Intel's i486 OverDrive processors are a category of various Intel i486s that were produced with the designated purpose of being used to upgradepersonal computers. The OverDrives typically possessed qualities different from 'standard' i486s with the same speed steppings. Those included built-in voltage regulators, different pin-outs, write-back cache instead of write-through cache, built-in heatsinks, and fanless operation — features that made them more able to work where an ordinary edition of a particular model would not.
Each 486 Overdrive typically came in two versions, ODP and ODPR variants.[1] The ODPR chips had 168 pins and functioned as complete swap-out replacements for existing chips, whereas the ODP chips had an extra 169th pin, and were used for inserting into a special 'Overdrive' (PGA 169) socket on some i486 boards, which would disable the existing CPU without needing to remove it (in case that the existing CPU is surface-mounted). ODP chips will not work in Pre-Socket 1 486 boards due to the extra pin. The ODP and ODPR labeling can be found in the CPU's model number(i.e.: DX2ODPR66).
Models available included:
20 MHz FSB, 40 MHz clock speed
25 MHz FSB, 50 MHz clock speed
33 MHz FSB, 66 MHz clock speed
25 MHz FSB, 75 MHz clock speed
33 MHz FSB, 100 MHz clock speed
Two P54 core Pentium-based CPUs were released for PGA 238 Socket 2/Socket 3-based systems, for more information, see Pentium OverDrive