The film was released on 20 March 2008 to mixed reviews. The film was later dubbed and released in Hindi as Daring Gundaraaj in 2013, in Bengali as Tumi Amar Mon Bojhona in 2010 and in Bengali Bangladesh as Amar Praner Priya in (2009).
Jagan, alias Chinna is industrialist Lion Rajendra's jobless son. He falls in love with Sunanda. Meanwhile, he suggests that his father and his rival Raghunath get into a partnership to double up their efficiency. Without his knowledge, his marriage is fixed to Raghunath's daughter, who obviously turns out to be Sunanda, but the families are not on great terms even after they fix the match. Raghunath is dealing in tobacco businesses that is actually owned by Bonala Shankar, a brusque and notorious MLA. Rajendra doesn't want to deal in that area, but Bonala threatens the board of directors too. Now Jagan has to deal with this corrupt politico and plays a game with him that shakes him from his very roots - spreads a rumor that he hit Shankar.