




詞綴分為前綴中綴後綴、環綴(前後綴),以及準詞綴等。前綴數量最多,中綴數量最少。加上不同的詞綴除使詞義轉變外,也會使詞性產生變化、比如從名詞變為動詞等。詞綴的特性使邵語的詞語數量可以做延伸性的擴張,也使詞語做有規律的詞義及詞性展延。參照白樂思的"邵語詞典"(Blust 2003:92-188)所整理發表的有如下詞綴變化之詞構。在詞語的使用上,也稍加調整為目前的拼字法。[1][7]

  • a- : /a-v/ generally causative sense, or future
  • an- : uncertain function
  • i- : prefix or clitic particle marking location
  • in- : past, perfective or completive aspect
  • ish- : found most with intransitive verbs (uncommon prefix)
  • ka- : 'to make an X', 'two times' (with reduplication)
  • kal- : 'X told'
  • kalh- : 'to pile, spread'
  • kash- : 'intensity, repetition'
  • kashi- : meaning uncertain
  • kashun- : derives verbs referring to positions of the human body, or sometimes objects such as boats
  • kat- : 'gradually become X'
  • ki- : 'stand, stay'; other possible meanings as well
  • kilh- : 'search for, seek'
  • kin- : 'to pick or gather X'
  • ku- : 'to perform an action with X' (when used with tools or weapons); less specific in other contexts
  • kun- : 'sudden or abrupt action', 'to eat the X meal', 'to do X times'; meaning unclear sometimes
  • la- : usually found in expressions of quantity of degree
  • lhin- : causative sense
  • lhun- : swelling-related meanings, etc.
  • m- : marks the genitive in 'you (2s)' and 'we (incl.)'
  • ma- : marks stative verbs, occasionally nouns derived from stative verbs
  • ma- : active verb prefix
  • ma- : prefix marking the future in actor focus verbs
  • ma- : 'tens' (used with numbers)
  • mak- : intransitive verbs
  • maka- : 'to resemble X' (people), 'produce X' (plant or animal parts), 'from/in/to X' (deictic/directional expressions)
  • makin- : intransitive verbs; 'Xth from the bottom' (with numerals)
  • makit- : 'happen gradually', 'perform X gradually'
  • maku- : directional sense, and is followed by /na/- (though it does not follow not in non-locative expressions)
  • malhi- : 'give birth to an X'
  • man- : generally used with dynamic, intransitive verbs
  • mana- : generally found with directional verbs
  • mapa- : 'reciprocal', 'collective action'
  • mash- : 'to speak X' (language), 'walk with an X' (positions or conditions of the leg)
  • masha- : relates to body positions, or may have a directional meaning
  • mashi- : comparatives (with stative bases of measurement); often synonymous with /ma/- (stative verb marker)
  • mat- : derives intransitive or stative verbs
  • mati- : locative expressions
  • matin- + full reduplication : 'X-ish' or 'spotted with X' (colors)
  • mi- : derives intransitive verbs, often with some form of base reduplication
  • mi- + Ca reduplication : 'do with a group of X'
  • mya- : used to derive various verbs
  • min- : derives inchoative verbs (Bunun loan?); 'become an X' or 'become like an X' (with kinship terms)
  • mu- : most frequently derives verbs of motion; 'go into X; enter X' (with concrete nouns that refer to structures or places capable of being entered); 'search for X' (with names of useful plants); 'do X times' (numeral bases and expressions of quantity)[8]
  • mun- : intransitive verbs
  • na- : most commonly with verbs indicating change of location; 'it's up to X'
  • pa-/p-X : causative of dynamic verbs (verbs with -/um/-); 'make X do Y' or 'let X do Y'; active transitive (or intransitive) verb with no causative argument/sense
  • pak- : 'exude X' (body fluids, other natural fluids/substances); intransitive verb prefix
  • pan- : 'perform X in a downward direction'
  • pashi- : generally causative sense (often with Ca-reduplication); 'let X do it' or 'let X have it' (with the accusative forms of personal pronouns)
  • pat- : generally causative sense
  • pi- : causative verbs of location (can be paired with /i/- 'at, in, on'); may also form non-locative verbs
  • pya- : forms causative verbs (usually have stative counterparts with /ma/-; note that /pa/- and -/um/- are also counterparts.); simulative verb
  • pik- : generally causative sense
  • pin- : generally forms causative verbs or deverbal nouns
  • pish- : 'play X' (musical instruments); inchoative sense (sometimes with an implied element of suddenness); causative sense
  • pu- : causative or transitive counterpart of the movement prefix /mu/-, which is intransitive; 'use an X' or 'put in an X' (with names of some tools); 'send out an X' (with names of plant parts)
  • pu- ... -an : to wear X' (body ornaments)
  • pun- : 'to catch X' (animals used for food)
  • qata- : bodily movement, observation, and the like
  • sha- : directional sense ('facing', etc.)
  • shan-na-Ca- ... : 'it's up to X' (often with pronouns)
  • shau- : 'go to X' or 'arrive at X' (with bases that have an inherently locative sense or temporal sense)
  • shi- : appears to mark past tense (as opposed to the perfective aspect marker -/in/-)
  • shi- : sometimes appears with commands
  • shi-X-X : 'X-ish, somewhat X'
  • shu- : 'bring X' or 'take X' (with pronominal and deictic bases)
  • tana- : generally directional sense (from Bunun /tana/- 'prefix of direction')
  • tau- : 'to carry X' (with concrete nouns); 'to turn to X' (with bases having a directional meaning)
  • tish- : forms both transitive and intransitive verbs; often refers to results of non-deliberate actions
  • tu-Ca- ... : 'the odor of X'
  • ya- : only comes after /mapa/- 'reciprocal or collective action'
  • -a- : only found in /kan/ 'eat'
  • -in- : perfective or completive aspect, or past[9]
  • -um- : actor focus infix.[8][10]
  • -ak : '1st person singular (I)'
  • -an : Verbal uses can be indicative, imperative, or adversative.
  • -i : imperative
  • -ik : patient focus (1st person singular)
  • -in : patient focus
  • -n : derives accusative pronouns from nominative bases
  • -un : equivalent of -/in/ 'patient focus' (borrowed from Bunun)
  • -wak : 1st person singular actor (apparently distinct from -/ak/)
  • -wan : 'X's turn (to do something)'
  • -zan : 'X paces' (used with numerals)
  • ak- ... -in : 'morning, noon, evening meals'
  • ka- ... -an : meaning unclear
  • kashi- ... -an : 'pull by the X'
  • ki- ... -an : 'be affected with pain in the X'
  • kit- ... -in : 'infested with X'
  • pash- ... -an : 'place in which X is kept'
  • pan- ... -an : used with terms for lineal consanguines to derive the corresponding collateral terms of the same generation (e.g., 'father' > 'uncle', 'grandparent' > 'grandparental sibling')
  • pashi- ... -an : 'put X on' or 'wear X'
  • shi-X-iz: 'X times'
  • un- ... -an : 'undesirable bodily conditions or afflictions'; 'figurative extension of a physical affliction'
  • kan 'step, walk'
  • lhqa 'live, living'
  • pasaháy 'to use'
  • qalha 'much, many'
  • sa (usually almost impossible to translate in most environments)









