发行日期2024年8月19日 (2024-08-19)
收錄於Fe3O4: STICK OUT的單曲
  1. 별별별 (See that?)
    發行日期:2024年8月19日 (2024-08-19)

Fe3O4: STICK OUT》是韓國女子團體NMIXX的第三張韓語迷你專輯,由JYP娛樂製作並於2024年8月19日發行,主打曲為《별별별 (See that?)》。


2024年7月22日,官方宣布NMIXX將於8月19日以迷你三輯《Fe3O4: STICK OUT》回歸[2];同日,官方釋出首波專輯預覽圖並開放預購[3][4][5]

7月23日,公開預告時程表[6][7],7月29日至8月1日,公布「mysterious unaNSWERed call」[8]

8月2日,釋出故事影片「OUTSIDER CLUB」[9][10],8月7日,公開預告片「OUT SIMULATION」[11],8月8日,公布專輯Nephelomancy版概念照[12],8月9日,釋出視覺影片「RUBBER BALL SWAG」[13],8月10日,公布專輯Pyromancy版概念照[14],8月11日,釋出視覺影片「Exploring fundamental fear」[15],8月12日,公布收錄曲《SICKUHH (Feat. Kid Milli)》音樂視覺化影片[16][17]。8月13日,公開專輯曲目表[18][19]。8月14日,釋出聲音預告片[20]。8月15日,釋出阿卡貝拉版音源試聽[21][22]。8月16日,釋出全專輯音源試聽會[23]。8月17日至18日,釋出主打曲的M/V預告片[24][25]。8月19日下午4時30分,舉行回歸倒數直播。下午6時,公開專輯主打曲音樂錄影帶及全專音源,並發行實體專輯。9月9日,釋出歌曲〈Love Is Lonely〉特別影片[26]



  • 一般版 (Nephelomancy ver./Pyromancy ver.):內含寫真冊(共1款/112頁)、明信片1張(共6款)、CD(共1款)、CD封套(共1款)、貼紙1張(共6款)、隨機小卡1張(共6款)、分隊小卡1張(共3款)、特別版貼紙1張(共5款/僅限首批預購)
  • 限量版 (Limited ver.):內含PVC包(共1款)、PVC 鎖匙扣(共1款)、象徵鎖匙扣(共1款)、2張迷你CD(共1款)、CD封套(共1款)、寫真冊(共1款)、隨機小卡1張(共6款)、分隊小卡1張(共3款)、貼紙1包(共1款)
  • 數位版 (Platform_Nemo ver.):內含外盒(共1款)、QR卡1張(共1款)、隨機小卡1張(共7款)、自拍小卡2張(共12款)、鑰匙圈吊牌1張(共1款)、Manual卡1張(共1款)


這輯專輯承接了《Fe3O4: BREAK》的概念,為第三章「Fe3O4」系列的第二節故事。本節少女們領悟到烏托邦構成需由自己親自創造。此張專輯主要傳遞出「打破束縛的陳舊觀念和規則,向世界展示自己閃亮一面」的訊息[27][28][29]


本次專輯共收錄了6首歌曲[28]。主打曲《별별별 (See that?)》為歌曲《DASH》的續作,是一首結合了舊學派嘻哈及鄉村音樂的MIXX POP歌曲,有着將負面含義轉化為積極意義[22][23],歌名「별별별」有星星及「怪咖」兩種意思[27];第二首歌曲《SICKUHH (Feat. Kid Milli)》是一首饒舌歌曲,歌詞講述了打破世界規則的「黑羊」,向世界沖擊的反抗精神[28];第三首歌曲《Red light sign, but we go》是一首電子舞曲,歌詞講述了無論遇到甚麼危險,都勇往直前的含義[23][28];第四首歌曲《BEAT BEAT》是一首結合了饒舌的流行舞曲,歌词中以BEAT表示心臟跳動的聲音,展示了悸動的内心[28];第五首歌曲《Moving On》是一首以樂隊為基礎的流行/搖滾歌曲,歌詞表達了雖然現實的期待或夢想有所落差,但為了這種模糊的信念,唯一能做的是相信自己,透過自己的成長及探索,朝着更好地方前行的意思,該歌曲曾在專輯未公開前在《I-Days 2024音樂節》及《海德公園夏令時音樂節》上表演[19][30][28];第六首歌曲《Love Is Lonely》是一首EDM風格的流行歌曲,歌詞表達了愛情的孤獨及空虛感[31][28]


