Cognitive biology

Cognitive biology is an emerging science that regards natural cognition as a biological function.[1] It is based on the theoretical assumption that every organism—whether a single cell or multicellular—is continually engaged in systematic acts of cognition coupled with intentional behaviors, i.e., a sensory-motor coupling.[2] That is to say, if an organism can sense stimuli in its environment and respond accordingly, it is cognitive. Any explanation of how natural cognition may manifest in an organism is constrained by the biological conditions in which its genes survive from one generation to the next.[3] And since by Darwinian theory the species of every organism is evolving from a common root, three further elements of cognitive biology are required: (i) the study of cognition in one species of organism is useful, through contrast and comparison, to the study of another species' cognitive abilities;[4] (ii) it is useful to proceed from organisms with simpler to those with more complex cognitive systems,[5] and (iii) the greater the number and variety of species studied in this regard, the more we understand the nature of cognition.[6]


While cognitive science endeavors to explain human thought and the conscious mind, the work of cognitive biology is focused on the most fundamental process of cognition for any organism. In the past several decades, biologists have investigated cognition in organisms large[7] and small,[8] both plant[9] and animal.[10] “Mounting evidence suggests that even bacteria grapple with problems long familiar to cognitive scientists, including: integrating information from multiple sensory channels to marshal an effective response to fluctuating conditions; making decisions under conditions of uncertainty; communicating with conspecifics and others (honestly and deceptively); and coordinating collective behaviour to increase the chances of survival.”[11] Without thinking or perceiving as humans would have it, an act of basic cognition is arguably a simple step-by-step process through which an organism senses a stimulus, then finds an appropriate response in its repertoire and enacts the response. However, the biological details of such basic cognition have neither been delineated for a great many species nor sufficiently generalized to stimulate further investigation. This lack of detail is due to the lack of a science dedicated to the task of elucidating the cognitive ability common to all biological organisms. That is to say, a science of cognitive biology has yet to be established.[12] A prolegomena[13] for such science was presented in 2007 and several authors[14] have published their thoughts on the subject since the late 1970s. Yet, as the examples in the next section suggest, there is neither consensus on the theory nor widespread application in practice.

Although the two terms are sometimes used synonymously,[15] cognitive biology should not be confused with the biology of cognition in the sense that it is used by adherents to the Chilean School of Biology of Cognition.[16] Also known as the Santiago School, the biology of cognition is based on the work of Francisco Varela and Humberto Maturana,[17] who crafted the doctrine of autopoiesis. Their work began in 1970 while the first mention of cognitive biology by Brian Goodwin (discussed below) was in 1977 from a different perspective.[18]


'Cognitive biology' first appeared in the literature as a paper with that title by Brian C. Goodwin in 1977.[19] There and in several related publications[20] Goodwin explained the advantage of cognitive biology in the context of his work on morphogenesis. He subsequently moved on to other issues of structure, form, and complexity with little further mention of cognitive biology. Without an advocate, Goodwin's concept of cognitive biology has yet to gain widespread acceptance.

Aside from an essay regarding Goodwin's conception by Margaret Boden in 1980, the next appearance of 'cognitive biology' as a phrase in the literature came in 1986 from a professor of biochemistry, Ladislav Kováč. His conception, based on natural principles grounded in bioenergetics and molecular biology, is briefly discussed below. Kováč's continued advocacy has had a greater influence in his homeland, Slovakia, than elsewhere partly because several of his most important papers were written and published only in Slovakian.

By the 1990s, breakthroughs in molecular, cell, evolutionary, and developmental biology generated a cornucopia of data-based theory relevant to cognition. Yet aside from the theorists already mentioned, no one was addressing cognitive biology except for Kováč.

Kováč's cognitive biology

Ladislav Kováč's “Introduction to cognitive biology” (Kováč, 1986a) lists ten 'Principles of Cognitive Biology.' A closely related thirty page paper was published the following year: “Overview: Bioenergetics between chemistry, genetics and physics.” (Kováč, 1987). Over the following decades, Kováč elaborated, updated, and expanded these themes in frequent publications, including "Fundamental principles of cognitive biology" (Kováč, 2000), “Life, chemistry, and cognition” (Kováč, 2006a), "Information and Knowledge in Biology: Time for Reappraisal” (Kováč, 2007) and "Bioenergetics: A key to brain and mind" (Kováč, 2008).[21]

