Liste von Gehölzen in der Schweiz

Verschiedene Gehölze auf einer Streuobstwiese und im angrenzenden Wald

Diese Liste von Gehölzen in der Schweiz enthält Gehölze, also Bäume und Sträucher, die in der Schweiz indigen oder invasiv vorkommen. Gehölze, die in der Schweiz nur als Kulturpflanzen vorkommen, stehen nicht auf dieser Liste.

Liste von Gehölzen in der Schweiz

Name Deutsch Name Lateinisch Name Französisch Name Italienisch Name Rätoromanisch Name Englisch Flora Helvetica Nr.[1]
Weisstanne Abies alba Sapin blanc Abiete bianco Aviez Silver fir 86
Feldahorn Acer campestre Érable champêtre Acero oppio Ischi champester Field maple 1363
Eschen-Ahorn Acer negundo Erable à feuilles de frêne Acero americano Box elder 1365
Schneeballblättriger Ahorn Acer opalus Érable à feuilles d’obier Acero alpino Italian maple 1364
Spitzahorn Acer platanoides Érable plane Acero riccio Ischi giz Norway maple 1362
Bergahorn Acer pseudoplatanus Érable de la montagne Acero di monte Ischi da muntogna Sycamore maple 1361
Rosskastanie Aesculus hippocastanum Marronnier, Chataignier de cheval Ippocastano Chastagner selvadi Common horse chestnut 1400
Schwarzerle Alnus glutinosa Aulne glutnieux Ontano comune Ogn nair Common alder 257
Weiss-Erle Alnus incana Aulne blanchâtre Ontano bianco Ogn grisch Grey alder 258
Grünerle Alnus viridis Aulne vert Ontano verde Ogn alpin, Draussa Green alder 259
Felsenmispel Amelanchier ovalis Amélanchier Pero corvino Atschisper Snowy mespilus 1056
Immergrüne Bärentraube Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Raisin d’ours commun Uva ursina Garvais da l’urs, Guglidra da l’urs Kinnikinnick, Pinemat manzanita 783
Berberitze, Sauerdorn Berberis vulgaris Epine-vinette Crespino comune Vinatscha Barberry 213
Zwerg-Birke Betula nana Bouleau nain Betulla nana Dwarf birch 256
Hänge-Birke Betula pendula Bouleau pendant Betulla verrucosa Badugn pendus Silver birch 253
Moor-Birke Betula pubescens Bouleau pubescent Betulla pubescente Badugn pailus Downy birch 254
Buchsbaum Buxus sempervirens Buis Bosso comune Common box 1305
Besenheide Calluna vulgaris Callune commune Brughiera, Bruo Brutg Common heather 788
Hagebuche Carpinus betulus Charme Carpino commune Common hornbeam 261
Edelkastanie Castanea sativa Châtaignier cultivé Castagno comune Chastagner cultivà Sweet Chestnut 244
Zürgelbaum Celtis australis Micocoulier Bagolaro European hackberry 272
Judasbaum Cercis siliquastrum Arbre de Judée Albero di Giuda Planta da Giudas Judas tree 1080
Alpen-Waldrebe Clematis alpina Clématite des Alpes Clematide alpina Clematis alpina Alpine clematis 147
Gemeine Waldrebe Clematis vitalba Clématite blanche Clematide vitalba, Viorna Clematis alva Traveller’s Joy 146
Aufrechte Waldrebe Clematis recta Clématite dressée Clematide eretta Erect clematis 145
Blasenstrauch Colutea arborescens Baguenaudier arborescent Vesicaria Senna Bladder senna 1161
Kornelkirsche Cornus mas Cornouiller mâle Corniolo maschio Cornal mastgel Dogwood 1295
Hartriegel Cornus sanguinea Cornouiller sanguin Corniolo sanguinello Cornal cotschen Common dogwood 1293
Seidiger Hartriegel Cornus sericea Cornouiller soyeux Corniolo serico Eed osier, Red-osier dogwood 1294
Haselstrauch Corylus avellana Noisetier Nocciolo comune Nitscholer Common hazel 260
Kahle Steinmispel Cotoneaster integerrimus Cotoneaster à feuilles entières Cotognastro minore Cudognast Common cotoneaster 1057
