Tæt relateret til økonofysik er sociofysik, der fokuserer på sociologiske problemstillinger. Blandt de teoretiske retninger inden for økonomi kategoriseres økonofysik som heterodoks.
Surya Y., Situngkir, H., Dahlan, R. M., Hariadi, Y., Suroso, R. (2004). Aplikasi Fisika dalam Analisis Keuangan (Physics Applications in Financial Analysis. Bina Sumber Daya MIPA. ISBN9793073527
Nature Physics Focus issue: Complex networks in finance March 2013 Volume 9 No 3 pp 119–128
Mark Buchanan, What has econophysics ever done for us?, Nature 2013
An Analytical treatment of Gibbs-Pareto behaviour in wealth distribution by Arnab Das and Sudhakar Yarlagadda [1]
A distribution function analysis of wealth distribution by Arnab Das and Sudhakar Yarlagadda [2]
Analytical treatment of a trading market model by Arnab Das [3]
Martin Shubik and Eric Smith, The Guidance of an Enterprise Economy, MIT Press, [4] MIT Press (2016)
Abergel, F., Aoyama, H., Chakrabarti, B.K., Chakraborti, A., Deo, N., Raina, D., Vodenska, I. (Eds.), Econophysics and Sociophysics: Recent Progress and Future Directions, [5], New Economic Windows Series, Springer (2017)
Economic Fluctuations and Statistical Physics: Quantifying Extremely Rare and Much Less Rare Events, Eugene Stanley, Videolectures.net