Academic usage

University seminar

The concept of cognitive biology is exemplified by this seminar description:[22]

Cognitive science has focused primarily on human cognitive activities. These include perceiving, remembering and learning, evaluating and deciding, planning actions, etc. But humans are not the only organisms that engage in these activities. Indeed, virtually all organisms need to be able to procure information both about their own condition and their environment and regulate their activities in ways appropriate to this information. In some cases species have developed distinctive ways of performing cognitive tasks. But in many cases these mechanisms have been conserved and modified in other species. This course will focus on a variety of organisms not usually considered in cognitive science such as bacteria, planaria, leeches, fruit flies, bees, birds and various rodents, asking about the sorts of cognitive activities these organisms perform, the mechanisms they employ to perform them, and what lessons about cognition more generally we might acquire from studying them.[23]

University workgroup

The University of Adelaide has established a "Cognitive Biology" workgroup using this operating concept:

Cognition is, first and foremost, a natural biological phenomenon — regardless of how the engineering of artificial intelligence proceeds. As such, it makes sense to approach cognition like other biological phenomena. This means first assuming a meaningful degree of continuity among different types of organisms—an assumption borne out more and more by comparative biology, especially genomics—studying simple model systems (e.g., microbes, worms, flies) to understand the basics, then scaling up to more complex examples, such as mammals and primates, including humans.[24]

Members of the group study the biological literature on simple organisms (e.g., nematode) in regard to cognitive process and look for homologues in more complex organisms (e.g., crow) already well studied. This comparative approach is expected to yield simple cognitive concepts common to all organisms. “It is hoped a theoretically well-grounded toolkit of basic cognitive concepts will facilitate the use and discussion of research carried out in different fields to increase understanding of two foundational issues: what cognition is and what cognition does in the biological context.”[25] (Bold letters from original text.)

The group's choice of name, as they explain on a separate webpage, might have been 'embodied cognition'[26] or 'biological cognitive science.'[27] But the group chose 'cognitive biology' for the sake of (i) emphasis and (ii) method. For the sake of emphasis, (i) “We want to keep the focus on biology because for too long cognition was considered a function that could be almost entirely divorced from its physical instantiation, to the extent that whatever could be said of cognition almost by definition had to be applicable to both organisms and machines.” (ii) The method is to “assume (if only for the sake of enquiry) that cognition is a biological function similar to other biological functions—such as respiration, nutrient circulation, waste elimination, and so on.”[28]

The method supposes that the genesis of cognition is biological, i.e., the method is biogenic. The host of the group's website has said elsewhere[29] that cognitive biology requires a biogenic approach, having identified ten principles of biogenesis in an earlier work.[30] The first four biogenic principles are quoted here to illustrate the depth at which the foundations have been set at the Adelaide school of cognitive biology:

  1. “Complex cognitive capacities have evolved from simpler forms of cognition. There is a continuous line of meaningful descent.”
  2. “Cognition directly or indirectly modulates the physico-chemical-electrical processes that constitute an organism .”
  3. “Cognition enables the establishment of reciprocal causal relations with an environment, leading to exchanges of matter and energy that are essential to the organism's continued persistence, well-being or replication.”
  4. “Cognition relates to the (more or less) continuous assessment of system needs relative to prevailing circumstances, the potential for interaction, and whether the current interaction is working or not.”[31]

Other universities

  • As another example, the Department für Kognitionsbiologie[32] at the University of Vienna declares in its mission statement a strong commitment “to experimental evaluation of multiple, testable hypotheses” regarding cognition in terms of evolutionary and developmental history as well as adaptive function and mechanism, whether the mechanism is cognitive, neural, and/or hormonal. “The approach is strongly comparative: multiple species are studied, and compared within a rigorous phylogenetic framework, to understand the evolutionary history and adaptive function of cognitive mechanisms ('cognitive phylogenetics').”[33] Their website offers a sample of their work: “Social Cognition and the Evolution of Language: Constructing Cognitive Phylogenies.”[34]
  • A more restricted example can be found with the Cognitive Biology Group,[35] Institute of Biology, Faculty of Science, Otto-von-Guericke University (OVGU) in Magdeburg, Germany. The group offers courses titled “Neurobiology of Consciousness” and “Cognitive Neurobiology.”[36] Its website lists the papers generated from its lab work, focusing on the neural correlates of perceptual consequences and visual attention. The group's current work is aimed at detailing a dynamic known as 'multistable perception.' The phenomenon, described in a sentence: “Certain visual displays are not perceived in a stable way but, from time to time and seemingly spontaneously, their appearance wavers and settles in a distinctly different form.”[37]
  • A final example of university commitment to cognitive biology can be found at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. There in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Bratislava Biocenter is presented as a consortium of research teams working in biomedical sciences. Their website lists the Center for Cognitive Biology in the Department of Biochemistry at the top of the page, followed by five lab groups, each at a separate department of bioscience. The webpage for the Center for Cognitive Biology [38] offers a link to "Foundations of Cognitive Biology," a page that simply contains a quotation from a paper authored by Ladislav Kováč, the site's founder. His perspective is briefly discussed below.

