List of Intel Pentium III processors

The Pentium III from Intel is a sixth-generation CPU targeted at the consumer market.

Desktop processors

"Katmai" (250 nm)

  • 9.5 million transistors
  • All models support: MMX, SSE
  • The 'B' suffix denotes a 133 MHz FSB
  • The '80525PYxxx512' number denotes an OEM CPU while the 'BX80525xxxx512' or 'BX80525xxxx512E' number denotes a boxed CPU
  • The L2 cache is off-die and runs at 50% CPU speed.
Model Clock rate L2
FSB Mult. Voltage TDP Socket Release date Release
price (USD)

Pentium III 450 450 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 4.5× 1.93–2.07 V
25.3 W
February 26, 1999 $496

Pentium III 500 500 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 1.93–2.07 V
28 W
  • Slot 1
February 26, 1999 $696

Pentium III 533B 533 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 1.93–2.07 V
29.7 W
  • Slot 1
September 27, 1999 $369

Pentium III 550 550 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 5.5× 1.93–2.07 V
30.8 W
  • Slot 1
May 17, 1999 $700

Pentium III 600 600 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 1.98–2.12 V
34.5 W
  • Slot 1
August 2, 1999 $669

Pentium III 600B 600 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 4.5× 1.98–2.12 V
34.5 W
  • Slot 1
September 27, 1999 $615

"Coppermine" (180 nm)

