Hell Camp: Teen Nightmare is a 2023 true crimedocumentary film directed by Liza Williams. The subject of the documentary is a series of troubled teen programs ran by a man called Steve Cartisano.
The documentary was released on December 27, 2023, on the Netflix.[2][3]
The film focuses on the 'Challenger Wilderness Therapy Programme' founded by Steve Cartisano. The programme includes a 63-day and 500-mile hike through deserts of Utah, wherein several troubled teens are sent by their parents to join, leading to disastrous results. The documentary also features Paris Hilton talking about her abuse in similar programmes, which have received allegations of abuse, sexual assault, and trauma.[4][5]
John Anderson of the Wall Street Journal praised the film, stating that it effectively establishes the ongoing relevance of its subject matter. Anderson highlights that the film, with lawyerly caution, demonstrates how the industry in which Cartisano was a pioneer continues to flourish and has never been very closely scrutinized.[6] Stuart Heritage of The Guardian called in "astonishing documentary".."a troubling look at institutionalised abuse."[4]