Filzige Steinmispel Cotoneaster tomentosus Cotoneaster tomeneux Cotognastro bianco Cudognast pailus Hairy Cotoneaster 1058
Eingriffeliger Weißdorn Crataegus monogyna Aubépine à un style Biancospino comune Chagliastretg simpel Common hawthorn 1054
Zweigriffeliger Weißdorn Crataegus laevigata Aubépine épineuse Biancospino selvatico Chagliastretg dubel Midland Hawthorn 1053
Alpen-Seidelbast Daphne alpina Daphné des Alpes Dafne alpina Dafna alpina 1262
Lorbeer-Seidelbast Daphne laureola Daphné lauréole Dafne laurella, Laureola Spurge-laurel 1265
Echter Seidelbast Daphne mezereum Bois gentil Dafne mezereo Dafna Mezeron 1261
Gestreifter Seidelbast Daphne striata Daphné strié Dafne rosea Dafna strivlada Striped daphne 1263
Flaumiger Seidelbast Daphne cneorum Daphné camélée Dafne odorosa Rose daphne 1264
Krähenbeere Empetrum nigrum Camarine Moretta Muretta Crowberry 779-780
Schneeheide Erica carnea Bruyère carnée Erica carnicina, Scopina Erica Winter heath 795
Cornwall-Heide Erica vagans Bruyère vagabonde Erica vagabonda Wandering heath 796
Gemeines Pfaffenhütchen Euonymus europaeus Fusain d’Europe Berretto da prete, Corallini Chapitscha da prers Spindle 1331
Breitblättriges Pfaffenhütchen Euonymus latifolius Fusain à large feuilles Fusaria maggiore Broadleaf spindle 1332
Rot-Buche Fagus sylvatica Hêtre Faggio comune Fau cumin Beech 245
Faulbaum Frangula alnus Bourdaine Frangola comune Alder buckthorn 511[2]
Gemeine Esche Fraxinus excelsior Frêne commun Frassino comune Fraissen cumin Ash 1729
Manna-Esche Fraxinus ornus Frêne à fleurs Frassino da manna Fraissen da manna Manna ash 1730
Färber-Ginster Ginestra tinctoria Genêt des teinturiers Ginestra minore Greenweed 1081
Efeu Hedera helix Lierre Edera Edra, Fegliadella Common ivy 1401
Strauchkronwicke Hippocrepis emerus Hippocrépide buissonnante, Coronille émérus Erba cornetta, Dondolino Scorpion senna 1163
Sanddorn Hippophaë rhamnoides Argousier Olivella spinosa Spina da grava Common sea-buckthorn 1251
Hopfen Humulus lupulus Houblon Luppolo comune Virtit Common hop 263
Stechpalme Ilex aquifolium Houx Agrifoglio Fegliaspina Holly 1260
Walnussbaum Juglans regia Noyer royal Noce comune Nuscher Walnut 268
Gemeiner Wacholder Juniperus communis Genévrier commun Ginepro comune Ginvaiver cumin Common juniper 97
Zwerg-Wacholder Juniperus communis alpina Genévrier nain Ginepro nano Ginaiver nanin Alpine juniper 98
Sadebaum Juniperus sabina Genévrier sabine Ginepro sabino, Sabina Sefi, Savigna Savin juniper 99
Alpen-Goldregen Laburnum alpinum Aubour des Alpes Maggiociondolo di montagna Scotch laburnum 1094
Gemeiner Goldregen Laburnum anagyroides Aubour commun Maggiociondolo comune Common laburnum 1093
Lärche Larix decidua Mélèze Larice comune Laresch European larch 89
Echter Lorbeer Laurus nobilis Laurier noble Alloro, Lauro Bay laurel 105
Gemeiner Liguster Ligustrum vulgare Troène vulgaire Ligustro comune Liguster Common privet 1732
Alpen-Heckenkirsche Lonicera alpigena Chèvrefeuille des Alpes Caprifoglio alpino Chagliamorta muntagnarda Alpine honeysuckle 1983
Schwarze Heckenkirsche Lonicera nigra Chèvrefeuille noir Caprifoglio nero Chagliamorta naira Black-berried honeysuckle 1982
Wald-Geißblatt Lonicera periclymenum Chèvrefeuille des bois Caprifoglio atlantico Common honeysuckle 977
