Yuu Kamishiro is a bullied high schooler who finds solace in the brutal world of street fighting. Training himself in martial arts, Yuu becomes a vigilante known as the "Thug Hunter", taking down bullies and delinquents who prey on the weak. However, as Yuu delves deeper into this violent underground world, he must confront the darkness within himself and find out what true strength means.
Holyland, written and illustrated by Kouji Mori [ja], was serialized in Hakusensha's seinen manga magazine Young Animal from October 12, 2000,[a] to May 23, 2008.[5] Hakusensha collected its chapters in eighteen tankōbon volumes, released from June 29, 2001,[6] to July 29, 2008.[7]
^It debuted in the magazine's 20th issue of 2000,[2][3] released on October 12 of the same year.[4]
^『森恒二先生』 その1. manganohi.jp (in Japanese). March 10, 2008. Archived from the original on March 13, 2008. Retrieved June 11, 2021.
^「まんがの森」55号 Kentarou Miura Interview. manganomori.net (in Japanese). Archived from the original on December 26, 2002. Retrieved March 2, 2023. 『ホーリーランド』1~3巻 ● 森 恒ニ ●白泉社 ●各巻505円+税 「ヤングアニマル」00年20号から連載開始。まんがの森小冊子51号の「お店のイチオシ」で横浜西口店が強力にプッシュした。
^ヤングアニマル2000年20号詳細情報. manganetto.com (in Japanese). Archived from the original on March 13, 2023. Retrieved March 13, 2023.
^2008年05月23日のアーカイブ. manganohi.jp (in Japanese). May 23, 2008. Archived from the original on September 20, 2008. Retrieved March 2, 2023. 【ヤングアニマル】ヤングアニマル 11号 好評発売中 ● クライマックス巻頭カラー&大増ページ!! マンガ史上最もリアルな路上格闘!! 森 恒二 『ホーリーランド』