  • 28 million transistors
  • All models support: MMX, SSE
  • The 'B' suffix denotes a 133 MHz FSB when the same speed was also available with a 100 MHz FSB.
  • The 'E' suffix denotes a processor with support for Intel's Advanced Transfer Cache [1] in Intel documentation; in reality it indicates a Coppermine core when the same speed was available as either Katmai or Coppermine. The 'E' suffix was not used on speeds faster than Katmai was available on, unless the 'B' suffix was also present; but all Coppermine CPUs have the Advanced Transfer Cache.
  • The L2 cache runs at 100% CPU speed
Model Number sSpec Number Frequency L2 Cache FSB Mult Voltage TDP Socket Release Date Part Number(s) Release Price (USD)
Pentium III 500E SL3R2, SL446, SL45R, SL3Q9 500 MHz 256 KB 100 MHz 1.6 V 13.2 W Socket 370 October 25, 1999 RB80526PY500256 $239
SL3US Slot 1 80526PY500256
Pentium III 533EB SL3VA, SL3VF, SL45S, SL3SX 533 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 1.65 V 14 W Socket 370 October 25, 1999 RB80526PZ533256 $305
SL3N6, SL3SX, SL3XG, SL44W Slot 1 80526PZ533256
Pentium III 550E SL3R3, SL44G, SL45T, SL3QA 550 MHz 256 KB 100 MHz 5.5× 1.6–1.7 V 14.5 W Socket 370 October 25, 1999 RB80526PY550256 $368
SL3V5, SL44X, SL3N7 Slot 1 80526PY550256
Pentium III 600E SL3NL, SL45U, SL5BT, SL3VH, SL3XU, SL4CM 600 MHz 256 KB 100 MHz 1.7–1.75 V 19.5 W Socket 370 October 25, 1999 RB80526PY600256 $455
SL3H6, SL4C7, SL3NA, SL44Y, SL43E Slot 1 80526PY600256
Pentium III 600EB SL3VB, SL45V, SL3XT, SL4CL, SL3VG 600 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 4.5× 1.65–1.7 V 15.8 W Socket 370 October 25, 1999 RB80526PZ600256 $455
SL3H7, SL3NB, SL3XJ, SL44Z, SL4C6 Slot 1 80526PZ600256
Pentium III 650 SL3NM, SL3XV, SL45W, SL3VJ, SL4CK 650 MHz 256 KB 100 MHz 6.5× 1.65–1.7 V 17 W Socket 370 October 25, 1999 RB80526PY650256 $583
SL3KV, SL4C5, SL3XK, SL3NR, SL452 Slot 1 80526PY650256
Pentium III 667 SL3T2, SL3XW, SL45X, SL3VK, SL4CJ 667 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 1.65–1.7 V 17.5 W Socket 370 October 25, 1999 RB80526PZ667256 $605
SL3KW, SL3ND, SL3XL, SL453, SL4G6, SL4C4 Slot 1 80526PZ667256
Pentium III 700 SL3T3, SL45Y, SL4M7, SL3VL, SL3XX, SL4CH, SL4ZM 700 MHz 256 KB 100 MHz 1.65–1.7 V 18.3 W Socket 370 October 25, 1999 RB80526PY700256 $754
SL3SY, SL3XM, SL454, SL3S9, SL4C3 Slot 1 80526PY700256
Pentium III 733 SL3T4, SL3XY, SL4M8, SL45Z, SL4CG, SL3VM, SL4ZL 733 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 5.5× 1.65–1.75 V 19.1 W Socket 370 October 25, 1999 RB80526PZ733256 $776
SL3SB, SL3XN, SL3SZ, SL4FQ, SL455, SL4KD, SL4C2, SL4CX Slot 1 80526PZ733256
Pentium III 750 SL3VC, SL4M9, SL3XZ, SL462, SL4CF, SL3VN 750 MHz 256 KB 100 MHz 7.5× 1.65–1.75 V 19.5 W Socket 370 December 20, 1999 RB80526PY750256 $803
SL3V6, SL3WC, SL3XP, SL4KE, SL456, SL4BZ Slot 1 80526PY750256
Pentium III 800 SL3Y3, SL463, SL4CE, SL4MA, SL3X4, SL4ZN, SL65C 800 MHz 256 KB 100 MHz 1.65–1.75 V 20.8 W Socket 370 December 20, 1999 RB80526PY800256 $851
SL3Z6, SL4BY, SL3XR, SL457, SL4KF Slot 1 80526PY800256
Pentium III 800EB SL3VE, SL4CD, SL4MB, SL52P, SL3WB, SL3Y2 800 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 1.65–1.75 V 20.8 W Socket 370 December 20, 1999 RB80526PZ800256 $851
SL3V8, SL4KG, SL4BX, SL458, SL4G7, SL3WA, SL3XQ Slot 1 80526PZ800256
Pentium III 850 SL4MC, SL43H, SL49G, SL4CC, SL4Z2 850 MHz 256 KB 100 MHz 8.5× 1.65–1.75 V 25.7 W Socket 370 March 20, 2000 RB80526PY850256 $765
SL4BW, SL43F, SL47M, SL4KH Slot 1 80526PY850256
Pentium III 866 SL49H, SL4MD, SL43J, SL4ZJ, SL5DX, SL4CB, SL5B5, SL5HK 866 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 6.5× 1.65–1.75 V 22.5/22.9 W Socket 370 March 20, 2000 RB80526PZ866256 $776
SL4BV, SL47N, SL47S, SL43G Slot 1 80526PZ866256
Pentium III 900 SL4SD, SL5BS 900 MHz 256 KB 100 MHz 1.7–1.75 V 28.9 W Socket 370 October 2000 RB80526PY900256
Pentium III 933 SL49J, SL4ME, SL52Q, SL44J, SL4C9, SL5DW, SL5U3, SL5B4, SL5HL 933 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 1.65–1.75 V 24.5/27.3 W Socket 370 May 24, 2000 RB80526PZ933256 $744
SL4BT, SL448, SL47Q Slot 1 80526PZ933256
Pentium III 1000 SL5QV 1 GHz 256 KB 100 MHz 10× 1.75 V 29 W Socket 370 March 8, 2000 RB80526PY001256 $990
SL4BR, SL4KL Slot 1 80526PY1000256
Pentium III 1000EB SL4C8, SL4MF, SL52R, SL5B3, SL5DV, SL5FQ, SL4WM 1 GHz 256 KB 133 MHz 7.5× 1.7–1.76 V 29 W Socket 370 March 8, 2000 RB80526PZ001256 $990
SL4BS, SL48S Slot 1 80526PZ1000256
Pentium III 1100 SL5QW 1.1 GHz 256 KB 100 MHz 11× 1.75 V 33 W Socket 370 June 2000 RB80526PY005256
Pentium III 1133 SL5B2, SL4YV 1.13 GHz 256 KB 133 MHz 8.5× 1.75 V 33 W Socket 370 July 31, 2000 RK80526PZ006256 $990[2]
SL4HH 1.8 V Slot 1 80526PZ1133256
  • All models support: MMX, SSE
  • The L2 cache runs at 100% CPU speed
Model Number sSpec Number Frequency L2 Cache FSB Mult Voltage TDP Socket Release Date Part Number(s) Release Price (USD)
Pentium III 800 SL5QD 800 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 1.75 V 20.8 W Socket 370 June 2001 RB80533PZ800256
Pentium III 866 SL5HG, SL5QE 866 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 6.5× 1.75 V 26.1 W Socket 370 June 2001 RK80533PZ866256
Pentium III 933 SL5HH, SL5QF 933 MHz 256 KB 133 MHz 1.75 V 27.3 W Socket 370 June 2001 RK80533PZ933256
Pentium III 1000 SL5QJ 1 GHz 256 KB 133 MHz 7.5× 1.75 V 29 W Socket 370 June 2001 RK80533PZ001256
Pentium III 1133 SL5QK 1.13 GHz 256 KB 133 MHz 8.5× 1.75 V 29.1 W Socket 370 June 2001 RK80533PZ006256 $990[citation needed]