Cognitive biology as a category

The words 'cognitive' and 'biology' are also used together as the name of a category. The category of cognitive biology has no fixed content but, rather, the content varies with the user. If the content can only be recruited from cognitive science, then cognitive biology would seem limited to a selection of items in the main set of sciences included by the interdisciplinary concept—cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, neuroscience, and cognitive anthropology.[39] These six separate sciences were allied “to bridge the gap between brain and mind” with an interdisciplinary approach in the mid-1970s.[40] Participating scientists were concerned only with human cognition. As it gained momentum, the growth of cognitive science in subsequent decades seemed to offer a big tent to a variety of researchers.[41] Some, for example, considered evolutionary epistemology a fellow-traveler. Others appropriated the keyword, as for example Donald Griffin in 1978, when he advocated the establishment of cognitive ethology.[42]

Meanwhile, breakthroughs in molecular, cell, evolutionary, and developmental biology generated a cornucopia of data-based theory relevant to cognition. Categorical assignments were problematic. For example, the decision to append cognitive to a body of biological research on neurons, e.g. the cognitive biology of neuroscience, is separate from the decision to put such body of research in a category named cognitive sciences. No less difficult a decision needs be made—between the computational and constructivist[43] approach to cognition, and the concomitant issue of simulated v. embodied[44] cognitive models—before appending biology to a body of cognitive research, e.g. the cognitive science of artificial life.

One solution is to consider cognitive biology only as a subset of cognitive science. For example, a major publisher's website[45] displays links to material in a dozen domains of major scientific endeavor. One of which is described thus: “Cognitive science is the study of how the mind works, addressing cognitive functions such as perception and action, memory and learning, reasoning and problem solving, decision-making and consciousness.” Upon its selection from the display, the Cognitive Science page offers in nearly alphabetical order these topics: Cognitive Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Linguistics, Psychology, Philosophy, and Neuroscience. Linked through that list of topics, upon its selection the Cognitive Biology page offers a selection of reviews and articles with biological content ranging from cognitive ethology[46] through evolutionary epistemology; cognition and art; evo-devo and cognitive science; animal learning; genes and cognition; cognition and animal welfare; etc.

A different application of the cognitive biology category is manifest in the 2009 publication of papers presented at a three-day interdisciplinary workshop on “The New Cognitive Sciences” held at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in 2006. The papers were listed under four headings, each representing a different domain of requisite cognitive ability: (i) space, (ii) qualities and objects, (iii) numbers and probabilities, and (iv) social entities. The workshop papers examined topics ranging from “Animals as Natural Geometers” and “Color Generalization by Birds” through “Evolutionary Biology of Limited Attention” and “A comparative Perspective on the Origin of Numerical Thinking” as well as “Neuroethology of Attention in Primates” and ten more with less colorful titles. “[O]n the last day of the workshop the participants agreed [that] the title 'Cognitive Biology' sounded like a potential candidate to capture the merging of the cognitive and the life sciences that the workshop aimed at representing.”[47] Thus the publication of Tommasi, et al. (2009), Cognitive Biology: Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives on Mind, Brain and Behavior.

