"Four times brilliant rushes around end by Capt. Neely brought the ball well into Yale territory, only to be lost because of penalties against the visitors. Vanderbilt did not substitute a single player."[5]
These are the gladdest of possible words,
"Yale Was Unable to Score"
Sweeter than song from the clear singing birds,
"Yale Was Unable to Score"
Words that are sweeter than nectar and honey
Sweeter by far than the jungle of money,
Words that are roseate, golden and sunny,
"Yale Was Unable to Score"
Find in the classics another such phrase,
"Commodores Draw With the Blue,"
Phrase that is all to the ripple and razzle,
Canonized cluster of words on the dazzle,
Words that have Emerson smashed to a frazzle
"Commodores Draw with the Blue"