31 August – the first Edinburgh International Film Festival opens at the Playhouse Cinema, presented by the Edinburgh Film Guild as part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Arts. Originally specialising in documentaries, it will become the world's oldest continuously running film festival.[10]
Naomi Mitchison's historical novel The Bull Calves is published.
Sydney Goodsir Smith's comic novel Carotid Cornucopius: caird of the Cannon Gait and voyeur of the Outlook Touer. His splores, cantraips, wisdoms, houghmagandies, peribibulatiouns and all kinna abstrapulous junketings and ongoings abowt the high toun of Edenberg, capitule of boney Sotland [sic?] is published in Glasgow.
The Makar's Club in Edinburgh issues a Scots Style Sheet setting out a consensus for the spelling of Modern Scots.