複合詞法基礎以連繫詞/a/為構成要件,(N1+/a/+N2)。或直接二詞或以上構成,(N1+N2+Nx…)。kmangkza barimbin(腳踏車/kmangkza a barimbin)。


關於疊詞法有二種、或則可說有三種疊詞模式:「CV(Ca)疊詞(CV(Ca) reduplication)」、「全疊詞(full reduplication)」,以及「右向疊詞(partial reduplication)」(有時視之為全疊詞的一種形式)。[13]















1). (基)數詞:

基數詞的增大延伸採十進位的計數法<makthin + 數詞>,makthin tata(11,10+1)、makthin tusha(12,10+2)…makthin tanathu(19,10+(10-1))等,而30為/maturuz/、40為/mashpatiz/。[15][16] /taha/後接量詞或合詞時會音變為/tata/,tata qbit(一群)。/tata/亦表為第一之意、Tata mzai yahiaw mara'in azazak.(第一、是小孩們都快長大)。或接「連繫詞組」時於前置或後置均用數詞結合量詞的「非人稱用法」為/la+數詞/(單複數均可)、[16][17] Itia nak a ruthun latata.(我有一隻猴子)、Laturu thithu a inangqtu.(她的願望有三個)。[18][19] 或「人稱用法」為/ta(ra)+數詞/或/CV(Ca)-疊詞/,ta-tusha(2)、ta-toro(3)、shpa-shpat(4)、ra-rima(5)等。[16] 另一數詞結合量詞用法為(ma+/數詞/+/-CV-infix/),Kalhan itia makashpashpat kuskus.(螃蟹有八隻腳)。如為:(ma+/數詞/+/-CV-infix/+uan)則表為/大約(數字)左右/,Sa makashpashpatuan a wali thuyni.(現在大約八點左右)。<amin + 數詞>表(…要(用)+/數詞/+個…),Ya munruza aminrima a wali paynan.(坐船大約要5個鐘頭)。