Rote Heckenkirsche Lonicera xylosteum Chèvrefeuille des haies Caprifoglio peloso Chagliamorta cotschna Fly honeysuckle 1981
Kulturapfel Malus domestica Pommier cultivé Melo comune Mailer Apple tree 1044
Holzapfel Malus sylvestris Pommier sauvage Melo selvatico Mailer selvadi European crab apple 1043
Echte Mispel Mespilus germanica Néflier d’Allemagne Nespolo volgare Common medlar 1055
Europäische Hopfenbuche Ostrya carpinifolia Charme-houblon Carpino nero Hop hornbeam 262
Blauglockenbaum Paulownia tomentosa Paulownia Paulownia Princess tree 1888
Fichte Picea abies Epicea Abete rosso, Peccio Pign Norway spruce 88
Arve Pinus cembra Arolle Pino cembro, Cirmolo Schember Swiss stone pine 90
Bergkiefer Pinus mugo Pin de montagne Pino montano Tieu alpin Mountain pine 93-94
Schwarz-Föhre Pinus nigra Pin noir Pino nero, Pino austriaco Tieu nair European black pine 92
Weymouths-Kiefer Pinus strobus Pin Weymouth Pino strobo Tieu american Eastern white pine 95
Waldkiefer Pinus sylvestris Pin sylvestre Pino silvestre, Pino rosso Tieu da gaud Scots pine 91
Silber-Pappel Populus alba Peuplier blanc Pioppo bianco, Gattice Trembel alv Silver poplar 602
Schwarz-Pappel Populus nigra Peuplier noir Pioppo nero Trembel nair Black poplar 603-604
Zitter-Pappel Populus tremula Tremble Pioppo tremulo Trembel Aspen 601
Süßkirsche Prunus avium Cerisier sauvage Ciliegio Tscharescher Sweet cherry 1071
Pflaume Prunus domestica Prunier Prugno Primbler Plum tree 1070
Felsenkirsche Prunus mahaleb Merisier odorant Ciliegio canino Tscharescha chanina Mahaleb cherry 1075
Gewöhnliche Traubenkirsche Prunus padus Merisier à grappes, Bois puant Pado Alaussa Bird cherry 1073–1074
Schwarzdorn Prunus spinosa Epine noire Prugnolo, Pruno selvatico Parmuglier Blackthorn 1065
Aprikosenbaum Prunus armeniaca Abricotier Albicocco Apricoser Apricot tree 1066
Pfirsich Prunus persica Pêcher Pesco Persicher Peach tree 1067
Mandelbaum Prunus dulcis Amandier Mandorlo Mandler Almond tree 1068
Kriechen-Pflaume Prunus insititia Prunier à greffer Susino Palogher, Plimber Plum tree 1069
Kirschlorbeer Prunus laurocerasus Lauerier-cerise Lauroceraso Arbaja-tscharescha Cherry laurel 1077
Blasenspiere Physocarpus opulifolius Physiocarpe à feuilles d’obier Spiraea americana Spiraea americana Common ninebark 1078
Douglasfichte Pseudotsuga menziesii Sapin de Douglas Abete di Douglas Douglas fir 87
Wildbirne Pyrus pyraster Poirier sauvage Pero selvatico Pairer selvadi European wild pear 1041
Kultur-Birne Pyrus communis Poirier Pero comune Pairer Common pear 1041a
Zerr-Eiche Quercus cerris Chêne chevelu Quercia cerro Turkey oak 247
Trauben-Eiche Quercus petraea Chêne sessile Quercia rovere Ruver tardiv Sessile oak 250
Flaum-Eiche Quercus pubescens Chêne pubescent Quercia pubescente, Roverella Ruver pailus Downy oak 248
Stiel-Eiche Quercus robur Chêne pédonculé Quercia comune, Farnia Ruver cumin Common oak 249
Rot-Eiche Quercus rubra Chêne rouge Quercia rossa Northern red oak 251
Sumpf-Eiche Quercus palustris Chêne des marais Quercia delle paludi Swamp Spanish oak 252
Stein-Eiche Quercus ilex Chêne vert Leccio Evergreen oak 246
Alpen-Kreuzdorn Rhamnus alpina Nerprun des Alpes Ranno alpino Alpine buckthorn 1338
Purgier-Kreuzdorn Rhamnus cathartica Nerprun purgatif Spinocervino Spina da tschierv, Ramner cumin Common buckthorn 1337
Zwerg-Kreuzdorn Rhamnus pumila Nerprun nain Ranno spaccasassi Spina da tschierv nanina, Ramner pitschen 1339