A final example of categorical use comes from an author's introduction to his 2011 publication on the subject, Cognitive Biology: Dealing with Information from Bacteria to Minds. After discussing the differences between the cognitive and biological sciences, as well as the value of one to the other, the author concludes: “Thus, the object of this book should be considered as an attempt at building a new discipline, that of cognitive biology, which endeavors to bridge these two domains.”[48] There follows a detailed methodology illustrated by examples in biology anchored by concepts from cybernetics (e.g., self-regulatory systems) and quantum information theory (regarding probabilistic changes of state) with an invitation "to consider system theory together with information theory as the formal tools that may ground biology and cognition as traditional mathematics grounds physics.”[49]

See also

References & notes

  1. ^ p133 in Lyon and Keijzer (2007).
  2. ^ Van Duijn, et al. (2006). "Principles of minimal cognition: Casting cognition as sensorimotor coordination."
  3. ^ Lyon and Opie (2007). “Prolegomena for a cognitive biology.”
  4. ^ See for example Spetch and Friedman (2006), "Comparative cognition of object recognition.".
  5. ^ Baluška and Mancuso (2009). Deep evolutionary origins of neurobiology: Turning the essence of 'neural' upside-down.
  6. ^ Lyon (2013a) and visit the Comparative Cognition Society to enjoy their publication, Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews.
  7. ^ [1]See for examples Byrne, et al. (2009), “Elephant cognition in primate perspective.”
  8. ^ For instance, Ben Jacob, et al. (2006). "Seeking the foundations of cognition in bacteria.”
  9. ^ As one example, see Calvo and Keijzer (2009), "Cognition in plants."
  10. ^ Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews
  11. ^ Lyon and Opie (2007), “Prolegomena for a cognitive biology.”
  12. ^ There is no mention of cognitive biology, for example, in Frankish and Ramsey (2012), The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science. Nor is cognitive biology mentioned in Margolis, et al.(2012), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Cognitive Science.
  13. ^ At the 2007 meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, a paper was presented with the apt title: “Prolegomena for a cognitive biology.” See Lyon and Opie (2007).
  14. ^ See Brian Goodwin and Ladislav Kováč, discussed below.
  15. ^ See p135, 136, and 150 in Huber and Wilkinson (2012).
  16. ^ "Chilean School of Biology of Cognition - the Web Page of Humberto Maturana". Archived from the original on 2011-11-01. Retrieved 2014-06-06.
  17. ^ Maturana (1970), “Biology of Cognition.”
  18. ^ Goodwin (1977), "Cognitive biology." A copy of this four page paper is difficult to find. However, an eight page paper—Goodwin (1978), “A cognitive view of biological process,”—is easy to procure and uses his own 1977 paper as a reference. A study of the other references in the '78 paper suggests a unique perspective without mention of Maturana or Varela.
  19. ^ Goodwin (1977) "Cognitive biology."
  20. ^ Goodwin 1976a, 1976b, and 1978.
  21. ^ Although many of his publications are difficult to find, this URL has them all: <>.
  22. ^ The seminar, titled "Cognitive Biology," was presented by Professor William Bechtel in the autumn of 2013 by the Department of Cognitive Science at the University of California, San Diego. The seminar description was followed by the schedule for ten sessions and citations for the several papers to be discussed in each session. The papers cover cognitive aspects for a broad range of motile organisms, beginning with two regarding the cognitive abilities of bacteria. Over the course of ten sessions, the speakers include six biologists, two doctors of psychology, and two doctors of philosophy. The initial session featured the presentation of a paper titled to evoke discussion, "Bacterial Information Processing: Is It Cognition?" The paper's author and host of the seminar sessions was William Bechtel, a philosopher of science who has written extensively on the philosophy and history of cognitive science. See for example Bechtel, W., Abrahamsen, A. and Graham, G. (1998), 'The life of cognitive science', in ed. W. Bechtel and G. Graham, A Companion to Cognitive Science (Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.), pp. 1–104. A more recent example: Abrahamsen, A. and Bechtel, W. (2012). History and core themes. In K. Frankish and W. Ramsey, The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science. Cambridge University Press.