基數 123456(2x3)78(2x4)9(10-1)1020501001,00010,000
中文 二十五十(一)百一千(一)萬
邵語 tahatushaturushpatrimakaturupitukashpattanathumakthinmapushazmarimaz(tata)shaba(t.)mitilaw(t.)ban

2). 普通單詞

基本上名詞本身詞性沒有、亦無法改變單複數之別,須依數詞量詞來決定單複數之變化。而有的單一詞義為「連繫詞組」構成的組合字,<maqarman a qali>(惡靈)、<maqftan a qali>(善靈)。

中文 邵族/人酋長父/聖父星星日月潭山豬芋頭乳房(奶)漢人電話電郵死亡/
邵語 'Ita Thawdadu'ama'inayaku'kilhpulrimahudunzintunwazishlharitu'tu'shputlingwa'imilmathayqali


如同其他的台灣菲律賓南島語一樣,存在著「格位標記」(case marker)的架構。邵語不因一般名詞或專有名詞之不同,而造成格位之不同。大抵上邵語格位標記比起其他台灣南島語言是比較簡易的。觀察來看,邵語長期強烈受到閩南語文法的影響、格位標記的文法漸有萎縮模糊之傾向,亦可以語序交替格位標記來使用。邵語格位標記列表如下:[1][20][21]


「連繫詞」(ligature/linking particle)的架構,比如噶瑪蘭語之連繫詞/ay/與/a/、及巴宰語連繫詞/a/等詞語之功用。主要為連繫主與從、或擁有者及被擁有者之間的關係。基本上連繫兩個詞語、三個詞語亦可用連繫詞來結合,均謂之「連繫詞組」。如詞語之間為習慣構成用法就不用連繫詞、比如:用 ribush filhaq(樹葉),而不用 ribush a filhaq(樹的葉子)[22] /a/有時亦可作為"直到為"/until/之意。除一般名詞外,在人稱代詞單複數屬格後才可接連繫詞/a/。連繫詞的用法如有「所有格」之特性,進一步可形成類如詞綴一般的詞語詞義延展功能。邵語連繫詞列表如下:[1][21][22]


「關係詞」(relative)使用到/s/、/day/、/na/等語詞,來建立不同語詞及語句間之連通作用。而不似連繫詞般有"所有格"之作用。furaz s izui.意為(那月亮)、而不是(那一個/的/月亮)。Intua s mihu a ruthun?(你的猴子在哪裡?),由/s/來溝通/mihu a ruthun/及/intua/之關係。疑問代詞/numa/、疑問詞/intua/,以及/haya/等語詞後亦可接關係詞/s/。Numa s izay?(那/這/是什麼?),在疑問詞句中建立指示代詞/izay/及疑問詞/numa/之關係。[21] 否定式疑問句、因果關係等句型可用/day/,Apyakuzan day paynan?(要如何才可能),Maqa day makalingkiniza sa but.(因為身體的病好了)。[20]


焦點系統(focus/austronesian alignment)可二分為「主事」(agent)、「非主事」(non-agent)兩類。而非主事焦點目前只有「受事」(patient)焦點(focus)一類。[1][7] 表內的符號/ɸ/表示該句型之動詞沒有用到焦點系統標記。[21]


時體態系統(TAM/tense, aspect & mood/TMA)可二分為「已然語氣」(realis/現實式/實現狀/實然/現在、完成、習慣及進行與過去式)、及「非已然語氣」(irrealis/非現實式/非實現狀/非實然/未來式)之兩種语气形態,[23][24] 時態的表示上,如:完成式、未來式,及過去式等。並配合格位標記、及焦點系統標記如/m/,/ma-/,/-um-/,/-an/,/-in-/等來表示。比如完成式以/-iza/來表示(/-iza/亦可用為強調詞),而重複性或短暫貌與請託性則以/-wan/表之、經常性動作以/Ca+stem/(重疊輔音+/a/)表之。在單詞起頭的輔音後接中綴/-in-/表示過去式。未來式以前綴/a-/來表示。祈使句用後綴/-í/等來表示。而/ɸ/表無時貌態標記。過去式亦可用表過去之時間副詞來配合表達。[1][21] /S/表詞幹,/Rc/重複詞幹第1個輔音。表內的符號/ɸ/表示該句型之動詞沒有用到時態貌系統標記。總的而言、時貌態系統結合「時式系統」(tense)、「動貌系統」(aspect)、以及「語態系統」(mood/modality)等來討論。[1]





