The show events were divided into two main areas, showing horses and show jumping. The showing classes are a major showcase of the best of the Irish horse. Some classes are restricted to Irish-bred horses.
This article concentrates on the major show jumping competitions.
Thirty-one riders competed in the 4,750 € Fáilte Stakes. The jumping height was 1.40 m for the Table A event. The top eight riders placed and received financial prizes.
Thirty-five riders competed in the 10,500 € Speed Stakes. The jumping height was 1.40 m for the Table C event. The top nine riders placed and received financial prizes.
Fifty-eight riders competed in the 21,000 €Irish Sports Council Classic. The jumping height was 1.50 m for the Table C event with jump-off. The top fifteen riders placed and received financial prizes.
Fifty-three riders competed in the 21,000 € Power and Speed. The class was sponsored by Knight Frank LLP. The jumping height was 1.50 m for the Table A event. The top fourteen riders placed and received financial prizes.
Twenty-nine riders competed in the 21,000 € Speed Derby. The jumping height was 1.40 m for the Table C event. The top eight riders placed and received financial prizes.
Eight teams of four riders competed in the 156,000 € Samsung Super League event, the seventh event in the 2008 Samsung Super League series. There were two rounds to the event, with all teams placing and receiving financial prizes.
Thirty-five riders competed in the 15,750 € Accumulator. The jumping height was from 1.35 m to 1.60 m for the accumulator with joker event. The top nine riders placed and received financial prizes.
Forty-five riders competed in the 21,000 € Dublin Stakes. The jumping height was 1.50 m for the Table A event. The top twelve riders placed and received financial prizes.
Eleven riders competed in the 36,000 € Land Rover Puissance. The class was sponsored by Land Rover. The top five riders placed and received financial prizes.
Twenty riders competed in the 26,000 € Speed Championship. The class was sponsored by Walls Construction Ltd. The jumping height from 1.40 m to 1.50 m for the Table C event. The top seven riders placed and received financial prizes.
Thirty-nine riders competed in the 130,000 € Longines International Grand Prix. The class was sponsored by Longines. The jumping height was 1.50 m for the Table A event which occurred over two rounds. The top ten riders placed and received financial prizes.