  23. ^ In the preceding paragraph, neither mention nor definition of cognitive biology is made. Rather, context is established through the initial three sentences and an excellent description of cognitive biology is presented thereafter. The original seminar description was followed by the schedule for ten sessions and citations for the several papers to be discussed in each session. The papers cover cognitive aspects for a broad range of motile organisms, beginning with two regarding the cognitive abilities of bacteria. Over the course of ten sessions, the speakers include six biologists, two doctors of psychology, and two doctors of philosophy. The initial session features a talk by Professor Bechtel titled to evoke discussion, "Bacterial Information Processing: Is It Cognition?"
  24. ^ Lyon, Pamela (2013a). “Foundations for a Cognitive Biology.” Published on the homepage of the Cognitive Biology Project at the University of Adelaide. Archived 2014-10-18 at the Wayback Machine
  25. ^ Lyon, Pamela (2013a). “Foundations for a Cognitive Biology.” Published on the homepage of the Cognitive Biology Project at the University of Adelaide. Archived 2014-10-18 at the Wayback Machine
  26. ^ This option perpetuates a bias established by the original interdisciplinary grouping that formed the cognitive sciences in the 1970s: artificial intelligence, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, anthropology, and psychology. Clarification of cognition was slow in coming, even as computers and robots became more efficient. Some argued that a cognitive agent had to be embodied to interface with the world, thus excluding stationary computers. So a new member was added to the cognitive sciences, i.e., the science of embodied cognition. Both robot frogs and biological frogs were valid subjects for experiment.
  27. ^ Such a name implies that this is just another cognitive science, one among equals.
  28. ^ Lyon (2013b). “Why Cognitive Biology?” Archived 2014-07-14 at the Wayback Machine.
  29. ^ See also Lyon and Opie (2007) “Prolegomena for a cognitive biology.”
  30. ^ More detail can be found in Lyon (2006), “The biogenic approach to cognition.”.
  31. ^ See Lyon (2006), pps 15-20 for the principles quoted.
  32. ^ This is the official website for the Department für Kognitionsbiologie: < Archived 2016-12-14 at the Wayback Machine>
  33. ^ Department für Kognitionsbiologie COGBIO: Department of Cognitive Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
  34. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-12-26. Retrieved 2014-06-06.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  35. ^ "News and Events | Cognitive Biology Group". Archived from the original on 2016-07-25. Retrieved 2014-06-06.
  36. ^ Courses from the Cognitive Biology Group, Institute of Biology, Faculty of Science, OVGU (Otto-von-Guericke University) Magdeburg, Germany.
  37. ^ Research at the Cognitive Biology Group, Institute of Biology, Faculty of Science, OVGU (Otto-von-Guericke University) Magdeburg, Germany.
  38. ^ "Center for Cognitive Biology".
  39. ^ Named on page 143 in Miller, George A. "The cognitive revolution: a historical perspective." Trends in cognitive sciences 7.3 (2003): 141-144.
  40. ^ Named on page 143 in Miller, George A. "The cognitive revolution: a historical perspective." Trends in cognitive sciences 7.3 (2003): 141-144.
  41. ^ See first page of Von Eckardt, Barbara. What is cognitive science?. MIT press, 1995.
  42. ^ Griffin, Donald R. "Prospects for a cognitive ethology." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1.04 (1978): 527-538.
  43. ^ Stewart, J. (1996). Cognition = life: Implications for higher-level cognition. Behavioural Processes 35: 311-326.
  44. ^ Ziemke, Tom (2003). What's that thing called embodiment. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1305-1310). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  45. ^ [55] WIRES (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews) (2013). Wiley Online Library. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  46. ^ For consideration of cogbio v cogetho, see p23 in Kamil (1998), “On the Proper Definition of Cognitive Ethology”.
  47. ^ Tommasi, et al., page x in Preface. See pps 3-11 for a discussion of cognitive science and biology.
  48. ^ Author's italics, p2 in Auletta (2011), Cognitive biology: dealing with information from bacteria to minds.
  49. ^ Auletta (2011), p61. See also, for examples, pps 335 & 340.


