他的一些佳作创作于卡茲奇山旅行归来。1880年代后期,在散文"The Heart of the Southern Catskills"(南部卡茲奇山之心)中,他对攀登卡茲奇山脉最高峰Slide Mountain作了记录。谈及登顶后所见,它这样写道,“"The works of man dwindle, and the original features of the huge globe come out. Every single object or point is dwarfed; the valley of the Hudson is only a wrinkle in the earth's surface. You discover with a feeling of surprise that the great thing is the earth itself, which stretches away on every hand so far beyond your ken.”为纪念其登顶成功,他的部分语句已经被刻于突出的岩石上,被称为Burroughs Ledge。附近的Cornell和Wittenberg 山,巴勒斯也曾攀登过,因此被合称为巴勒斯山脉。
My Boyhood, with a Conclusion by His Son Julian Burroughs (1922)
Books About John Burroughs
Our Friend John Burroughs by Clara Barrus (Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1914)
John Burroughs Boy and Man by Clara Barrus (Garden City New York Doubleday, Page & Company, 1920)
The Life and Letters of John Burroughs by Clara Barrus (Volume 1, Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1925)
John Burroughs: An American Naturalist by Edward J. Renehan Jr. (Chelsea, VT: Chelsea Green, 1992; paperback - Hensonville, NY: Black Dome Press, 1998)
John Burroughs and The Place of Nature by James Perrin Warren (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2006)
John Burroughs: An American Naturalist by Edward J. Renehan, Jr. (Black Dome Press)
Sharp Eyes: John Burroughs and American Nature Writing edited by Charlotte Zoe Walker, ed. (Syracuse University Press)
The Art Of Seeing Things by John Burroughs edited by Charlotte Zoe Walker, ed. (Syracuse University Press)
John Burroughs: The Sage of Slabsides by Ginger Wadsworth (Clarion Books)
Bird and Bough by John Burroughs. Complete text of his only book of published poems plus poems published in periodicals; also public domain recordings of his poems.