1988年,萨哈罗夫获得国际人道和伦理联合会(International Humanist and Ethical Union)颁发的国际人道主义奖。之后,萨哈罗夫协助了苏联最早的一批独立政治组织的成立,并成为苏联反对势力中主要一员。1989年3月,萨哈罗夫当选为苏联人民代表大会的成员,成为民主改革势力的领导者之一。
^A.D. Sakharov: "Expanding Universe and the Appearance of a Nonuniform Distribution of Matter", ZhETF 49: 345–358 (1965); translation in JETP Lett. 22: 241–249 (1966)
A.D. Sakharov: "Antiquarks in the Universe" in "Problems in theoretical physics", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of N.N. Bogolyubov, Nauka, Moscou, pp. 35–44, 1969
A.D. Sakharov and I.D. Novikov: "A multisheet Cosmological model" Preprint Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, 1970
A.D. Sakharov: "Topological structure of elementary particles and CPT asymmetry" in "Problems in theoretical physics", dedicated to the memory of I.E. Tamm, Nauka, Moscow, pp. 243–247, 1972
A.D. Sakharov: "Baryonic asymmetry of the Universe", ZhETF 76: 1172–1181 (1979); translation in JETP Lett. 49: 594–599 (1979)
A.D. Sakharov: "Cosmological model of the Universe with a time vector inversion". ZhETF 79: 689–693 (1980); translation in JETP Lett. 52: 349–351 (1980)
^Joshua Rubenstein, Alexander Gribanov, The KGB file of Andrei Sakharov,2005,page 248
^Coleman, Fred, The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Empire: Forty Years That Shook the World, from Stalin to Yeltsin, p. 116. New York: St. Martin's, 1997.
Sakharov, Andrei. Facets of a Life. 1991 (英语).
Babyonyshev, Alexander. On Sakharov. New York. 1982 (英语).
Lozansky, Edward D. Andrei Sakharov and Peace. 1985 (英语).