  • Auletta, Gennaro (2011). Cognitive biology: dealing with information from bacteria to minds. Oxford University Press.
  • Baluška, František and Stefano Mancuso (2009). Deep evolutionary origins of neurobiology: Turning the essence of 'neural' upside-down. Commun Integr Biol. Jan-Feb; 2(1): 60–65.
  • Bechtel, William (2013). Seminar description for "Cognitive Biology" in the "Cognitive Science 200" series for "Fall, 2013" at University of California, San Diego, <>. See also
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  • Kováč, Ladislav (1986b). The future of bioenergetics. EBEC Reports 4: 26 - 27.
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Artikel ini membutuhkan rujukan tambahan agar kualitasnya dapat dipastikan. Mohon bantu kami mengembangkan artikel ini dengan cara menambahkan rujukan ke sumber tepercaya. Pernyataan tak bersumber bisa saja dipertentangkan dan dihapus.Cari sumber: I dengan makron – berita · surat kabar · buku · cendekiawan · JSTOR (January 2009) Huruf KirilI dengan makron Alfabet KirilHuruf SlaviaАА́А̀А̂А̄ӒБВГҐДЂЃЕЕ́ÈЕ̂ЁЄЖЗЗ́ЅИИ́ЍИ̂...

Prof. Dr.Novesar JamarunM.S.Rektor Universitas Dharma AndalasPetahanaMulai menjabat 13 Maret 2023PendahuluProf. Dr. apt. Deddi Prima PutraDr. Dodi Devianto, S.Si., M.Sc. (Plt.)Rektor Institut Seni Indonesia Padang PanjangMasa jabatan14 Oktober 2014 – 22 Desember 2022PendahuluProf. Dr. Mahdi Bahar, M.Hum.Herwan Fakhrizal, M.Hum. (Plt.)PenggantiDr. Febri Yulika, S.Ag., M.Hum.[1] Informasi pribadiLahir6 Mei 1962 (umur 61)Silantai, Sumpur Kudus, Sijunjung, Sumatera Bar...


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Royal Canadian Air Force Command Chief Warrant OfficerRank insigniaIncumbentCWO John Hallsince June 10, 2021 The Royal Canadian Air Force Command Chief Warrant Officer is the senior non-commissioned officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force. They act as an advisor to the Commander of the RCAF on matters affecting all ranks in matters related to dress, discipline, morale and welfare, and quality of life. Specifically, they are responsible for: Understanding the issues that personnel face th...

British actress and singer (born 1987) Cynthia ErivoErivo at the 2018 Tribeca Film FestivalBorn (1987-01-08) 8 January 1987 (age 36)Stockwell, London, EnglandAlma materRoyal Academy of Dramatic ArtOccupation(s)Actress, singerYears active2011–presentAwardsFull listMusical careerGenres R&B soul urban contemporary gospel Broadway Instrument(s) Musical artist Cynthia Erivo (/əˈriːvoʊ/;[1] born 8 January 1987)[2] is an Engli...


Square in Antwerp, Belgium Grote MarktPanorama of Antwerp's Grote MarktLocation within BelgiumLocationAntwerp, BelgiumCoordinates51°13′16″N 04°23′59″E / 51.22111°N 4.39972°E / 51.22111; 4.39972 The Grote Markt (Dutch: [ˌɣroːtə ˈmɑr(ə)kt] ⓘ; Big Market) is the central square of Antwerp, Belgium, situated in the heart of the old city quarter. It is surrounded by the city's Renaissance Town Hall, as well as numerous guildhalls with elaborate f...


Bài viết này cần thêm chú thích nguồn gốc để kiểm chứng thông tin. Mời bạn giúp hoàn thiện bài viết này bằng cách bổ sung chú thích tới các nguồn đáng tin cậy. Các nội dung không có nguồn có thể bị nghi ngờ và xóa bỏ. Propan-1-olCấu trúc phân tử của 1-PrôpanolTổng quanDanh pháp IUPACPrôpan-1-olTên khácRượu prôpylicn-PrôpanolPrôpanolCông thức phân tửC3H7OH hay C3H8OPhân tử gam60,09 g/molBiểu hi...

Finistère Lage des Departements Finistère in Frankreich Region Bretagne Präfektur Quimper Unterpräfektur(en) BrestChâteaulinMorlaix Einwohner 917.179 (1. Jan. 2020) Bevölkerungsdichte 136 Einw. pro km² Fläche 6.733,00 km² Arrondissements 4 Gemeindeverbände 21 Kantone 27 Gemeinden 277 Präsident desDépartementrats Maël de Calan (SL) ISO-3166-2-Code FR-29 Lage des Départements Finistère in derRegion Bretagne Das Département du Finistère [finisˈtɛːʀ] ist das franzö...


Hobbyist or actor attempts to recreate battles or events from the American Civil War Confederate reenactors fire their rifles during a reenactment of the Battle of Chancellorsville in May 2008. Confederate artillery reenactors fire on U.S. soldier reenactors during a Battle of Chickamauga reenactment in Danville, Illinois. American Civil War reenactment is an effort to recreate the appearance of a particular battle or other event associated with the American Civil War by hobbyists known (in t...


Kerajaan AnnamĐại Việt Quốc (大越國)1527–1677Mạc (hijau) masih mengendalikan timur laut Vietnam dan Dinasti Lê kemudian merebut kembali seluruh wilayah setelah tahun 1592StatusKerajaanIbu kotaĐông Kinh(1527–1592)Cao Bằng(1592–1677)Bahasa yang umum digunakanBahasa VietnamAgama Neo-Konfusianisme, Agama Buddha, TaoismePemerintahanMonarki dan negara otonomKaisar • 1527–1541 Mạc Đăng Dung (pertama)• 1638–1677 Mạc Kính Vũ (terakhir) Sejarah...

