Kalambatritra Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in southern Madagascar . It is to the north of Andohahela National Park , south-west of the Manombo Special Reserve and contains many endemic species , including forty-five endemic bird species.
This 28,255 hectares (69,820 acres) reserve is within the commune of Begogo , in Anosy Region and 55 kilometres (34 mi) east of Betroka . The Kalambatritra massif is a series of undulating hills and steep summits and is part of the Antaivondro-Kalambatritra mountain chain. The many small streams feed the Ionaivo , Mananara and Mandrare rivers.[ 2]
The dominant ethnic group in the area is the Bara people .[ 2]
Flora and fauna
The humid, evergreen forest is relatively undisturbed and divided into blocks with savannahs of the coarse grass (Aristida imperata ) inbetween. Among the 699 species of plants so far recorded on the reserve, two families are endemic; the Torricelliaceae , including Melanophylla alnifolia and the Sarcolaenaceae including Leptolaena pauciflora , which, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is an endangered species on the IUCN Red List .[ 3]
Seventy-four species of birds are known from the reserve, of which forty-five are endemic.[ 4] They are all listed as of least concern except Meller's duck (Anas melleri ), which is listed as endangered and the wedge-tailed jery (Neomixis flavoviridis ), Madagascar yellowbrow (Crossleyia xanthophrys ), Grey-crowned Tetraka (Bernieria cinereiceps ), Pollen's Vanga (Xenopirostris polleni ) and Rufous-headed ground roller (Atelornis crossleyi ) which are all listed as near threatened .[ 5] [ 6] [ 7] [ 8] [ 9] [ 10]
Lemurs found on the reserve are listed below.
List of lemur species found in Kalambatritra Reserve[ 11]
Viewing time
Growing rice and cutting wood for construction and cooking are the main threats to the area.[ 2]
See also
External links
Strict Nature Reserves National parks Marine National Parks Special Reserves Other protected areas