The party was founded on 10 July 2018 by Park Kyŏl,[8] who is also the president of a resting place named Lounge Liberty.[9] During this time, it was not officially a political party yet.[8] The official formation was on 9 July 2019,[10] and was officially registered under National Election Commission 6 days after the official establishment.
The party criticised the Liberty Korea Party as "too left-leaning" and "similar to Democratic Party of Korea".[8] It declares itself as "the first right-liberal political party of South Korea".[2] Although the party does not agree with the illegalisation of same-sex marriage as a "liberal" party, the party also does not support the Anti-discrimination Law that could prohibit the criticisms toward the issue.[8]
It also sought to prioritise the locals, and says that the government should not simply give citizenship to any foreigners that can "pollute" the locals.[11]
Its economic policies were also of a liberal market economy,[10] calling for the private ownership of property, freedom of contract, tax cuts,[12] and the abolition of inheritance tax.[8] The party opposed the government interventions, mentioning that the planned economy cannot overtake the market economy.[12] It also criticized trade unions who "prevent the new employments".[8][9]
^ ab"새벽당, 정치의 새 그림을 그린다" [Dawn Party, draws a new picture of politics.]. 뉴스프리존 (in Korean). 13 July 2019. Retrieved 14 November 2021. 대한민국 최초의 자유주의 청년 우파정당을 표방하는 '자유의 새벽(약칭 새벽당)'의 창당대회가 최근 마포구 상암동에 위치한 제일라아트홀에서 열렸다. [South Korea's first liberal youth right-wing party, the founding competition of "Freedom Dawn (abbreviated as Dawn Party)," was recently held at Jeila Art Hall in Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu.]
^청년 우파 정당, '자유의 새벽당', 중앙당 창당대회 열어 [Youth right-wing political party, "Dawn of Liberty Party," will hold the Central Party's inaugural conference.]. JoongAng Ilbo (in Korean). 8 July 2019. Retrieved 14 November 2021.
^Lee Kyung-Min (2019-11-29). "연동형비례제, 벌써 원외 신당창당 붐…시민들 나선다 '소상공인·소수자·청년·정책정당..'". 폴리뉴스. Retrieved 2019-12-05. 대안우파 성향의 정당인 <자유의새벽당>은 지난 7월 창당해 현재 6천여 명의 소속 당원을 두고 있다. (The Alt-right party, Dawn of Liberty, was founded in July and now has more than 6,000 members.)
^"국민당 청년정치에 무슨 일이? (What happened to the youth politics of the People Power Party?)". The Chosun Ilbo. 2021-11-01. Retrieved 2020-03-28. 35세인 박결 전 위원장은 2019년 7월 4·15총선 직전 '대한민국 최초 대안 우파 정당' '청년 우파 정당'을 자처하며 자유의새벽당을 창당한 인물이다.(Park Kyul, 35, was the founder of the Dawn of Liberty Party even before the general elections in July 2019, claiming to be the "first alt-right party in Republic of Korea" and "young right-wing party.")