Start (approx. 25 m or 300 to 600 m from the shooting range)
Shooting (5 hits with an unlimited number of shots in max. 50 seconds)
Running (300 to 600 m)
[...] repetition of the sequence of shooting and running (2 to 4 repetitions)
Finish: The first person to cross the finish line wins.
The number of repetitions and the distances depend on the age group of the competitors.[2] Running distances range from 300 to 600 m. Distance to the target is 5 or 10 m. On senior level, a competitor runs five 600 m laps with four series of hitting five targets at a distance of 10 meters.
There are different rankings according to gender and age group.
From 2015 to 2021 the running distances were 200 m, 400 m and 800 m.[3]
The laser-run uses laser pistols and targets that have to be homologated by the UIPM. Laser pistols are usually also provided by the organizers at regional competitions to enable an easier entry into the sport. In national or international competitions, the participants compete with their own pistols. The laser pistols are safe for spectators and participants. They are almost noiseless and they are not subject to weapons legislation.
The laser-run uses electronic targets with five green and red lights as indicators. The target is similar to the one of 10 Meter Air Pistol competitions with the dimension of 17 x 17 cm and a black target area of 59,5 mm in diameter. The distance from floor level to the centre of the target is 140 cm.
There are no special requirements for running equipment.