"Tualatin" (130 nm)

  • All models support: MMX, SSE
  • The 'S' suffix denotes the presence of 512 KB L2 cache and dual-processor capability.
  • The Tualatin-class Pentium IIIs did not include the controversial Processor Serial Number feature that was present in the earlier Pentium IIIs
  • The L2 cache runs at 100% CPU speed
  • Tualatin (S) supports up to 4 GB of memory (PC133 MHz ECC SDRAM DIMM - 4x1GB)
Model Number sSpec Number Frequency L2 Cache FSB Mult Voltage TDP Socket Release Date Part Number(s) Release Price (USD)
Pentium III 1000 SL5GR 1 GHz 256 KB 133 MHz 7.5× 1.475 V 29.9 W Socket 370 July 2001 RK80530PZ001256
Pentium III 1000S[3][4] SL5PS 1 GHz 512 KB 133 MHz 7.5× 1.475 V 29.9 W Socket 370 June 2001 RK80530KZ001512
Pentium III 1133 SL5GQ, SL5LT, SL6C4, SL6JK 1.13 GHz 256 KB 133 MHz 8.5× 1.475 V 29.1 W Socket 370 July 2001 RK80530PZ006256 $268[5]
Pentium III 1133S SL5LV, SL5PU, SL6BW, SL6JM 1.13 GHz 512 KB 133 MHz 8.5× 1.45 V 27.9 W[6] / 28.7 W Socket 370 June 2001 RK80530KZ006512
Pentium III 1200 SL5GN, SL5PM, SL6C3, SL6JL 1.2 GHz 256 KB 133 MHz 1.475 V 29.9 W Socket 370 July 2001 RK80530PZ009256 $294[5]
Pentium III 1266S SL5LW, SL5QL, SL6BX, SL6JN 1.26 GHz 512 KB 133 MHz 9.5× 1.45 V 30.4 W Socket 370 July 2001 RK80530KZ012512
Pentium III 1333 SL5VX, SL6BZ, SL6HS 1.33 GHz 256 KB 133 MHz 10× 1.475 V 29.9 W Socket 370 December 2001 RK80530PZ014256
Pentium III 1400 SL64W, SL6C2, SL6HR 1.4 GHz 256 KB 133 MHz 10.5× 1.5 V 31.2 W Socket 370 December 2001 RK80530PZ017256
Pentium III 1400S[7] SL5XL, SL657, SL6BY, SL6JP 1.4 GHz 512 KB 133 MHz 10.5× 1.45 V 32.2 W Socket 370 January 8, 2002 RK80530KZ017512 $315

Mobile processors

"Coppermine" (180 nm)

Model Clock rate L2
FSB Mult. Voltage TDP Socket Release date Release
price (USD)

Mobile Pentium III 400 400 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 1.35–1.6 V
10.1 W
October 25, 1999 $348

Mobile Pentium III 450 450 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 4.5× 1.1–1.7 V
15.5 W
October 25, 1999 $348

Mobile Pentium III 500 500 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 1.35–1.6 V
16.8 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
October 25, 1999 $530

Mobile Pentium III 600 600 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 1.1–1.6 V
34.5 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
January 18, 2000 $423

Mobile Pentium III 650 650 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 6.5× 1.35–1.6 V
21.5 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
January 18, 2000 $637

Mobile Pentium III 700 700 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 1.35–1.6 V
23 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
April 24, 2000 $562

Mobile Pentium III 750 750 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 7.5× 1.35–1.6 V
24.6 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
June 19, 2000 $562[8]

Mobile Pentium III 800 800 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 1.35–1.6 V
25.9 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
September 25, 2000 $508

Mobile Pentium III 850 850 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 8.5× 1.35–1.6 V
27.5 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
September 25, 2000 $722

Mobile Pentium III 900 900 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 1.35–1.7 V
30.7 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
March 19, 2001 $562

Mobile Pentium III 1.0 1000 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 10× 1.35–1.7 V
34 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
March 19, 2001 $722