Chemical compound EticloprideClinical dataATC codenoneIdentifiers IUPAC name 5-chloro-3-ethyl-N-[[(2S)-1-ethylpyrrolidin-2-yl]methyl]-2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzamide CAS Number84226-12-0 YHCl: 97612-24-3 YPubChem CID57267IUPHAR/BPS966ChemSpider51626 NUNIIJ8M468HBH4HCl: HJ2CAH4TZ1 YChEMBLChEMBL8946 NCompTox Dashboard (EPA)DTXSID9048435 Chemical and physical dataFormulaC17H25ClN2O3Molar mass340.85 g·mol−13D model (JSmol)Interactive image SMILES CCC1=CC(=C...


2020 short film A Recipe for SeductionWritten byEric EckelmanArmand PriscoNatalie PriscoDirected byEric EckelmanArmand PriscoNatalie PriscoStarringMario LopezJustene AlpertTessa MunroChad DoreckComposerJay LiftonCountry of originUnited StatesProductionProducerJosh RothfeldCinematographyDon DavisEditorAngela ChengRunning time15 minutes[1]Production companiesJEANKentucky Fried ChickenOriginal releaseNetworkLifetimeRelease December 13, 2020 (2020-12-13) A Recipe for Seduct...


Video game character Fictional character Piltover Enforcer ViLeague of Legends characterOfficial artwork of Piltover Enforcer ViFirst appearanceLeague of Legends (December 19, 2012 update)Created byGraham McNeillDesigned byJosh Singh (original)Paul Kwon (redesign)Voiced byCia CourtHailee Steinfeld (Arcane)In-universe informationHomeZaun (formerly the undercity of Piltover) Piltover Enforcer Vi (born Violet) is a fictional character from Riot Games' League of Legends media franchise. She was i...

Toy brand This article is about the Lazer Tag branded product. For the sport and technology in general, see Laser tag. Lazer TagOriginal 1986 logoTypeGameInventor(s)Worlds of WonderCompanyWorlds of Wonder (1986–1989)Shoot the Moon Products (1990-1996)Tiger Electronics (1996–1998)Hasbro (1998-present)CountryUnited StatesAvailability1986–MaterialsPlastic with electronics Lazer Tag is a brand name for the pursuit game using infrared toy guns, generically known as laser tag.[1][...


Policy on permits required to enter Pakistan Politics of Pakistan Federal governmentConstitution of Pakistan Previous constitutions:195619621973 Annex (written 1949, incorporated 1985) Amendments Law Human rights Pakistan Penal CodeLaw enforcement LegislatureParliament of Pakistan National Assembly Leader of the House: Vacant Speaker: Raja Pervaiz Ashraf (PPP) Deputy speaker: Vacant Leader of the Opposition: Vacant Senate Chairman: Sadiq Sanjrani (BAP) Deputy Chairman: Mirza Muhammad Afridi (...


Tarani Debnathতরণী দেবনাথTarani DebnathBorn1940Brahmanbaria, Tippera, Bengal, British IndiaDied19 May 1961 (aged 21)Silchar, Cachar, Assam, IndiaCause of deathPolice firingNationalityIndianKnown forMartyr in Bengali Language Movement of Barak ValleyParentJogendra Debnath Tarani Debnath (1940 - 19 May 1961) (Bengali: তরণী দেবনাথ) was a Bengali who took part in the Bengali Language Movement in the Barak Valley in 1961 and became a martyr.[1&...

Geometric figure which approximates the Earth's shape This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Earth ellipsoid – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (October 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Geodesy Fundamentals Geodesy Geodynamics Geomatics History Concepts Geographi...


Republik Sosialis Federasi Soviet Rusia (Federasi Rusia)Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика (Росси́йская Федера́ция)1917–1991 Bendera 1954–1991 Lambang 1978–1991 Lagu kebangsaan: Rabochaya Marselyeza (1917–1918)Internatsional (1918–1944)Gosudarstvenny gimn SSSR (1944–1990)Patrioticheskaya Pesnya (1990–1991)aWilayah RSFS Rusia dalam warna merah.StatusRepublik anggota Uni S...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!