The film begins at Raj Nagar estate, whose owner, Raja Narendra Varma, lives with his wife Annapurnamma, their son Krishna, and they are on the verge of having a daughter. Here, vindictive brother-in-law Kondala Rao / Cobra ruses and slays Dharam Raj in an accident. Krishna is mislaid in it and befriends an orphan, Raju, who aims to civilize him, sacrificing his own. Years roll by, and Raju becomes a truck driver, whereas Krishna turns into a daredevil gangster as a white knight for Cobra's sibling Hari, that is always under the veil. Once, Raju secures a charming Lalitha, the unbeknownst sibling of Krishna, and falls for her. In tandem, Krishna crushes the lionhearted Rekha. Meanwhile, Raju spots Krishna's true self when discord arises, which soothes him by declaring Krishna an undercover cop. He seizes the total criminals of the country, but Hari flees. Thus, enraged Cobra incriminates Raju, forcibly knitting Lalitha with a stranger by endangering Annapurnamma and ploys to kill her. Just after, Cobra & Hari abscond to their crime wing of the forest. Ergo, Raju breaks the bars, and Krishna chases to hold him. Rekha also accompanies him by detecting Hari as a hoodwinker of her mother. Knowing it, Cobra attempts to destroy them, but they escape and face Lalitha eluded. Moreover, Krishna unearths his birth and realizes Lalitha is his sister. Now, Raju & Krishna tough nut Cobra in the veil of Adavi Simhalu. So, Cobra sets up a rivalry between the two, and the battle erupts when they fathom the actuality. At last, they cease Cobra & gang. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriages of Raju & Lalitha and Krishna & Rekha.