  1. 一般"單詞"用小寫、獨立寫出,tatortor(長杵)、qahil(紙)、maruqruq(地塹)、pinuqrum(棉被)等之名詞。
  2. 一般"合詞"用小寫、整組寫出,mapushaz yanan larima(25)等之名詞。



  1. 星期、月份、春夏秋冬等用小寫,單詞或多詞整組寫出,maqulhaqulha wa qahil makintata(星期一)、mahnar a qali(夏天)等之名詞。
  2. 人名、地名、專有名詞等用大寫,單詞或多詞整組寫出,Kilash Shkatafatu(石阿松)、Qariawan(埔里)、Ita Thaw(伊達邵)等之名詞。[25]
  3. 邵族七大氏族:Shinawanan(袁)、Shkatafatu'(石)、Shkapamumu'(毛)、Shkahihian(陳)、Shtamarutaw(高)、Shapit(白(筆))、Shtanakjunan(丹(朱))。[25][26]
  4. 邵族歲時祭典:mulalu pisazay(播種祭)、mulalu patpari(播種後祭/移植祭)、maqes nila pazay(除草祭)、mulalu s putawn pazay(收割祭)、mulalu matansun pintuza(狩獵祭/拜鰻祭)、mulalu malhaqitan (lusian)(豐年祭)、pithaning sapa(收藏嚐新祭)、paroparo(鑿齒師)、titisan(除穢儀式)、tunkarete lus'an(換年祭)、pariqaz(主祭/爐主)。[27]




表列人稱代詞(personal pronoun)分「主事一致附著」(actor agreement)、「一般附著」(bound),及「一般格式」(free/非未來式)。表內無"複數主事一致附著"及"複數一般附著"。[21] 而「主事一致附著」及「一般附著」前用连字号(-)註記。總的來看,人稱代詞的複數形式變化較少。台灣南島語除鄒語巴宰語(pazih/alishay a lalawa)等之外,絕大多數無第3人稱(單複數)主格一般附著。[28] 邵語人稱代詞不分性別。邵語人稱代詞第1人稱單複數表達法類同於巴宰語第1人稱單複數表達法,而巴宰語存有位置格、邵語卻存有斜格与格[1][7][20][21][29][30] 人稱代詞表內之代詞加有星號(*)表示較少出現。表中斜格指的是「直接賓語」,而與格指的是「間接賓語」。[21][31] 單數一般格式屬格/nak(naak)/唸為/na:k/、拉長/a/音。而邵語的人稱代詞無未來式,其未來式是以動詞之未來式前綴形式/a-/來表示。總結觀察,邵語代詞用法的演變因強化語序之應用、故朝向類如閩南語代詞單純化之演進趨向。

單複數 單數 複數
詞式 主事一致附著 一般附著 一般格式(非未來式) 一般格式(非未來式)
詞格 及物動詞 通格/主格 作格 屬格 中性格 屬格 斜格 与格 中性格 屬格 斜格 與格
第1人稱 -ak/-ik/-k -wak -ku* yaku nak[32]
包含式 ita mita itan mitan
排除式 yamin nam
yamin yamin
第2人稱 -nu -uhu/-u* ihu mihu[33] ihun
mihun maniun maniun maniun maniun
第3人稱 na- thithu thithu[34] thithu thithun thaythuy thaythuy thaythuy thaythun


附著格式(bound)一般分:「主事一致附著」、及「一般附著」兩大類。主事一致附著即「及物動詞」詞格。一般附著又分:(1).通格/主格、(2).作格、(3).屬格等三項。[1][12][20][21][35] 使用為附著格式作通格語言(A-SO,主事者/agent/獨立)觀點時,前一字的語尾為/n/時再接其後的/-uhu/、因连音唸為/nuhu/、Numa sa kadadu'un-uhu a akanin kman?(你喜歡吃/的食物/什麼?);[22] Haya wa anyamin apinuman-uhu?(你知道這是做什麼用途的?)[35] 基本上附著格式為台灣南島語的基礎文法架構、也是南島語系文法上的一大特色。而在邵語裡附著格式用法演化為可以用語序來替代,即是邵語融合進漢藏語系文法之語序成為台灣南島語的基本文法的一部分。



第1人稱,Amangqtu-ak antu lashdu sa tuali.(我想看看…)、Ushnaw-ik!(我喜歡她)、A-pyakusha-k?(我將做什麼?)、Aliwa-k tuali!(我的錢不夠!)
第2人稱,Antu zain-nu.[Antu zainu](你沒有告訴/她/)、Pintata-wan-nu qati.(你煮一煮竹筍)。




