商业贸易部(英語:Department for Business and Trade,DBT[3])是负责商务、产业战略、科学研究创新、能源、清洁发展與气候变化的英国政府部门。由時任首相特蕾莎·梅创建于2016年[4]。本部将商业、产业战略、科学与创新的责任与能源及气候变化政策融合,继承了其两个前身部的职能[5]。
本部的前身可以一直追溯到貿易局,这是一个英国枢密院下设的委员会,全称为受委审议与贸易及外国种植园相关所有事项之大臣组成之枢密院委员会(英語:The Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council appointed for the consideration of all matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations)。该委员会经历了几次演变,从17世纪广泛参与殖民事务,到维多利亚时代被赋予对国内及国外商业的强大监管职能,再到1970年与科技部(英语:Minister of Technology)合并成新部门。
^Smale, Will. DTI falls to the rebranding sword. BBC News. 2005-05-10 [2016-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2007-03-19). To mark the start of Labour's third term in power, the DTI is no more, replaced by the Department for Productivity, Energy and Industry, or DPEI for short.
^Jibes prompt DTI rebrand U-turn. BBC News. 2005-05-13 [2016-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2008-02-29). New department head Alan Johnson persuaded Tony Blair to change the name back following derision from business leaders and unions.