特塞尔的格鲁吉亚人起义(荷蘭語:Opstand van de Georgiërs,1945年4月4日-1945年5月20日)是一场由驻扎在被德国占领的荷兰岛屿特塞尔上的德军(即德意志国防军陆军)格鲁吉亚军团882步兵营Königin Tamara(Queen Tamar,即塔玛拉女王)发动的暴动。该军营由800格鲁吉亚人和400德国人组成,主要由德国军官领导。该事件被描述为“欧洲最后的战场”(Europe's last battlefield)。
^Composed of surplus naval personnel and organized as an infantry formation; all such ad hoc organizations of the same genre towards the end of the war were poorly equipped, had little or no infantry training, and suffered from low morale
Dick van Reeuwijk. Opstand der Georgiërs, Sondermeldung Texel. Den Burg: Het Open Boek. Herzien Editie 2001 (The Georgian Rebellion on Texel). ISBN 9070202093
Hans Houterman, J. N. Houterman, Eastern Troops in Zeeland, the Netherlands, 1943-1945, p. 62. Axis Europa Books, 1997. ISBN 1891227009
Henri Antony Van der Zee (1998), The Hunger Winter: Occupied Holland, 1944-45, pp. 213-220. University of Nebraska Press, ISBN 0803296185 (Reprint. Originally published: London : J. Norman & Hobhouse, 1982.)