第1人稱,A-mu-tusi-wak Qariawan.(我將要去埔里)。


第1人稱,Azazak inapa-ku.(我帶過這個小孩)。
第2人稱,Uqthawan-uhu malhinuna inutalan.(請你再說一次)。


第3人稱,Haya ruza muqazus, maqa hmurqut na-qinuthquth.(這艘船飄走,因為它從它的船塢鬆脫掉)。


反身代詞(reflexive pronoun英语Reflexive pronoun)即附著在先行詞上的一種前指(anaphora英语Anaphora (linguistics))關係,先行詞可以是名詞、代名詞、形容詞,及副詞等詞類。mamuri ihu(你自己/yourself)、aq-anak-in(單複數自己/by oneself, by ourselves)、pak-azu-an(第3人稱自己/by itself)。Yaku malhuiza tufuish aqanakin kman.(我種了甘蔗給咱們自己吃)、Azazak mawrawan kman pakazuan pakan.(/假如/小孩子不能自己吃,那就要餵它。/wan/強調持續或暫時之狀態)[7]


指示代詞(demonstrative pronoun)歸屬於限定詞,有遠中近之分。 指代使用上、「這」(inay)與「那」(izay),「指近」(haya)與「指遠」(huya)等均是相對使用之概念。[1][21]


疑问代词(interrogative pronoun)有表人及表物之別。[1][21]



  • minmihu - 為你(for you)
  • panmihu - 至於你(as for you)
  • panihun - 因為你(because of you)
  • shanaihun - 由你(up to you)
  • shaunatazihun - 去你的地方(go to your place)
  • shmunaihun - 給你帶來(bring to you)
  • nakin - 對我來說(for me)
  • panyakin - 至於我(as for me)
  • pashiyakin - 離開我(leave me)
  • shanayayakin - 由我(up to me)
  • shmunayakin - 給我帶來(bring me)









  • 單一副詞,獨寫。pambalabalay(剛好)、maifazfaz(剛好一半)等。
  • 合成副詞,由多字詞所組成之副詞:myazithu-iza myalunlunduz(如此一直地)等。



  • 單一形容詞,只由單一字詞。maputhun(荒蕪的)、myataza'bak(瘋癲的)、mingqurqur(朽爛的)等。
  • 合成形容詞,由多字詞所組成之形容詞。mathuaw ma'dislum(很綠/很藍的)等。


非代詞性之疑問詞(interrogatives),是以詢問:「人、事、時、地、物」是何情狀。有獨立表語及非獨立表語之別。[1][21] 疑問代詞/numa/可延伸出疑問詞/如何/及/那一個/等之意的用法,/numa/亦用為"也"(also)之意。而/lapiza/在人或物之量稱上均可用。其他如/amin-daq/表"要多久"之意。


/ya/作為假設語氣(subjunctive/假如),Ya tuqulu-wan sa kaytatumtun, ani yaku a-tumpur.(假如把我用木桶蓋起來,我就不會長出苗來)。Tuqatuqash mzai bakbaki ya tanlhuan ya malhinuna, amaqusaz; qabus a rumfaz ya munfaw marfaz, apunwahi sa qali.(老人家說如果青蛙晚上鳴叫將會下雨;如果老鷹高飛天氣就會晴朗./ya tanlhuan/(在晚上/時間副詞)的ya作時間副詞的格位標記用)。[12][36]


祈使詞(imperative)用後綴/-í/來表示,而較柔性的祈使句、或要求句式則加上後綴/-uan/大致可翻譯為(請…)。/ya/作為祈使語氣(假如/(可以)…嗎?),Shduu yaku ya…?(我可以…嗎?)


時間副詞(temporal adverb)及「準時間副詞」表示行為發生的時間和說話時之時距關係。一般分為過去式現在式將來式,通常也有與表示動作進行或終止的進行式和完成式等的動貌詞一起相連用的情況。一般以獨立格位標記/tu/帶頭表「過去」,而以獨立格位標記/ya/帶頭表「未來」。[36] 時間副詞在語句裡可形成「連續詞組」,tu kahiwan a lalawa(故事);thuyni a qali.(今天)。其它相關時間副詞 minakashashanu(從早上)、shawnamahumhum(到晚上)、isisuawan/isisuaiza(那時)、thathuyni(剛才/剛剛)、tu suma(有時)、lhmazawan(開始)、mingqarayza(最後/很久之後)、italhawan!(等一下),[12] Thathuyni yaku tu shawnanay.(我剛剛才到)。


助詞(particle)一般附加在語句子前、中、後,表示句型結構上之各種语气關係。[37] 邵語/qa/為疑問助詞、獨立附於句尾,音義及用法類如日語疑問助詞/か/(ka)。Myakuza ihu qa?(你怎麼了?/What's the matter with you?)。


