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The introduction to a scientific work or final project is the most important part of a scientific work or thesis because the contents of the introduction itself is a detailed description of the research you are doing. Preliminary writing must be detailed, starting from the problems raised from your research in general to the research results you expect. Although the contents of the introduction are very detailed, they should not be too long and wordy. So, how do you write a good and correct introduction? Check out the following explanation.

1. The first paragraph describes the problem in general

This paragraph describes the general problem of the topic you are raising in your research. After describing the problem in general terms, you explain again why it is so important to solve the problem. Don't forget to include sources or sites that prove that the problem is a fact and actually happened.

2. The second paragraph describes the problem specifically.

This second paragraph specifically describes the problem to be solved. Specifically here the point is that the discussion of the problem has led the object to experience problems. You have to explain what object you are going to aim for, starting from the understanding, details of the problem with the object, and the reasons why you want to solve the problem with the object.

3. The third paragraph explains the existing solutions (Current Solution)

Furthermore, this third paragraph contains the current solutions. Observing existing solutions can be done by reading previous research that is similar to the research you are currently doing. Write down some of the solutions you find and don't forget to insert quotation marks at the end of the sentence or the end of the paragraph.

4. The fourth paragraph contains the advantages/disadvantages of the existing solutions (Strength or Weakness)

If you already have an idea of ​​the method used from the results of previous research, you can take one of the sides that will be discussed in paragraph 4, namely the advantages or disadvantages.

5. The fifth paragraph contains the solutions that will be given to the problems raised.

After you have explained the advantages or disadvantages of previous research, the next step is to convey the solutions you will provide. If you discuss the shortcomings of the method used in previous research, then in the current research state the new method you propose to solve the problem. If you state the strengths of previous research, then in the current research you can use the same method to solve problems on your research object. After that, briefly add your proposed explanatory modeling method and the data you used briefly.

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