團體在音樂節目《M Countdown[32]、《音樂銀行[33]、《Show! 音樂中心》、《人氣歌謠》、Youtube節目《小區明星4》[34]、《文明特急[35]、《恩採的明星日記[36]、《李茂珍的Service[37]、1theK的《Maybe Singing》[38]、《偶像人間劇場》[39]、《BIBIM-POP》[40]、《ZICO 的藝術家》[41]、《Tiny Desk Korea英语List of Tiny Desk Concerts[42]、綜藝節目《Radio Star》[43]、《搞笑演唱會[44]、電台《金信英的正午希望曲》[45]、《李恩智的歌謠廣場》[46]上宣傳。


電視台 節目名稱 日期 備註
〈Love Is Lonely〉
Mnet M Countdown 8月22日 [47]
KBS 2TV 音樂銀行 8月23日 [48]
MBC Show! 音樂中心 8月24日 [49]
SBS 人氣歌謠 8月25日 [50]
MBC M Show Champion 8月28日 [51]


Fe3O4: STICK OUT[18]
1.별별별 (See that?)(主打歌)
  • Strong Dragon(THE HUB)
  • PUFF
2.SICKUHH (Feat. Kid Milli英语Kid Milli)
  • Kid Milli
  • 萊恩·全
  • Dem Jointz
  • The Wavys
3.Red light sign, but we go
  • 이그린(lalala Studio)
  • 이은화(153/Joombas)
  • 장다인(ARTiffect)
  • 萊恩·全
  • Timothy Randolph Edgar
  • Sorana Pacurar
  • Roland Spreckley
  • 萊恩·全
  • Tim Randolph
  • 장다인(ARTiffect)
  • 이스란
  • 김회언(Jamfactory)
  • 사보배(lalala Studio)
  • HotSauce
  • Gusten Dahlqvist
  • Arineh Karimi
  • Louise Frick Sveen
  • HotSauce
5.Moving On
  • 김수지(lalala Studio)
  • 지인(PNP)
  • 이지연(Jamfactory)
  • 이우민"collapsedone"
  • 마치(MRCH)
  • 이우민"collapsedone"
6.Love Is Lonely
  • 최보라(153/Joombas)
  • 장승민(lalala Studio)
  • 이이진
  • 운지영(lalala Studio)
  • 萊恩·全
  • junkmail
  • Nick Hahn






