Actor Mridula Barua was honoured with the lifetime Achievement Award for her contribution towards the Assamese film Industry. Actor Adil Hussain received best actor award for Raag and the best actress award has gone to Jaya Seal Ghose for Sringkhal. Jahnu Barua directed Ajeyo won the best film award.[3]
Winners and nominees
The nominees for the Prag Cine Awards 2014 were announced on 3 March 2014. In this edition, awards are given in 23 categories to the Assamese and non-Assamese films produced from Assam and censored in the year of 2013. Raag topped the nomination list with twelve nominations, followed by Ajeyo and Shinyor tied for the second place with eleven each.[6][7][8]
Winners are listed first and highlighted in boldface.[3]