Felsen-Kreuzdorn Rhamnus saxatilis Nerprun des rochers Ranno spinello Ramner da grip 1340
Rostblättrige Alpenrose Rhododendron ferrugineum Rhododendron ferrugineux Rododendro rosso Cresta-cot cotschna, Grusaida cotschna Rusty-leaved alpenrose 786
Bewimperte Alpenrose Rhododendron hirsutum Rhododendron cilié Rododendro irsuto Cresta-cot tschegliada, Grusaida tschegliada Hairy alpenrose 785
Alpen-Johannisbeere Ribes alpinum Groseillier des Alpes Ribes alpino Uzua alpina Alpine currant 853
Stachelbeere Ribes uva-crispa Groseillier épineux Ribes uva spina Ivaspina Gooseberry 855
Felsen-Johannisbeere Ribes petraeum Groseillier des rochers Ribes dei sassi Uzua da grip 1065
Robinie Robinia pseudoacacia Robinier faux acacia Robinia Robinia Black locust 1162
Alpen-Hagrose Rosa pendulina Rosier des Alpes Rosa alpina Rosa alpina Mountain rose 997
Reichstachelige Rose Rosa spinosissima Rosier à feuilles de boucage Rosa di macchia Burnet rose 998
Feld-Rose Rosa arvensis Rose des champs Rosa cavallina Rosa champestra 999
Zimt-Rose Rosa majalis Rosier cannelle Rosa cannella Rosa dal matg Cinnamon rose 1000
Rosa rubiginosa agg. 1001–1004
Rosa tomentosa agg. 1005–1008
Essig-Rose Rosa gallica Rosier de France Rosa serpeggiante Gallic rose 1009
Bereifte Rose Rosa glauca Rosier glauque Rosa paonazza Rosa glischa Red-leaved rose 1010
Raublättrige Rose Rosa jundzillii Rosier de Jundzill Rosa di Jundzill 1011
Berg-Rose Rosa montana Rosier des montagnes Rosa montana Rosa da muntogna 1012
Rosa canina agg. 1013–1023
Griffel-Rose Rosa stylosa 1024
Kartoffel-Rose Rosa rugosa Rosier à feuilles rugueuses Rosa con foglie rugose Rugosa rose 1025
Vielblütige Rose Rosa multiflora Rosier à fleurs nombreuses Rosa multiflora Multiflora rose 1026
Himbeere Rubus idaeus Framboisier Lampone, Frambos Ampuauna Red raspberry 1027
Steinbeere Rubus saxatilis Ronce des rochers Rovo erbaiolo, More rosse Tschierletta Stone bramble 1028
Rubus fruticosus agg. 1030-40
Stechender Mäusedorn Ruscus aculeatus Petit houx, Fragon piquant Ruscolo pungitopo butcher's-broom 2856
Silber-Weide Salix alba Saule blanc Salice comune Salesch alv White willow 577
Bruch-Weide Salix fragilis Saule fragile Salice fragile Crack willow 578
Lavendel-Weide Salix elaeagnos Saule drapé Salice ripaiolo Salesch grisch Olive willow, Hoary willow, rosemary willow 579
Korb-Weide Salix viminalis Saule des vanniers Salice da vimini, Vimine, Vetrice Salesch dals chanastrers Common osier, Osier 580
Lorbeer-Weide Salix pentandra Saule laurier Salice odoroso Salesch d’arbaja Bay willow 583
Kahle Weide Salix glabra Saule glabre Salice glabro Salesch glisch 584
Purpur-Weide Salix purpurea Osier rouge, Saule pourpre Salice rosso Salesch purpur Purple willow, Purple osier 585-586
Reif-Weide Salix daphnoides Saule faux daphné Salice dafnoide Salesch prugnius, Salesch dafnoid 587
Mandel-Weide Salix triandra Saule à trois étamines Salice da ceste Salesch cun trais stamins Almond willow, Almond-leaved-willow 588
Blaugrüne Weide Salix caesia Saule bleuâtre Salice azzurrino Salesch blauent 589
Zweifarbige Weide Salix bicolor Saule à deux couleurs Salice bicolore 590
Stink-Weide Salix foetida Saule fétide Salice fetido Salesch spizzalent 591
Waldsteins Weide Salix waldsteiniana Saule de Waldstein Salice di Waldstein Salesch da Waldstein 592