發行地區 發行日期 發行形式 廠牌
南韓 2024年8月19日


  1. ^ Fe3O4: STICK OUT (photobook). NMIXX. JYP ENTERAINMENT. 2024. 
  2. ^ 박동선. 엔믹스, 8월19일 컴백확정…대시 이후 7개월만. naver. [2024-07-22] –通过Naver (韩语). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 @NMIXX_official. [📢] NMIXX 3rd EP <Fe3O4: STICK OUT> (Limited Ver.) 예약판매 안내. X. [2024-07-22] (英语). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 @NMIXX_official. [📢] NMIXX 3rd EP <Fe3O4: STICK OUT> 예약판매 안내. X. [2024-07-22] (英语). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 @NMIXX_official. [📢] NMIXX 3rd EP <Fe3O4: STICK OUT> (Platform Album Nemo Ver.) 예약판매 안내. X. [2024-07-22] (英语). 
  6. ^ @NMIXX_official. NMIXX(엔믹스) "Fe3O4: STICK OUT" The commotion of black sheep. X. [2024-07-22] (英语). 
  7. ^ 김진석. 엔믹스, 8월 19일 컴백 앞두고 풍성한 프로모션 준비. JTBC. [2024-07-23] (韩语). 
  8. ^ 김지혜. '8월 컴백' 엔믹스, 의미심장 메시지..신선한 프로모션 전개. 헤럴드POP. 2024-07-29 [2024-07-29] (韩语). 
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  11. ^ 선미경. '컴백' 엔믹스, 몽환적 분위기 속 더 새로워진 세상. OSEN. 2024-08-07 [2024-08-07] (韩语). 
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  13. ^ 김나율. 엔믹스, '러버 볼 스웨그' 비주얼 필름..Z세대 취향 저격한 힙한 무드. 헤럴드POP. 2024-08-09 [2024-08-09] –通过Naver (韩语). 
  14. ^ 전효진. ‘컴백’ 엔믹스, 사슬 쥐고 서늘한 분위기…티저 공개. 스포츠동아. 2024-08-10 [2024-08-11] –通过Naver (韩语). 
  15. ^ 지민경. 엔믹스, 한 편의 호러 영화..새 앨범 비주얼 필름 추가 공개. OSEN. 2024-08-11 [2024-08-11] –通过Naver (韩语). 
  16. ^ JYP Entertainment, NMIXX(엔믹스) “SICKUHH (Feat. Kid Milli)” Visualizer, [2024-08-12] 
  17. ^ 장우영. '19일 컴백' 엔믹스, 비주얼라이저 공개..'올라운더 아티스트' 강림. OSEN. 2024-08-12 [2024-08-12] (韩语). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 @NMIXX_official. NMIXX(엔믹스) “Fe3O4: STICK OUT” Track List. X (formerly Twitter). [2024-08-12] (英语). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 김예은. '컴백 D-6' 엔믹스, 타이틀곡은 '별별별'…트랙리스트 공개. 엑스포츠뉴스. 2024-08-13 [2024-08-13] –通过Naver (韩语). 
  20. ^ 지민경. 엔믹스, 으스스한 콧노래 정체는?..미니 3집 사운드 티저 깜짝 공개. OSEN. 2024-08-14 [2024-08-14] (韩语). 
  21. ^ JYP Entertainment, NMIXX(엔믹스) "Fe3O4: STICK OUT" A Cappella Highlight Medley, [2024-08-14] (韩语) 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 선미경. '컴백' 엔믹스, 아카펠라 버전 하라메 공개..고퀄리티 앨범 예고. OSEN. 2024-08-15 [2024-08-15] (韩语). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 김나율. 엔믹스, 미니 3집 트랙 리스닝 세션 공개..발매 전 미리 듣기. 헤럴드POP. 2024-08-16 [2024-08-16] –通过Naver (韩语). 
  24. ^ 선미경. '컴백' 엔믹스, 기묘한 분위기 몰입감 UP..'별별별 (See that?)'. OSEN. 2024-08-17 [2024-08-17] (韩语). 
  25. ^ 지민경. 엔믹스, 파격 비주얼+강렬 퍼포먼스..신곡 '별별별' MV 티저 공개. OSEN. 2024-08-18 [2024-08-18] –通过Naver (韩语). 
  26. ^ 선미경. 엔믹스, 초가을 감성 충전..'Love Is Lonely'. OSEN. 2024-09-09 [2024-09-09] (韩语). 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 NMIXX Fe3O4: STICK OUT. jype. [2024-08-19]. 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 Fe3O4: STICK OUT. MelOn. [2024-08-19] (韩语). 
  29. ^ 김원희. 엔믹스“‘별별별’로 컴백, 빛나는 별처럼 봐주길”(일문일답). 스포츠경향. 2024-08-19 [2024-08-19] (韩语). 
  30. ^ NMIXX on London, Brat Summer and their latest single. Dazed. 2024-07-17 [2024-08-13] (英语). 
  31. ^ JYP Entertainment, NMIXX(엔믹스) "Fe3O4: STICK OUT" Track Listening Session, [2024-08-16] 
  32. ^ 정승민. 엔믹스, 신곡 MV 호성적으로 컴백 열기 ↑...음방으로 불씨 살린다. MHN스포츠. 2024-08-22 [2024-08-22] (韩语). 
  33. ^ [뮤직뱅크] 엔믹스, 별별별(See that?) 무대... 최대치 매력 보여주는 컴백 무대. KBS미디어. 2024-08-24 [2024-08-24] (韩语). 
  34. ^ 남금주. 엔믹스 설윤, 4세대 걸그룹 비주얼 ‘장카설’ 순서 질문에 당황→반격 (동네스타K). TV리포트. 2024-08-20 [2024-08-20] (韩语). 
  35. ^ 하수나. 엔믹스 해원 “단어 알려주면 시 써준다는 팬…진짜 써서 보내줘 감동” (문특). TV리포트. 2024-08-22 [2024-08-22] (韩语). 
  36. ^ 남금주. 엔믹스 해원 “‘워크돌’ 500만, 기분 째져…공사장 제일 힘들었다” (‘스타일기’). TV리포트. 2024-08-22 [2024-08-22] (韩语). 
  37. ^ 羅瑞君. JIWOO獲李茂珍稱讚才能多 開玩笑頻繁提起BAE. 大紀元. 2024-08-22 [2024-08-22]. 
