Patta Potta Monta (パッタ ポッタ モン太) is a children's anime series. It aired in Japan between August 1, 2006, and January 30, 2007, on Chiba TV. The show was made as commemoration of the 15th anniversary of production company Tokyo Kids. The series follows a group of anthropomorphic animal characters who used to reside in the city suddenly transplanted to the country (Monta Island) where they attempt to adapt to life and learn important lessons.
An English dub of all 26 episodes called Going Wild, Going Green was produced by Bright Way Productions for GD Multimedia and Eternal Pictures. The dub aired in the United States on various Christian television networks Smile[3] and on Parables TV where it was available on demand.[4]
Monta (モン太), Monty in the English dub, was voiced by Yukiko Iwai.
Mondo (モンド), Rocko in the English dub, was voiced by Kazuya Ichijō.
Monjiro (モン次郎), Chester in the English dub, was voiced by Rikako Yamaguchi.
English title Japanese
Japanese air date
Carefree Island / The Mysterious Dr Sparks のほん島ってどこ!? / ガリガリ博士と不思議な実
August 1, 2006
My Sweet Cell Phone / The Chief of Idle Village あま〜い ケータイ / ひまだ村の村長さん