This is an action thriller Malayalam movie about a sub inspector, Kasinathan, who leads a happy life with his family in his hometown. His life takes a turn when he meets Raghavan after his transfer to Kochi to a police station, where Raghavan is an underworld don. He rescues his sister from Rocky, brother of Raghavan, who wants to marry Kasinathan's sister, Gowri, as an act of revenge for beating him and his friends when they were molesting the daughter of a constable in his station after he is released from jail. Raghavan approaches Kasinathan with a proposal to marry off Gowri to Rocky when he objects strongly.
The original music and background score of the film are composed, arranged, programmed, and produced by Rahul Raj, and the lyrics are penned by Anil Panachooran. The audio rights were bought by a Bangalore-based music label, Tune4 Music, marking their entry into Malayalam Film Industry. The audio was launched on 19 August in a function held at The Wyte Fort Hotel, Cochin, in the presence of actor Prithviraj. The audio recorded excellent sales on the first day and has received generally positive reviews from both critics and Rahul Raj fans.[3] The audio contains a total of thirteen tracks, out of which three are songs, and the rest are extracts from the background score of the film. This is the first time in the Malayalam industry, extracts from the score are being released as a motion picture soundtrack.