The film is set in the period of the 1980s. The story revolves around Salim Pasha, a man with a physical disability. He is involved in crimes like extortion and robbery with two of his friends Peera and Abdul. Salim is a carefree man. He lives with his parents and his younger sister.
Salim's younger brother Javed Pasha (who has been a hard-working student all his life) dies because of an electric shock. His parents are keen to get his younger sister married to a proofreader of an Urdu newspaper named Aslam.
After watching a documentary film made on the communal riots of Bhiwandi, Salim is shaken from within. He wants to give up everything he does and start life afresh. Salim tries to look for a job and ends up with a job at a garage with the help of a restaurant owner. Salim happily goes to Aslam to tell about the way he would start up his new life.
Salim is asked to stir up a riot for a huge sum of money. He refuses to do so and tells them how he is devastated since he has seen the outcome of Bhiwandi communal riots.
On the day of his younger sister's engagement with Aslam, Salim is seen happily dancing with his friends. During the celebrations of his sister's engagement ceremony, he is killed by one of his rivals. [3][4]