Around 1250 Philipp of Spanheim, the Archbishop-elect of Salzburg, occupied the Ausseerland and the Ennstal in Styria. For the coverage of his claim to power he built the small Pflindsberg castle on a hill west of the village Altaussee.[1] In 1254 he had to withdraw, and the region returned to Styria. In the following centuries the Pflindsberg castle developed into a regional seignory with the right to hold high justice. It was administered by an official of the styrianLandesfürst.[2] The castle was abandoned in 1755 and already a ruin in 1780.[3]
^Reinhard Lamer: Das Ausseer Land. Geschichte und Kultur einer Landschaft. Styria, Graz 1998, p. 31f. ISBN3-222-12613-5
^Karl Vocelka: Die Haus- und Hofnamen der Katastralgemeinden Altaussee, Grundlsee, Lupitsch, Obertressen, Reitern und Strassen im Steirischen Salzkammergut. Band 1 (= Dissertationen der Universität Wien 102). Verband der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs, Wien 1974, p. 19f.