Mobile Pentium III LV 600 600 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 1.1–1.35 V
14.4 W
  • BGA2
June 19, 2000 $316[8]

Mobile Pentium III LV 700 700 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 1.1–1.35 V
16.1 W
  • BGA2
February 27, 2001 $316[9]

Mobile Pentium III LV 750 750 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 7.5× 1.1–1.35 V
17.2 W
  • BGA2
May 21, 2001 $316[10]

Mobile Pentium III ULV 500 500 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 0.975–1.1 V
8.1 W
  • BGA2
January 30, 2001 $208[11]

Mobile Pentium III ULV 600 600 MHz 256 KB 100 MT/s 0.975–1.1 V
9.7 W
  • BGA2
May 21, 2001 $209[10]

"Tualatin" (130 nm)

Model Clock rate L2
FSB Mult. Voltage TDP Socket Release date Release
price (USD)

Mobile Pentium III-M 866 867 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 6.5× 1.15–1.4 V
19.5 W
July 30, 2001 $247[12]

Mobile Pentium III-M 933 933 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 1.15–1.4 V
20.1 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
July 30, 2001 $278[12]

Mobile Pentium III-M 1000 1000 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 7.5× 1.15–1.4 V
20.5 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
July 30, 2001 $397[12]

Mobile Pentium III-M 1066 1067 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 1.15–1.4 V
21 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
July 30, 2001 $499[12]

Mobile Pentium III-M 1133 1133 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 8.5× 1.15–1.4 V
21.8 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
July 30, 2001 $625[12]

Mobile Pentium III-M 1200 1200 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 1.15–1.4 V
22 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
October 1, 2001 $722[13]

Mobile Pentium III-M 1266 1267 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 9.5× 1.15–1.4 V
22 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
September 16, 2002 $401[14]

Mobile Pentium III-M 1333 1333 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 10× 1.15–1.4 V
22 W
  • BGA2
  • μPGA2
September 16, 2002 $508[14]

Mobile Pentium III-M LV 733 733 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 5.5× 1.05–1.15 V
9.3 W
October 1, 2001 $241[13]

Mobile Pentium III-M LV 750 750 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 7.5× 1.05–1.15 V
9.4 W
  • BGA2
October 1, 2001 $241[13]

Mobile Pentium III-M LV 800 800 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 1.05–1.15 V
9.4 W
  • BGA2
October 1, 2001 $316[13]

Mobile Pentium III-M LV 800A 800 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 1.05–1.15 V
9.4 W
  • BGA2
October 1, 2001 $316[13]

Mobile Pentium III-M LV 850 850 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 8.5× 1.05–1.15 V
10 W
  • BGA2
January 21, 2002 $316[15]

Mobile Pentium III-M LV 866 867 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 6.5× 1.05–1.15 V
10.1 W
  • BGA2
January 21, 2002 $316[15]

Mobile Pentium III-M LV 933 933 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 1.05–1.15 V
10.5 W
  • BGA2
April 17, 2002 $316[16]

Mobile Pentium III-M LV 1000 1000 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 7.5× 1.05–1.15 V
11 W
  • BGA2
September 16, 2002 $316[14]

Mobile Pentium III-M ULV 700 700 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 0.95–1.1 V
7 W
October 1, 2001 $209[13]

Mobile Pentium III-M ULV 733 733 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 5.5× 0.95–1.1 V
7 W
  • BGA2

Mobile Pentium III-M ULV 750 750 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 7.5× 0.95–1.1 V
7 W
  • BGA2
January 21, 2002 $209[15]

Mobile Pentium III-M ULV 800 800 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 0.95–1.1 V
9.8 W
  • BGA2
April 17, 2002 $209[16]

Mobile Pentium III-M ULV 800A 800 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 0.95–1.1 V
9.8 W
  • BGA2
April 17, 2002 $209[16]

Mobile Pentium III-M ULV 850 850 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 8.5× 0.95–1.1 V
9.8 W
  • BGA2
September 16, 2002 $209[14]

Mobile Pentium III-M ULV 866 867 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 6.5× 0.95–1.1 V
9.8 W
  • BGA2
September 16, 2002 $209[14]

Mobile Pentium III-M ULV 900 900 MHz 512 KB 100 MT/s 0.95–1.1 V
9.8 W
  • BGA2
January 14, 2003 $209[17]

Mobile Pentium III-M ULV 933 933 MHz 512 KB 133 MT/s 0.95–1.1 V
9.8 W
  • BGA2
January 14, 2003 $209[17]

