in different trials according to the Reichspreßgesetz [de]. In one case the prosecutor demanded for him six weeks imprisonment because of offence against § 7, 18 and 19 of the "Gesetz über die Presse".[9]

On September 13, 1884, he was expelled from Prussia as an "unpopular foreigner," [10] after he allegedly attacked Bismarck in an article.[11] In reality, he had been expelled from Berlin at the instigation of the anti-Semite Adolf Stöcker, who had worked for it with the minister Robert von Puttkamer. For the next five years he lived in Dresden. By a letter of 21 December 1889 from the Prussian Legation Council in Saxony of Count August von Dönhoff Kohut was allowed to return to Berlin. In April 1890 he arrived there. Bismarck himself had, as Kohut wrote, never spoken up for his expulsion.[12][13]

Already sick since 1915,[14] Kohut died in the night of 21 to 22 November 1917 in his Berlin apartment Courbiérestraße 7 at age 69. There was no obituary in the General Zeitung des Judentums [de] and also the Gemeindebote (Berlin) did not mention him on the occasion of his death.

Kohut did not only have conservative,[15] liberal[16] or anti-Semitic[17] German contemporaries, but also (quote: "Some of the personalities were treated as object directly or through their friends to the fact that they were and are Jews, or are descended from Israelites".[18]

Kohut has written more than 120 books and monographs and hundreds of articles in magazines. He also became known as a translator from the Hungarian. His translation of Sándor Petőfi is enduring. He dedicated many of his works to Goethe, Schiller, Kleist, Wieland and others. He also wrote several books about Bismarck and Ferdinand Lassalle. As an avowed Jew he published numerous writings on Jewish personalities, the ritual murder legend[19] and more. He publicly opposed anti-Semitism.[20] Kohut was also a productive collaborator at the Reclam's Universal Library [de]. He made a name for himself through his numerous works on composers. During the First World War he, like many Germans, held chauvinistic positions towards France.[21] Many of his works were reprinted long after his death as facsimile.[22] The database Kalliope-Verbund [de] contains 147 manuscripts from Kohut. Among them are five letters to Edmund Kretschmer, forty-seven to Wolfgang Kirchbach, to the editors of the Literarisches Centralblatt für Deutschland Friedrich Karl Theodor Zarncke and Eduard Zarncke [de] a total of thirteen letters. One letter each from Kohut to Wilhelm Raabe and Emil Rittershaus. Also a letter from Wilhelm Busch to Kohut.[23] An estate of Kohut is not known in the archives. Kohut donated his photograph with the dedication "Herr S. W. Racken hierselbst in Hochächtung und Ergebenheit, REDACTEUR Dr. ADOLPH KOHUT, 4. November 1976" by the photographer G. Overbeck, Düsseldorf.[24]

Since 1877 he was[25] married to primadonna Elisabeth Mannstein (1843–1926),[26] who worked for several years on European stages and last worked as a singing teacher in Berlin. Oswald Kohut was the son of this marriage (1877–1951).[27] A grandson of him was Oswald Adolph Kohut [de].[28]


Further reading

  • Kothut, Ad. In Kürschners deutscher Literatur-Kalender auf das Jahr 1904, 27. Jg. G.J. Göschen’sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig 1905.
  • Kohut, Adolph. In Franz Brümmer: Lexikon der deutschen Dichter und Prosaisten vom Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart. Volume 4. 6th edition. Leipzig, 1913, p. 58–59.
  • Kothut, Ad. In Kürschners deutscher Literatur-Kalender auf das Jahr 1917. 39. Jg. G.J. Göschen’sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig 1918, Spalte 897–898.
  • S. A.: Kohut, Adolph. In Jüdisches Lexikon [de]. Volume III. Jüdischer Verlag, Berlin 1928, p. 757, Freimann Sammlung Goethe Universität Frankfurt
  • Adolf Kohut. In Salomon Wininger: Große Jüdische National-Biographie. Volume 3. Hey-Laz. Orient, Czernowitz 1928, p. 495–496.
  • Valerie Hanus: "Kohut Adolf". In: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Vol. 4, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1969, p. 67 f. (Direct links to "p. 67", "p. 68")
  • Wolfgang Steinitz: Adolph Kohut. Ein kultureller Vermittler zwischen Ungarn und Deutschland. In Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Gesellschafts- und sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe, volume 14. Humboldt Universität, Berlin 1965, p. 843 ff.
  • Alfred Estermann: Inhaltsanalytische Bibliographien deutscher Kulturzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts. Volume 7: Das Jahrhundert (1856–1859). Deutsches Magazin (1861–1863). Freya (1861–1867). Orion (1863–1864). Deutsche Warte (1871–1875). Der Salon (1868–1890). Saur Munich 1996. ISBN 3-598-23317-5 References to reviews and articles about Adolph Kohut's works
  • Bibliographie der in selbständigen Bänden erschienenen Werke der ungarischen Literatur in deutscher Übersetzung (1774–1999). Zusammengestellt von Tiborc Fazeka. Hamburg 1999. (PDF) Proof of Kohut's translating activities
  • Kohut, Adolph. In Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren [de]. Volume 14: Kest–Kulk. Edited by Archiv Bibliographia Judaica. Saur, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-598-22694-2, p. 196–211. Most comprehensive work documentation to date
  • Susanne Blumesberger, Michael Doppelhofer, Gabriele Mauthe: Handbuch österreichischer Autorinnen und Autoren jüdischer Herkunft 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert. Volume 2: J–R. Edited by the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. Saur, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-598-11545-8, p. 715–716 (Adolph Kohut, p. 716, at Google Books).
  • Kohut, Adolf. In Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon. Volume 11. Leipzig 1907, pp. 248–249.
  • Kohut, Adolph. In Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906.


