The above definition of the skeleton of a simplicial complex is a particular case of the notion of skeleton of a simplicial set. Briefly speaking, a simplicial set can be described by a collection of sets , together with face and degeneracy maps between them satisfying a number of equations. The idea of the n-skeleton is to first discard the sets with and then to complete the collection of the with to the "smallest possible" simplicial set so that the resulting simplicial set contains no non-degenerate simplices in degrees .
More precisely, the restriction functor
has a left adjoint, denoted .[2] (The notations are comparable with the one of image functors for sheaves.) The n-skeleton of some simplicial set is defined as
Moreover, has a right adjoint . The n-coskeleton is defined as
For example, the 0-skeleton of K is the constant simplicial set defined by . The 0-coskeleton is given by the Cech nerve
(The boundary and degeneracy morphisms are given by various projections and diagonal embeddings, respectively.)