Aanaparambile World Cup Is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language sports drama film written and directed by Nikhil Premraj and produced by Stanley CS under the banner of Achappu Movie Magic. The film features Jumana Abdu Rahman, Antony Varghese, Balu Varghese and I.M. Vijayan. Cinematography is handled by Faiz Siddik and music is composed by Jakes Bejoy.[1][2][3][4][5]
About a fictitious village called Aanaparambu located in the northern region of Kerala, and its football-obsessed inhabitants who have been following the game since their childhood
Preparations are underway for the upcoming football World Cup. A group of kids searching for a ground to play, meet the characters played by Anthony, Lukman, and Balu.
The life of a nine-year-old boy, a dedicated football enthusiast, undergoes a significant transformation following the arrival of an unexpected guest.[6][7][8][9][10][11]
The film producers had partnered with Kerala Blasters FC for the promotional activities of the movie, like attending the film preview, sharing trailers on their social media accounts etc.[13]