During the 1980s, Varenne directed the series "Le Monde Indien" in the prestigious publishing house Les Belles Lettres, and he founded the Belles Lettres collection "Études Indo-Européennes" in 1987.[7] He served as the president of GRECE from 1984 to 1987,[3][8] and was also a member of the Institute of Formation of the Front National (FN) of Jean-Marie Le Pen.[9] In 1990, he was nominated to the "Scientific Council" of the FN.[10]
Later life and death
At the end of his life, Varenne was working on an Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religions; only articles on Hinduism were published at the time of his death on 12 July 1997.[1][2]
Mahâ-Nârâyana Upanisad, 2 vol., Paris, Éditions de Boccard (PICI), 1960.
Mantra védiques dans le « Raurava-âgama », JA 250/2, pp 185–1987, 1962.
Zarathushtra et la tradition mazdéenne, Paris, Seuil, 1962 [reed. 1977].
Le Véda, ed. Planète, 1967, [reed. Les Deux Océans, 2003].
Mythes et légendes, extraits des Brâhmanas, Paris, Gallimard, 1968.