The International Indian Film Academy Awards, popularly known as IIFA, is an annual awards ceremony for Hindi cinema. Produced by Wizcraft International Entertainment Pvt. Ltd, the winners of the awards are decided by fans, who vote online for their favourite actors from the Indian Hindi film industry. Instituted in 2000, the ceremony is held in different countries around the world every year.
The first awards were presented in 2000 at The Millennium Dome in London, United Kingdom. From then onwards, the awards have been held at locations around the world, signifying the international success of Hindi cinema. Since 2000, the event has expanded from a one-night event to a three-day celebration, hosting various events and activities relating to the Indian film industry.[2]
These awards honour films from the previous calendar year. Salman Khan has been the Brand Ambassador of the IIFA since its inception in 2000. In 2009, five special awards were introduced: Star of the Decade (Male and Female), Movie of the Decade, Music of the Decade, and Director of the Decade.[3]
Awards ceremonies
The following is a listing of all International Indian Film Academy Awards ceremonies since 2000.