Schwarz-Weide Salix myrsinifolia Saule norcissant Salice annerente Salesch stgir alpin 593-594
Flaum-Weide Salix laggeri Saulde de Lagger Salice di Lagger Salesch da Lagger 595
Apenninen-Weide Salix apennina Saule des Apennins Salice dell’Appennino 596
Sal-Weide Salix caprea Saule marsault Salice delle capre Salesch-chaura Goat willow 597
Asch-Weide Salix cinerea Saule cendré Salice cinereo Salesch tschendrus Grey willow 598
Großblättrige Weide Salix appendiculata Saule appendiculé Salice stipolato Salesch lad 599
Ohr-Weide Salix aurita Saule à oreillettes Salice dorato Salesch ad ureglinas Eared willow 600
Schwarzer Holunder Sambucus nigra Sureau noir Sambuco comune, Sambuco nero Suvi nair Elder, Black elder 1969
Zwerg-Holunder Sambucus ebulus Sureau yèble, petit sureau Sambuco lebbio Suvi pitschen Dwarf elder, Elderwort 1970
Roter Holunder Sambucus racemosa Sureau à grappes Sambuco rosso Suvi cotschen Red Elderberry 1971
Schneebeere Symphoricarpos albus Symphorine blanche Lacrime d’Italia Common snowberry 1972
Echte Mehlbeere Sorbus aria Alisier blanc Sorbo montano, Farinaccio Fignicler Whitebeam, Common Whitebeam 1049
Vogelbeere Sorbus aucuparia Sorbier des oiseleurs Sorbo degli uscellatori Culaischen Rowan, Mountain ash 1047
Berg-Mehlbeere Sorbus mougeotii Sorbier de Mougeot Sorbo di Mougeot Sorber da Mougeot 1051
Elsbeere Sorbus torminalis Alisier torminal Sorbo torminale 1050
Zwergmispel Sorbus chamaemespilus Sorbier petit néflier Sorbo alpino Sorber nanin False Medlar, Dwarf whitebeam 1046
Breitblättrige Mehlbeere Sorbus latifolia Sorbier à larges feuilles Sorbo maggiore 1052
Pimpernuss Staphylea pinnata Staphylier penné Bossolo, Lacrime di Giobbe, Pistacchio falso 850
Eibe Taxus baccata If Tasso comune Taisch Yew 85
Winter-Linde Tilia cordata Tilleul à petites feuilles Tiglio selvatico Tigl d’enviern Small-leaved Lime 508
Sommer-Linde Tilia platyphyllos Tilleul à larges feuilles Tiglio nostrano Tigl da stad Large-leaved lime 506
Silber-Linde Tilia tomentosa Tilleul tomenteux Tiglio tomentoso Tigl d’argient Silver lime 507
Berg-Ulme Ulmus glabra Orme montagnard Olmo di montagna Ulm da muntogna Wych elm, Scots elm 269
Flatter-Ulme Ulmus laevis Orme lisse Olmo bianco Fluttering Elm 271
Feld-Ulme Ulmus minor Orme champêtre Olmo comune Field elm 270
Heidelbeere Vaccinium myrtillus Myrtille Mirtillo nero Izun nair, Izun da guaud Common blueberry 790
Rauschbeere Vaccinium uliginosum Airelle des marais Mirtillo falso Izun da prà Bog Bilberry, Northern Bilberry 791-792
Preiselbeere Vaccinium vitis-idaea Airelle rouge Mirtillo rosso Giglidra Lingonberry, Cowberry 789
Kleinfrüchtige Moosbeere Vaccinium microcarpum Canneberge à petits fruits Mirtillo minore Izun da turb pitschen 794
Gewöhnliche Moosbeere Vaccinium oxycoccos Canneberge Mirtillo palustre Giglidra da palì, Izun fauss da palì Small cranberry 793
Wolliger Schneeball Viburnum lantana Viorne lantane Viburno lantana Lantern pailus Wayfaring tree 1973
Gemeiner Schneeball Viburnum opulus Viorne obier Oppio, Palle di neve Lantern cumin Guelder rose 1974
Mistel Viscum album Gui Vischio comune Vistga Common mistletoe 1301–1303
Alpen-Bärentraube Arctostaphylos alpina Raisin d’ours des Alpes Corbolezzo alpino Garvais alpin, Giglidra alpina Alpine bearberry 784
Rosmarinheide Andromeda polifolia Andromède à feuilles de polium Andromeda Andromeda Bog rosemary 782


