From 1948 to 1952 he worked and lived in Tübingen, Paris and the South of France. From 1952 until his death in 2000 he worked as a self-employed artist in Munich. Study trips took him to Italy, France, Yugoslavia and Greece, portrait commissions to the USA. He was a member and 1987-1990 president of the new Munich artists association NMKG and also a member of the Seerosenkreis, a group of artists, sculptors and writers in Munich.[1]
Portraits, still lifes and southern landscapes were his preferred genres. "Clear and austere stand the motives on the canvas; their distinctive mark is not gracefulness, but a balance between calm and tension. The decorative is less important than color and graphic outlines. ... His landscapes are fascinating portraits of a detail of nature; no random views, but well arranged insights and interpretations generalized to the typical and universal."[2]
Hannes Rosenow participated almost every year in the great art exhibit in the Haus der Kunst in Munich and was a member of its exhibit committee from 1994 to 1998.[3] In 1972 he received the Seerosen prize for the arts from the city of Munich.[4] His work is owned by the city of Munich, the State of Bavaria, but mostly by private collectors in Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, England and in the USA.
^Richard W. Eichler, Künstler und Werke. Maler, Bildhauer und Graphiker unseres Jahrhunderts im deutschen Sprachraum (Munich 1962), p. 174
^Richard W. Eichler, in: Katalog der Stiftung Haus Oberschlesien (Ratingen 1970)
^H. Kießling, Malerei heute. Münchner Kunstszene 1953-1978. 127 Künstler mit 127 Farbtafeln und Kurzbiographien (Munich/Vienna 1978), pp. 194–195
^"Die Preisträger der Seerose. Sechs Münchner Maler und Bildhauer ausgezeichnet" in: Süddeutsche Zeitung 21./22. November 1972
Hannes Rosenow. "Hos Olivetti" København. 12 Januar - 4 Februar 1971, Hos Olivetti, Lersø (Copenhagen 1971)
Hannes Rosenow: Ölgemälde, ed. by Stiftung Haus Oberschlesien, Ratingen (Dülmen 1978)
M.L. Rampfl, Hannes Rosenow: Kollektivausstellung. Pavillon alter Botanischer Garten (Munich 1956)
External links
K. D’Amore, T. Meinel (red.): Hannes Rosenow München [oeuvre catalogue in English and German displaying some 300 paintings and drawings]