Zipeg is an open sourcefree software that extracts files from a wide range of compressed archive formats. Zipeg works under Mac OS X and Windows. It is best known for its file preview ability. It is incapable of compressing files, although it is able to extract compressed ones. Zipeg is built on top of the 7-Zip backend. Its UI is implemented in Java and is open source.
Zipeg automatically detects filenames in national alphabets (code pages) and correctly translates them to Unicode. Zipeg reads Exif thumbnails from JPEG digital photographs and uses them for "tool tip" style preview and item icons.
The development has halted since version 2.9.4 from July 2012,[2] the website is no longer available and the source code has also been archived. (Though that happened automatically when Google Code was archived in early 2016.[3])
There is also no recent activity on Leo Kuznetsovs GitHub-Account related to zipeg.[4]