  1. ^ „Dr. Adolph Kohut, der bekannte Musikschriftsteller und Redakteur, verstarb am 21. September im Alter von 69 Jahren in Berlin“. In Musikpädagogische Blätter. Vereinigte Zeitschriften Der Klavierlehrer, Gesangspädagogische Blätter. Zentralblatt für das gesamte Musikunterrichtswesen. Organ des Deutschen Musikpädagogischen Verbandes E.V, Berlin 1917, p. 155. See also Bayerisches Musiker-Lexikon Online [de].
  2. ^ „Der Autor ist während der Drucklegung dieses Werkes dessen Erscheinen ihm sehr am Herzen lag, in der Nacht von 21. zum 22. September 1917 in Berlin gestorben. Mülheim-Heißen, d. 29 September 1917 Kronenkampf Vlg. Gottfried Goldau“. In Adolph Kohut: Martin Luther als Sohn, Gatte und Vater. Kronenkampf Verlag, Mülheim-Heißen 1917, p. 2.
  3. ^ Hugo Riemanns Musik Lexikon. 11th edition. Max Hesses Verlag, Berlin 1929, p. 924,
  4. ^ Kohut, Adolph. In: Berliner Adreßbuch, 1917, Teil I, S. 1446. „Dr. phil., Ung. Königl. Rat, Schriftsteller u. Vortragsmeister. W 62, Courbiérestraße 7 Zwg. 1“.
  5. ^ See also his book: Memoiren eines jüdischen Seminaristen.
  6. ^ Handbuch österreichischer Autorinnen und Autoren jüdischer Herkunft
  7. ^ "Deutsches Heim. Herausgeber Kohut und Ehrentraut. Inh. Engelmann 1874" (sic!) In Eva-Annemarie Kirschstein: Die Familienzeitschrift, Ihre Entwicklung und Bedeutung für die deutsche Presse. Leipzig 1937 (Diss.), p. 158.
  8. ^ "Kohut, Berlin, Kochstr. 23. V[erlag] Berliner Zeitung. E[rscheinungsweise] wöchentl. […] A[uflage] 32.000 […] (Belletr., Essays, Kritik u. dergl.)" In: Deutscher Litteratur-Kalender auf das Jahr 1884. Volume 6. Spemann, Berlin 1884, p. 339.
  9. ^ Allgemeiner deutscher Literaturkalender für das Jahr 1881, pp. 34–35.
  10. ^ Jewish Encyclopedia.
  11. ^ This assertion runs through almost all biographical articles about Kohut.
  12. ^ Described in detail in Persönliche Erinnerungen an den Altreichskanzler.
  13. ^ See also the dissertation of Helmut Neubach: Die Ausweisungen von Polen und Juden aus Preußen 1885/86. Ein Beitrag zu Bismarcks Polenpolitik und zur Geschichte des deutsch-polnischen Verhältnisses. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1967, (Marburger Ostforschungen 27), pp. 20–164.
  14. ^ Kohut to Eduard Zarncke from 10 February 1915.
  15. ^ Bismarck yearbook. Volume 1. Berlin 1894, p. 507 f.
  16. ^ "When we announced some time ago in this sheet Kohut's work 'Fürst Bismarck und die deutsche Litteratur' (Prince Bismarck and the German Litteratur), we mentioned, this spittle-treatment was probably only written to achieve the withdrawal of Kohut's expulsion from Berlin". (Michael Georg Conrad in Die Gesellschaft. Munich Half Monthly Script for Art and Culture. Begr. and ed. by M. G. Conrad. Leipzig 1890, p. 462.)
  17. ^ Friedrich Zöllner: Contributions to the German Jewish question with academic arabesques as documents for a reform of the German universities. Edited and with an introduction by Moritz Wirth. Mutze, Leipzig 1894, pp. 341 ff–755. Freimann Collection UniFrankfurt
  18. ^ Quoted after: Harald Lordick: "Only Christmas I miss very much". Eduard Schnitzer (1840–1892), Governor of Equatorial Province. In Kalonymos. Contributions to German Jewish History from the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute. Vol. 10, 2007, issue 4, p. 14.
  19. ^ Ritual Murder Trials.
  20. ^ Julius Stettenheim opposed anti-Semitism.
  21. ^ Frankreich als Erbfeind Deutschlands.
  22. ^ Das Buch der Duelle (1981, 1996); Ritualmordprozesse (1991); Kaiser Joseph II. (2012); Aerzte als Staatsmanner, Diplomaten und Politiker (2013); Berühmte israelitische Männer und Frauen in der Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit (2013) among others.
  23. ^ Wilhelm Busch: Sämtliche Briefe. Volume II. Letters 1893 to 1908, Hannover 1969, p. 91
  24. ^ in November 2015 at the Antiquariat Herbst-Auktionen, Detmold.
  25. ^ "Married to the famous concert singer and singing teacher Elisabeth Mannstein (since 1877)". (Richard Wrede, Hans von Reinfels (edit.): Das geistige Berlin. Volume 1: Life and work of architects, sculptors, stage artists, journalists, painters, musicians, writers, draughtsmen. Photomechanical reprint of the original edition of 1897. Zentralantiquariat der DDR, Leipzig 1975, p. 256).
  26. ^ Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie. K. G. Saur Verlag, Munich 1997, volume 6, p. 8.
  27. ^ Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie. Volume 6, pp. 7–8.
  28. ^ Oswald A. Kohut. Munzinger Biografie
  29. ^ Ladislaus Takács: Der Ungar in der Welt. Georg Vajna, Budapest 1934, p. 247.

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