The film begins in a village where Pedababu is an arbiter esteemed as a deity. However, he lives in solitude, far from his mother, Parvati. Do not agree to talk with her as she has performed a re-marriage with Gangadharam, but be polite towards them. The couple has two sons and a daughter, Geeta. Once, a venomous Rudraraju belonging to an adjacent village tries to molest a girl when an inflamed Pedababu chops his hand. So, he mingles with his sly brother-in-law Kanakaraju and is vindictive toward Pedababu. They avail of the half-sibling begrudge on his prosperity and make a point of affronting him. Besides, Neelavani, a cousin of Pedababu, intensely adores him, and he also quietly dear her.
Meanwhile, Geeta loves Bhaskar, the grandson of Pedababu's scribe Raghavaiah, whom he gives utmost respect to. Kanakaraju divulges it to her brothers, who clout Bhaskar when Pedababu comes to get word to unite the pair. At that point, the step-brothers question, who is he to do? When Parvati asserts him as her elder son, he refuses, and she collapses. As a result, everyone accuses Pedababu of his deed. Then, he is overwhelmed with grief and moves rearward.
Twenty-five years ago, Sivaramaiah, his grandfather, had morality and forefront held the same reverence as Pedababu. He knitted Parvati with a wise guy, and they are blessed with Pedababu. Soon after, Pedababu's father passes away, which distraught Sivaramaiah and his health deteriorates. Gangadharam is his unimpeachable servant whom he requests to nuptial his daughter and forcibly makes Parvati agree. Next, Sivaramaiah arrays the horoscopes to an omnipotent saint who states that Pedababu ignites the death of his parents. Plus, the concrete outlet is to detach the mother and the kid. Overhearing it, Pedababu ascertains his mother's safety as vital and residing apart from her.
Concurrently, Chandu, son of an amoral MP, aspires to possess Geeta. Accordingly, they move with offers of espousal through Kanakaraju, and rapacious brothers take the plea. Here, Pedababu warns the MP and vows to unite the two birds by wiping off anyone who stands in the way. Hence, he wiles to slaughter Pedababu at the temple, given that he stands still until prayer ends when nature shields him from the evils. Thus, MP & his men hustle back, viewing the furious form of Pedababu. Being conscious of it, Rudraraju violently attempts to wedlock Geeta, backstabbing her brothers and smacking the parents. Spotting it, Pedababu flares up, protects his family, and ceases the black guards. Therein, the brothers reform and seek to pardon Pedababu. Parvati pleads with him to endorse her as his mother, but he still keeps silent. Due to that crash, Parvati becomes terminally ill. At last, Pedababu bows his head before God reaches and calls Parvati as a mother, which makes her recoup. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the familfamily'sion.