肯定詞為肯定式(Grammatical polarity, affirmative)之詞構。肯定詞不變時態,且常/獨立於句頭、或在句中使用。ua(是的/<Ua,…>)、daduiza(真的)等。[12][20][21]


否定詞(negative)為否定式(Negation (linguistics), Negation)之詞構。[1] 否定詞不變時態,且常置放在句頭、或則在句中使用。[12][20][21] 當否定詞用於疑問句時可當作"有沒有"之意、Uka sa lhalhutha?(有沒有稀飯?)[20]


感叹词(interjection)為用以表達感嘆、驚呀、疑問、恐懼、喜怒愛惡等之詞語,歸為語助詞類。anani(可惜、好可惜)、ihi anani(真可惜)等。[20]


限定詞(determiner英语Determiner (linguistics))有/tu/、/ya/、/na/等語詞。如/tu/及/ya/配合動詞及時貌態(TMA)語詞等使用。已然語氣即過去式或現在式等可用:<tu+動詞>,非已然語氣即未來式或祈使式等可用:<ya+動詞>。



  1. 並列關係,獨寫/置頭;和、與等。比如(myazay):lash(和/倆/人與人)、numa(和/並列性)、masa(與/結合性)、mat(和/可當前綴/with)、matsahay(和)、patna(和/指工具方面/with)等。
  2. 轉折關係,獨寫/置頭;但是、不過等。qaasa(但是)、kanuniza(不過)等。
  3. 因果關係,獨寫/置頭;因為、因此等。maqa/a-maqa(因此/因為)、numawan(因此)等。
  4. 假設關係,獨寫/置頭或中;即使、假若等。ya(假如/if,簡縮為/a/)、ya niwan(若未/if not)、wakasayman(若如/only if)、mamzay(即使說/even if)等。
  5. 承接關係,獨寫/置頭或尾;然後、原來等。numa(然後)、naur(原來/當然)、mingqaraiza(後來)、yanauran(一直)、panzithuiza(結束了)等。
  6. 時間關係,獨寫/置頭或中;那時、然後等。isiua/isiuaiza/isiuawan(那時)、ya(當/when/、簡縮為/a/)、kahiwan(從前/formerly)、shashu(有時)等。
  7. 比擬關係,獨寫/置頭或中;比、像那樣、愈…愈…等。matsay(…比…)等、minshuz(愈…愈…)、myazithuiza(像那樣)、apyazayn(要像那樣)等。
  8. 質疑關係,獨寫/置頭或中;如何、只有那樣等。lazithu(只有那樣)、muqawan(仍然只有)等。


語序(syntax order)有主谓宾结构(SVO)及谓主宾结构(VSO)兩種,而主謂賓(SVO)語序受到一些臺灣話的影響(Blust 2003:228)。[7][9][21]

句法整體須配合時態之動貌詞及格位標記使用。如人稱格位標記為 /ti/、/tu/、/i,isa/等(Blust 2003:228)。[7]


否定式包含/uka/;/ani/及/antu/;/ata tu/用為"不是/不要"等之否定的句式,主要置放於表語之前。Mashtay uka shawan.(大家都很忙/不閒)。




在單詞起頭的輔音後接中綴/-in-/表示過去式,In-in-ay yaku.(這兒我待過/I was here.)、Mihu a s-in-aran-an yanan sapaz.(凡/你/走過必有足跡)。[9]




祈使句用後綴/-í/來表示;而較柔性的祈使句或要求句式加上後綴/-uan/大致可翻譯為 "請..."、有時拼寫為/-wan/可以和/-í/一起使用,/wan/強調事件的持續或暫時狀態。[21] Angqtuqtu ihu ya mu-tusi Typak fariw-i-wak uan latata Thaw a kmilhim pinatash a lalawa wa patashan.(當你去台北記得我買/一/部邵語詞典)[7]




Rumfaz masa azazak a lalawa

Thithu wa ina thmalam kliw. Azazak mapanu antu mindahip thmalam. Ina thithu minshiraq.
Thmanit mathalpu. Muthuy fafaw tafuq, mara qatapay, punay minpali talahan qatapay.
Marfaz makitnafaw. Numa ina myazay numa mashaqadaw mriqaz azazak.
Thmanit ina. Numa sa azazak pistubu. Numa ina mathay.
(Ita Thaw a lalawa)



