Major Chandrakant (Ashok Kumar), who has become blind during warfare, has two sons, Inspector Shreekant (Raaj Kumar) and Rajnikant (Feroz Khan). Major Chandrakant promises his neighbour Master Gunichand (Kanhaiyalal) that he will get his daughter Pallavi married to Rajnikant, but Rajnikant falls in love with Vimla (K. R. Vijaya) during cadet training in Madras. When Vimla gets pregnant, he is not ready to accept her, due to fear of telling the truth to his father. Rajnikant asks Vimla to abort the child and returns to Madras.
Vimla commits suicide. Her brother Mohan (Tarun Bose) vows to avenge her death and kills Rajnikant in the train. On the run from the police, Mohan takes refuge in Major Chandrakant's house and confesses that he is a professor who has, in a fit of rage, killed the man who deceived his sister.
The Major asks Mohan to stay in the attic and makes all efforts to keep him away from his elder son who is a police inspector. When the major receives a telegram about Rajnikant's death, he realizes that Mohan is his son's murderer. He is ashamed that his son had done such a misdeed. Inspector Shreekant, on finding out the truth, arrests Mohan for committing the murder and the major for abetting a killer.