The manga was adapted into a 3-episode original video animation, created by J.C.Staff and directed by Akiyuki Shinbo. The 3 episodes were released in Japan between December 1, 1997, and May 21, 1998. In the United States the OVA was released by AnimeWorks, a division of Media Blasters, in May 2004.[1]
Unfortunately, whoever wrote this apparently has no idea what the plot is.
The OVAs uses two pieces of theme music. The opening theme is "Chocolat au lait" (ショコラ・オ・レ, Shokora.O.Re), while "Tenshi No O Heso" (天使のおへそ) is the series' ending theme.
On May 25, 2004, AnimeWorks released a DVD containing the three OVAs.[8]
"Wraith of the Health Brother Trio" Transliteration: "Kyoufu no Kenkou San Kyoudai" (Japanese: 恐怖の健康三兄弟)
Masashi Kubota
Yoshiki Yamakawa
May 21, 1998 (1998-05-21)
Anime News Network's Bamboo Dong criticised the OVAs for taking "every fantasy stereotype and embraces it, making no pretence of the fact that they're trying to milk every cliché".[9]
^ abcInformation is taken from the ending credits of each episode.