Minaqatuthi arithan s Ita Thaw a lalawa

Minaqatuthi Arithan qmaqutil qnuwan. Numa sa muntal muribush. Numa minpiza wa qali puqafay yamin afu. Shawnanayza puzi.
Numa musha sa qnuwan. Uka sa ruza mutantu. Myazithuiza mriqaz ruthaw. Manasha sa ruthsaw, madundun. Thapuk ita!
Kanuwan ihu! Tata qtazam! Mariq ihu tuqatuqashiza. Apyakuzan ya amaathay. Qazi! maqitang qali. Kinayza ita pintawn.
Qmalawa sa tawn, latusha sa tawn. Maliazazak lunngpiyaq. Muqza tata binaw'az Mali'azazak qutashin. Minasha mathuwawaza.
Ituthi taringkuwan, ituthi lala, manasha ituthi puzi manasha. Numa yamin parakaz mara'in kupaqitan. Numa ma'awakiza numa antu.
Numa tu thimaq mutantu, muqza minshuqup. Minpiza wa qali myutu, numa pyazay. Yaku ani amuntunuq, ya apaqit.
Ya apyazayn liklikin amuntunuq. Ya tuqluwan sa kaytatumtum, ani yaku atumpur. Muntunuq! Maqulaqula sa zum myazay sa talum.
Numa sa thaw sqarman. Minuka!
(Ita Thaw a lalawa)


主禱文(天主經)源自新約聖經四福音书馬太福音第六章第9節至13節(Masiw 6:9-13)。[38][39][40]

Ama wa lalawa

Mita wa ama i qali. Tulbuq day ya munsa Ama wa lhanaz taraniza na apu. Tulbuq day ya munsa mihu a prnoq amataliniza ware.
Tulbuq day ya munsa mihu a lalawa shana munkaktuniza i proq. Myazithuiza tu shana munkaktun i qali.
(Masiw 6:9-13)



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Location of Germany Germany is a federal parliamentary republic in central-western Europe. Germany has the world's 4th largest economy by nominal GDP, and the 5th largest by PPP. As a global leader in several industrial and technological sectors, it is both the world's third-largest exporter and importer of goods. Of the world's 500 largest stock-market-listed companies measured by revenue in 2017, the Fortune Global 500, 29 are headquartered in Germany.[1] 30 Germany-based companies ...


Santo Cajetan (1480-1547), pendiri ordo Teatin. Teatin (bahasa Inggris: Theatines) atau Kongregasi Imam-Imam Regular dari Penyelenggaraan Ilahi (bahasa Inggris: Congregation of Clerics Regular of the Divine Providence) merupakan salah satu tarekat atau ordo religius dari Gereja katolik; anggota tarekat ini menyematkan inisial C.R. pada akhir namanya. Pendirian Tarekat ini didirikan oleh Santo Cajetan (Gaetano dei Conti di Tiene), Paolo Consiglieri, Bonifacio da Colle, dan Giovanni Pie...


2009 American filmThe Land That Time ForgotTheatrical posterDirected byC. Thomas HowellScreenplay byDarren DaltonBased onThe Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice BurroughsProduced byDavid Michael LattStarringC. Thomas HowellTimothy BottomsStephen BlackehartLindsey McKeonAnya BentonPatrick GormanCinematographyMark AtkinsEdited byBrian BrinkmanMusic byChris CanoChris RidenhourDistributed byThe AsylumRelease date July 28, 2009 (2009-07-28) Running time90 minutesCountryUnited States...

Latvian ice hockey player Ice hockey player Rodrigo Laviņš Born (1974-08-03) August 3, 1974 (age 49)Riga, Latvian SSR, Soviet UnionHeight 5 ft 10 in (178 cm)Weight 185 lb (84 kg; 13 st 3 lb)Position DefenceShot LeftPlayed for Pārdaugava RīgaJokeritAIKIlvesHPKAugsburger PantherMolot-Prikamye PermHC Dynamo MoscowHK Riga 2000Brynäs IFMetallurg NovokuznetskSödertälje SKDinamo RigaHK Liepājas MetalurgsHK KurbadsNational team  LatviaNHL Draft Und...


1975 studio album by Frank LoweThe FlamStudio album by Frank LoweReleased1975RecordedOctober 20 & 21, 1975 at Generation Sound Studios, New York CityGenreJazzLength43:37LabelBlack SaintProducerGiacomo PellicciottiFrank Lowe chronology Fresh(1974) The Flam(1975) Tricks of the Trade(1976) The Flam is an album by American jazz saxophonist Frank Lowe recorded in 1975 for the Italian Black Saint label.[1] Reception The Allmusic review by Scott Yanow awarded the album 4½ stars ...


