When the corrected document arrived I found Beethoven writing. 'Play the sonatas through', he told me but remained seated at his desk. There were numerous mistakes, which made him very impatient. At the end of the first Allegro of the G-major sonata Nägeli had even added four measures [...]. When I played them, Beethoven jumped up in rage, rushed up to me, pushed me away from the piano and shouted: 'Where in the world is that written?' – When he saw the notes printed this way, his astonishment and indignation were unbelievable.'
貝多芬原本打算在《萊比錫音樂廣訊報》(Leipziger Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung)刊登廣告,反應內格利版本的錯處,但最終貝多芬把樂譜交予波恩的西姆羅克出版社重新發行,並在封面上標示了「正確的版本」(édition très correcte)[1]。