在他們兩人的晚年時有大量書信來往,其中公開了的信件亦可證明兩人的友誼是互惠互利的。他們來往的信件引起了很多人的關注,甚至被編錄成《馬克·吐溫與亨利·羅傑斯的書信,1893-1909[永久失效連結]》(Mark Twain's Correspondence with Henry Huttleston Rogers, 1893-1909)。
^"some articles that was laying around .......two books, Mr. Rogers' brown slippers, and a ham. I thought it was one of ourn. It looked like one we used to have, but it shan't occur again, and don't you worry. He will temper the wind to the shorn lamb, and I will send some of the things back if there is some that won't keep. Yores in Jesus, S.L.C."
^"Before I forget it, let me remind you that I shall want the trunk and the things you took away from my house as soon as possible. I learn that instead of taking old things, you took my best. Mrs. Rogers is at the White Mountains. I am going to Fairhaven this afternoon. I hope you will not be there. By the way, I have been using a pair of your gloves in the Mountains, and they don't seem to be much of an attraction."
The Wealthy 100: From Benjamin Franklin to Bill Gates - A Ranking of the Richest Americans, Past and Present. Michael Klepper and Robert Gunther (contributor). Seacaucus, New Jersey: Carol Publishing Group, 1996.
Borden Alanson 1899, Our County and Its People: A Descriptive and Biographical Record of Bristol County, Massachusetts. New Bedford, Mass: The Boston History Company.
Elbert Hubbard, 1909, Little Journeys to the Homes