Videogame consoles

"Coppermine-128" (180 nm)

Xbox's Coppermine CPU

A custom Coppermine-based Pentium III version was developed for Microsoft's Xbox game console. The only significant change was that the chip lost half of its L2 cache, dropping it down to 128 KB. Unlike the Celeron Coppermine-128 variant with the same size L2 cache, but reduced 4-way L2 cache associativity, Xbox's Coppermine core kept all of its 8-way L2 cache associativity from the Pentium III. This means that the Xbox CPU's L2 cache is more efficient than Celeron's. The Xbox CPU was manufactured onto the same Micro-PGA2 packaging as notebook chips, but in a BGA (ball grid array) format.

  • All models support: MMX, SSE
  • The L2 cache runs at 100% cpu speed
Model Clock rate L2
FSB Mult. Voltage TDP Socket Release date Release
price (USD)

Intel Pentium III KC 733 (Xbox CPU) 733 MHz 128 KB 133 MT/s 5.5× ?–1.7 V
? W
June 19, 2000 -

See also


  1. ^ "Pentium iii Processor Datasheet - Page 10" (PDF). Retrieved 28 January 2019.
  2. ^ "Intel Introduces Pentium® III Processor At 1.13 Gigahertz". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  3. ^ Pentium III 1000S
  4. ^ "Pentium III 1000S(OEM)". Archived from the original on 2017-10-09. Retrieved 2010-11-14.
  5. ^ a b "Intel's Pentium III 1.2GHz processor". Retrieved 3 August 2022.
  6. ^ "from CPU-World". CPU-World.
  7. ^ Intel Introduces Faster Intel® Pentium® III Processors For Front-End And General-Purpose Servers
  8. ^ a b "Intel Introduces Five New Processors For Mobile PCs". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  9. ^ "New Intel Mobile Processor Delivers Best Performance And Minimal Power Consumption For Sub 3-Pound Notebooks". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  10. ^ a b "Intel Delivers New Low Power Processors For Ultra-Portable Mobile PCs". Intel. Archived from the original on 2002-08-03. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  11. ^ "Intel Delivers Breakthrough in Microprocessor Power Consumption". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  12. ^ a b c d e "Intel Transforms Notebook PCs With New Mobile Pentium® III Processor-M". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  13. ^ a b c d e f "Intel Announces World's Fastest And Lowest-Power Processors For Mobile PCs". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  14. ^ a b c d e "Intel Delivers 11 New Processors For All Mobile PC Segments". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  15. ^ a b c "New Processors From Intel Complete Transition Of Its Entire Mobile Product Line To 0.13-Micron Process Technology". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  16. ^ a b c "Intel Packs Performance Into Ultra-Portable Mobile PCs". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.
  17. ^ a b "Intel Enhances Performance Of Mobile Computing Processors". Intel. Retrieved 2022-08-28.

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Alfred Boucher Alfred Boucher (* 23. September 1850 in Bouy-sur-Orvin; † 18. August 1934 in Aix-les-Bains) war ein französischer Bildhauer. Leben Er war der Sohn eines Landarbeiters. Als Jugendlicher wurde er dem angesehenen Bildhauer Paul Dubois (1829–1905) aus Nogent-sur-Seine vorgestellt, der ihn in seiner künstlerischen Berufung ermutigte. Mit finanzieller Unterstützung seiner Wohngemeinde konnte Alfred Boucher 1869 an der École des beaux-arts in Paris ein Studium bei Paul Dubois ...

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Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Januari 2023. Olimpiade Prancis adalah Olimpiade yang diadakan di Prancis. Terdapat 6 Olimpiade yang diselenggarakan di Prancis; Olimpiade Musim Panas 1900, Paris Olimpiade Musim Dingin 1924, Chamonix Olimpiade Musim Panas 1924, Paris Olimpiade Musim Dingin 1968, Gr...

This article is about the current branch of the Australian Labor Party. For the period during the 1930s when the branch was briefly expelled from the Australian Labor Party, see Lang Labor. For the defunct left–wing Labor organisation that existed during the 1940s, see State Labor Party. Political party in Australia New South Wales Labor New South Wales Labor PartyLeaderChris MinnsDeputy leaderPrue CarGeneral secretaryDominic OffnerPresidentMichelle RowlandFounded1891; 132 ...