American-Canadian musician grandsongrandson performing in 2018Background informationBirth nameJordan Edward BenjaminBorn (1993-10-25) October 25, 1993 (age 30)Englewood, New Jersey, U.S.OriginToronto, Ontario, CanadaGenres Alternative rock rap rock alternative hip hop political hip hop trap EDM Occupation(s) Singer songwriter Instrument(s) Vocals guitar piano Years active2014–presentLabels Fueled by Ramen RCA Websitegrandsonmusic.comMusical artist Jordan Edward Benjamin[1][...

German lawyer and politician Arved DeringerArved Deringer on a campaign poster for the 1961 federal electionsMember of the BundestagIn office15 October 1957 – 19 October 1969 Personal detailsBorn(1913-06-04)4 June 1913NeustuttgartDied25 October 2011(2011-10-25) (aged 98)Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, GermanyNationalityGermanPolitical partyCDU Arved Deringer (4 June 1913 – 25 October 2011) was a German lawyer and politician for the CDU. He was a member of the Bundestag from 1...


Indian actor and film producer Rockline VenkateshVenkatesh in 2018BornT. N. Venkatesh (1963-03-24) 24 March 1963 (age 60)Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaOccupationsFilm produceractorYears active1987–presentSpousePushpakumariChildren2 Thirupathi Narasimhalunaidu Venkatesh (born 23 March 1963), better known by his stage name Rockline Venkatesh, is an Indian actor and producer known for his works in Kannada, Tamil and Hindi cinemas. He is the founder and owner of the production and di...


American live-action/CGI streaming television series Gabby's DollhouseCreated byTraci Paige JohnsonJennifer TwomeyPresented byLaila Lockhart KranerVoices ofJuliet DonenfeldLogan BaileyEduardo FrancoSainty NelsenMaggie LoweSecunda WoodTara StrongDonovan PattonCarla TassaraOpening themeHey Gabby! by PT WalkleyComposerPT WalkleyCountry of originUnited StatesOriginal languageEnglishNo. of seasons8No. of episodes58 (list of episodes)ProductionExecutive producersTraci Paige JohnsonJennifer TwomeyRu...

2004 compilation album by Various artistsLuny Tunes Presents La Mision 4: The Take OverCompilation album by Various artistsReleasedNovember 9, 2004GenreReggaetonLabelNew Era EntertainmentProducerLuny TunesMonserrate & DJ UrbaNesty La Mente MaestraNaldoNely El Arma SecretaMr. GDJ BlassN.O.T.T.YDJ SonicYomyVarious artists chronology La Trayectoria(2004) Luny Tunes Presents La Mision 4: The Take Over(2004) Mas Flow 2(2005) Luny Tunes Presents La Mision 4: The Take Over is a compilati...


English painter Carel Victor Morlais WeightBorn(1908-09-10)10 September 1908Paddington, LondonDied13 August 1997(1997-08-13) (aged 88)LondonNationalityBritishEducationHammersmith School of ArtGoldsmiths CollegeKnown forLandscape & portrait painting Carel Victor Morlais Weight, CH, CBE, RA (10 September 1908 – 13 August 1997) was an English painter.[1][2] Biography Recruit's Progress - Medical Inspection (1942) by Carel Weight Weight was born in Paddington in 19...


Historic house in Connecticut, United States For the similarly named historic house in Massachusetts, see General John Glover House. United States historic placeJohn Glover HouseU.S. National Register of Historic Places Show map of ConnecticutShow map of the United StatesLocation53 Echo Valley Rd., Newtown, ConnecticutCoordinates41°26′49″N 73°18′34″W / 41.44694°N 73.30944°W / 41.44694; -73.30944Area2 acres (0.81 ha)Built1708Architectural styleColo...

American Classical LeagueACL official sealAbbreviationACLFormation1919TypeProfessional, educationalLegal statusNon-profitPurposeClassical studiesHeadquarters860 NW Washington Blvd., Suite AHamilton, Ohio, Ohio 45013LocationUnited StatesCanadaCoordinates39°30′25.25″N 84°44′42.75″W / 39.5070139°N 84.7452083°W / 39.5070139; -84.7452083PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerMary PendergraftJohn Gruber-MillerMichelle RamahloRachel AshAffiliationsNational ...


Piano Sonataby Jean SibeliusThe composer in 1892, by Eero JaernefeltKeyF majorOpus12Composed1893 (1893)Performed17 April 1895 (1895-04-17)Movements3 The Piano Sonata in F major, Op. 12, is a three-movement composition for piano solo written in 1893 by the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius. The piece received its premiere in Helsinki on 17 April 1895; Oskar Merikanto was the soloist.[1] Ilmari Hannikainen, a prominent Finnish composer, said the F major P...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!