The film is based on Ramayana 's Hindu scripture, showing Anjaneya 's devotion to Rama. It begins with Rama & Sita 's crowning ceremony. Next, Anjaneya cannot detach from his Lord when he returns to Kishkinda. Here, Siva praises eminence when Parvati conflicts that power is more significant than devotion, which is the vital force. Parallelly, Kaasi King Yayati, an advent devotee of Rama, fails to attend the ceremony and is eulogized by Rama in the dream. Ergo, Parvati triggers Maya the illusion to probe him, who impels cruel beasts into his Kingdom. Yayati slays them and shoots at Maya when she turns into Matanga kanya, enters Sapta Rushi Ashram, and asks for a pardon from Vishvamitra. By this time, she becomes a victim when furious Vishvamitra is about to curse Yayati. Then, Narada prevents and states that the penalization is the emperor's job.
So, Vishvamitra proceeds to Rama. Despite being crestfallen, he edicts capital punishment and sends Bharata. Yayati obeys his order and moves towards Ayodhya. Shantimati, the wife of Yayati with the children, also starts to plead with Sita. Parvati feels proud of her vindication when Siva creates a calamity in which they all part. Currently, Yayati lands up at Añjanā ashram, which blesses him with a full-fledged life. Yayati replies that he has no chance when she calls Anjaneya. Unbeknownst, he vows on Rama to shield Yayati, who crumbles, affirming the actuality but standing firm. Siva rescues & drops Shantimati and at Ayodhya, and Vasishtha shelters the children.
Meanwhile, Rama is despondent by being conscious of Anjaneya's oath. After that, Anjaneya sends Angada as an emissary to Rama, but to no avail. Subsequently, Yayati could not cope with the wrangling and attempted suicide. Whereat, Siva shields him in disguise and enlightens Anjaneya that it is an insult to his Lord if he cannot keep up his word. Accordingly, he attires war when Rama also moves, and the two encounter when Rama fires his arrow Ramabanam and Anjaneya, his devotional chanting Sriramanamam, which colludes and leads to catastrophe. Parallelly, Shantimati earnestly prays to Goddess Parvati, which melts her and makes her comprehend. At last, Siva & Parvati appear, stating it is all done to evidence the Power of Devotion when Vishvamitra forgives Yayati. Finally, the movie ends happily with a proclamation that Rama's chanting & Rama's arrow will revolve around the universe; to protect the wise and destroy the evil.