據報導,該韓裔疑兇趙承熙於第一次槍擊行兇與第二槍擊行動間的空檔,曾以郵件包裹方式,寄了包含自拍的影音光碟、相片與簡短文字的行兇聲明至美國知名電視媒體美國國家廣播公司(NBC)。於影像裡面,出現了“You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today, it is your option(你們曾有很多次機會來避免今天的事情,那是你們的選擇)”和“you forced me into a corner(是你們將我逼到了死角)”等等言語。部分媒體推測,該包裹為該槍擊案疑兇寄出,加上自拍影像為多日前拍攝,因此判定該槍擊案為預謀殺人。[22]
Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed reports the gunman was a 25-year-old Chinese national who came to the United States last year on a student visa. Citing an unidentified source, investigators have not linked the man to any terror groups. Sneed reports the man arrived in the U.S. in San Francisco on a visa issued in Shanghai. Three bomb threats on the Virginia Tech campus last week may have been attempts by the gunman to test the campus security response, according to the Sneed report.
Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed reported Monday that the Virginia Tech shooter is a 24-year-old man from China. More than 30 people were killed Monday in the shooting rampage on Virginia Tech University’s campus.According to Sneed, the man came to the U.S. last year on a student visa issued in Shanghai. Police believe the same man may be responsible for threats on campus last week, Sneed reported.
The Chicago Sun-Times reported Monday night that authorities are investigating whether the gunman was a 24-year-old Chinese man who arrived in the U.S. last year on a student visa issued in Shanghai. Police believe three bomb threats on the campus last week may have been attempts by the man to test the campus' security response, the newspaper reported.
The Chicago Sun-Times quoted sources as saying that police are investigating whether a 24-year-old Chinese man is behind the shootings that have killed 33 in the worst campus violence in U.S. history. The alleged gunman had arrived in San Francisco from Shanghai last August.