Parte da série sobrePolítica da Austrália Constituição Monarquia Monarca - Carlos III do Reino Unido Governador-geral - David Hurley Executivo Primeiro-ministro (Lista) - Scott Morrison Vice primeiro-ministro - Barnaby Joyce Conselho Executivo Federal Legislativo Parlamento da Austrália - Senado - Câmara dos Representantes Judiciário Suprema Corte Eleições Eleições federais - 2013 · 2016 · 2019 Tópicos relacionados Missões diplomáticas Subdivisões r...

1998 video gameTest Drive 5PAL cover art featuring the 1998 Aston Martin V8 Vantage (foreground) and the 1998 TVR Cerbera Speed 6 (background).Developer(s)Pitbull SyndicatePublisher(s) Accolade WW: AccoladeJP: Capcom Composer(s)Steven M. AllisonSeriesTest DrivePlatform(s)PlayStation, Microsoft WindowsReleasePlayStationNA: 8 October 1998[1]EU: December 1998WindowsNA: 18 November 1998[2]Genre(s)RacingMode(s)Single-player, multiplayer Test Drive 5 is a racing game developed by Pi...

Sculpture by Thomas Crawford on top of the US Capitol Not to be confused with Statue of Liberty. Statue of FreedomStatue of Freedom (model, 1854–1857; cast 1860–1862)ArtistThomas CrawfordDimensions5.9 m (19.5 ft)Weight15,000 pounds (6,800 kg)LocationWashington, D.C.Coordinates38°53′23.4″N 77°00′32.6″W / 38.889833°N 77.009056°W / 38.889833; -77.009056 The Statue of Freedom, also known as Armed Freedom or simply Freedom, is a bronze statue d...

This article is about Robert Schumann's concerto. For Clara Schumann's, see Piano Concerto (Clara Schumann). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Piano Concerto Schumann – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (January 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Piano Con...

生死諜變쉬리韓國版《魚》電影海報基本资料导演姜帝圭监制姜帝圭制片李觀學、邊茂林编剧姜帝圭主演韓石圭崔岷植宋康昊金允珍配乐李東俊摄影金成福剪辑朴曲之(朝鲜语:박곡지)制片商姜帝圭製片公司片长123分鐘产地 韩国语言韓語上映及发行上映日期 1999年2月13日 1999年11月4日 1999年11月12日预算30億韓元[1]票房621萬觀影人次[2]各地片名中国大陆生死谍...

Arondisemen Évry Administrasi Negara Prancis Region Île-de-France Departemen Essonne Kanton 17 Komune 52 Préfecture Évry Statistik Luas¹ 469 km² Populasi  - 1999 471,435  - Kepadatan 1,005/km² Lokasi Lokasi Évry di Île-de-France ¹ Data Pendaftaran Tanah Prancis, tak termasuk danau, kolam, dan gletser lebih besar dari 1 km² (0.386 mi² atau 247 ekar) juga muara sungai. Arondisemen Évry merupakan sebuah arondisemen di Prancis, terletak di département Essonne, di r...

Serbia Stasiun anggotaRTSEven seleksi nasional Final Nasional Beovizija 2007–2009 2018[1] Komponis pilihan internal 2010 2011 2015 Beosong 2013 Seleksi Internal 2012 2016–2017 PartisipasiTotal partisipasi11 (8 final)Partisipasi pertama2007Hasil terbaikke-1: 2007Hasil terburukke-11 SF: 2013, 2017Pranala luar pada Serbia telah ikut serta dalam Kontes Lagu Eurovision sebanyak 11 kali sejak membuat debutnya pada tahun 2007. Serbia sebelumnya ik...

LGBT newspaper in the Philadelphia area Philadelphia Gay NewsTypeWeekly LGBT newspaperPublisherMark SegalEditor-in-chiefJess BryantStaff writersMichele Zipkin, Larry Nichols, Timothy CwiekFounded1976LanguageEnglishHeadquartersPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.Circulation50,000 Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) is an LGBT newspaper in the Philadelphia area. The publication was founded in 1976 by Mark Segal,[1] who was inspired by activist Frank Kameny when they met in 197...

De facto national anthem of the Assyrian people RoomramaThe flag of Assyria.National (de facto) anthem of AssyriaLyricsYosip Bet YosipMusicNebu Juel IssabeyAudio samplePiano versionfilehelp Roomrama is the de facto national anthem of the Assyrian people. It was composed by Nebu Juel Issabey and written by Yosip Bet Yosip for the Assyrian Universal Alliance and the Assyrian independence movement. [1] Other de facto, or unofficial, national anthem include, Salma d'Shoobakhan. Lyrics ܩ...