  1. Lauber Konrad, Wagner Gerhart: Flora Helvetica. 2009
  2. Lauber Konrad, Wagner Gerhart, Gygax Andreas: Flora Helvetica. 2012


  • Lauber Konrad, Wagner Gerhart: Flora Helvetica. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien, Vierte, vollständig überarbeitete Auflage unter Mitwirkung von Andreas Gygax, 2009, ISBN 978-3-258-07205-0.
  • Lauber Konrad, Wagner Gerhart, Gygax Andreas: Flora Helvetica. Haupt Verlag, Fünfte, vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, 2012, ISBN 978-3-258-07700-0.

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Agama weidholzi Status konservasiRisiko rendahIUCN203801 TaksonomiKerajaanAnimaliaFilumChordataKelasReptiliaOrdoSquamataFamiliAgamidaeGenusAgamaSpesiesAgama weidholzi Otto von Wettstein, 1932 lbs Agama weidholzi, atau agama Gambia, adalah sebuah spesies kadal dalam keluarga Agamidae. Spesies tersebut adalah kadal kecil yang ditemukan di Senegal, Gambia, Mali, dan Guinea-Bissau.[2] Referensi ^ Wilms, T., Wagner, P. & Jallow, M. (2013). Agama weidholzi. The IUCN Red List of Threaten...

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Ethnic deportation of Eritreans in the Sudan Deportation of Eritreans in SudanPart of the War in Sudan (2023)Map of the deportation of Eritreans from Sudan from several Sudanese cities to the border towns of the Sudanese-Eritrean border.   Eritrea in the far end of the mapLocationEritrean-Sudanese borderDateApril or May 2023TargetEritreans and Sudanese-EritreansAttack typeForcible displacementDeaths95 Eritreans, possibly dead according to the Guardian (11 Eritreans killed in the ong...


Hospital Ezra Hospital,Calcutta The Ezra Hospital is a part of Medical College Kolkata. History The Ezra Hospital was built through the munificence of Mrs. Mozelle E. D. J. Ezra.[1] It was inaugurated in 1887. Still, patients were admitted from 9 April 1888. Initially, it was meant for the Jewish population of the city. Departments At present, the Ezra Hospital houses the following departments of Calcutta Medical College: Department of ENT Department of Psychiatry Department of Chest ...

Iranian footballer Mohsen Bengar Bengar in 2019Personal informationFull name Mohsen BengarDate of birth (1979-07-06) July 6, 1979 (age 44)Place of birth Nowshahr, IranHeight 1.91 m (6 ft 3 in)Position(s) Centre BackTeam informationCurrent team Omid Vahdat (head coach)Senior career*Years Team Apps (Gls)2001–2004 Shamoushak 88 (6)2004–2012 Sepahan 205 (12)2012–2016 Persepolis 318 (2)2016–2017 Tractor 12 (0)2017–2018 Naft Tehran 38 (4)2018–2019 Pars Jonoubi 12 (1)...


Social issue in the U.S. Native American reservation inequality underlies a range of societal issues that affect the lives of Native American populations residing on reservations in the United States. About one third of the Native American population, about 700,000 people, lives on an Indian Reservation in the United States.[1] Reservation poverty and other discriminatory factors have led to persisting social inequality on Native American reservations. Disparities between many aspects...


German infantry division 38th SS-Grenadier-Division NibelungenEmblem of the divisionActiveMarch–May 1945Country Nazi GermanyBranch Waffen-SSTypeInfantrySizeDivision of 6,000 personnelPart ofXIII SS Army CorpsEngagements Second World War Defense of the Homeland Military unit The 38th SS Grenadier Division Nibelungen (German: 38. SS-Grenadier-Division Nibelungen) was a World War II infantry division of the Waffen-SS, the military wing of the German Nazi Party. Formed in April 1945, ...

Antoni Wysocki Antoni Wysocki (May 25, 1884 – October 22, 1940) was a Polish military commander. He was a member of the Greater Poland Uprising, the commander of the Wilda military campaign, which was the first to reach the Bazar Hotel on the day of the outbreak of the insurrection. Biography Antoni Wysocki was born on May 25, 1884, in Poznań. He was a son of Michal (a saddler) and Maria Stępniak. From 1902 to 1904 he was learning to become a printer. He obtained the vocational certificat...


Public university in Saratoga Springs, New York State University of New York-Empire State UniversityTypePublic universityEstablished1971; 52 years ago (1971)Parent institutionState University of New YorkEndowment$14.5 million[1]PresidentLisa VollendorfAcademic staff160 full time and 490 part timeStudents15,268Undergraduates12,033Postgraduates3,235LocationSaratoga Springs, New York, U.S.ColorsOrange, blue, black      [2]NicknameBluebirds[2&#...


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