  38. ^ 김선우. '명창그룹' 엔믹스, 황홀한 라이브 콘텐트 첫 선. JTBC. 2024-08-20 [2024-08-20] (韩语). 
  39. ^ @idolhumandocu. 피곤한 오후엔 역시 달달한 모카라테 같은 엔믹스가 짱.. X. [2024-08-22]. 
  40. ^ [선공개 LIVE] NMIXX(엔믹스) - SICKUHH (feat. Kid Milli). Instagram. [2024-08-22]. 
  41. ^ theseasons2023. 더 시즌즈 ‘지코의 아티스트’ 15화 스포 미리 보기를 공개합니다!. Instagram. [2024-08-22]. 
  42. ^ @TinyDeskKorea. Tiny Desk Korea #NMIXX 편이 공개됩니다!. X. [2024-09-09] (韩语). 
  43. ^ 김선우. 엔믹스 해원, '라스'도 접수할 '예능돌'. JTBC. 2024-08-28 [2024-08-28] (韩语). 
  44. ^ 한현정. 최준석·엔믹스, ‘개콘’ 녹화장 뛰어다닌 사연은?. 매경닷컴. [2024-08-30] (韩语). 
  45. ^ 유정민. 엔믹스 릴리 "배이, 이슈 많을 것 같아…'이슈 클럽' 초대해 찾아내고파"(정희). iMBC. 2024-08-26 [2024-08-26] (韩语). 
  46. ^ 서유나. 엔믹스 설윤 “크리스토퍼와 듀엣, 인이어로 듣는데 귀 너무 황홀”(가요광장). 뉴스엔. 2024-08-30 [2024-08-30] (韩语). 
  47. ^ '최초 공개' NMIXX - Love Is Lonely #엠카운트다운 EP.859 | Mnet 240822 방송, [2024-08-22] (韩语) 
  48. ^ Love Is Lonely - NMIXX エンミックス 엔믹스 [Music Bank] | KBS WORLD TV 240823, [2024-08-22] (韩语) 
  49. ^ NMIXX (엔믹스) - Love Is Lonely | Show! MusicCore | MBC240824방송, [2024-08-24] (韩语) 
  50. ^ NMIXX(엔믹스) - Love Is Lonely @인기가요 inkigayo 20240825, [2024-08-25] (韩语) 
  51. ^ 엔믹스(NMIXX) - Love Is Lonely | Show Champion | EP.530 l 240828, [2024-08-25] (韩语) 
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 Physical Album Chart 2024.08.19~2024.08.25. hanteochart. [2024-08-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-08-26). 
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 Album Chart 2024 Weeks 34. circlechart. [2024-08-29] (韩语). 
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 五大金榜 FIVE TOP 2024/8/16 - 2024/8/22. 5music. [2024-08-25]. (原始内容存档于2024-08-25). 
  55. ^ 55.0 55.1 55.2 週間 アルバムランキング 2024年09月02日付. ORICON. [2024-08-28] (日语). 
  56. ^ 56.0 56.1 週間 合算アルバムランキング 2024年09月02日付. ORICON. [2024-09-08] (日语). 
  57. ^ 57.0 57.1 Hot Albums [ 2024/08/28 公開]. billboard. [2024-08-28] (日语). 
  58. ^ 58.0 58.1 Heatseekers Albums. billboard. [2024-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-09-08). 
  59. ^ 59.0 59.1 Top Album Sales Week of September 7, 2024. billboard. [2024-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-09-08). 
  60. ^ 60.0 60.1 World Albums. billboard. [2024-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-09-08). 
  61. ^ 61.0 61.1 Physical Album Chart 2024.08.01~2024.08.31. circlechart. [2024-09-18]. 
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 Physical Album Chart 2024.08.01~2024.08.31. hanteochart. [2024-09-02]. (原始内容存档于2024-09-02). 
  63. ^ Accumulated Album sales certification. circlechart. [2024-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2024-10-11). 
  64. ^ 박효민. [한터차트 공식] 엔믹스, ‘Fe3O4: STICK OUT’으로 초동 58만 장 돌파!. hanteonews. [2024-08-26] (韩语). 

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Самарський обласний художній музей 53°11′21″ пн. ш. 50°05′23″ сх. д. / 53.18938600002777406° пн. ш. 50.08997800002777723° сх. д. / 53.18938600002777406; 50.08997800002777723Координати: 53°11′21″ пн. ш. 50°05′23″ сх. д. / 53.18938600002777406° пн. ш. 50.08997800002777723° сх. д. /...


U.S. House district for Colorado CO-5 redirects here. For the state highway, see Colorado State Highway 5. Colorado's 5th congressional districtInteractive map of district boundaries since January 3, 2023Representative  Doug LambornR–Colorado SpringsDistribution86.44% urban[1]13.56% ruralPopulation (2022)732,858[2]Median householdincome$82,432[2]Ethnicity72.2% White15.0% Hispanic5.7% Black3.8% Two or more races2.4% Asian0.8% otherCook PVIR+9[3] Colorado'...


اضغط هنا للاطلاع على كيفية قراءة التصنيف الباندا الأحمر حالة الحفظ أنواع مهددة بالانقراض (خطر انقراض متوسط) (IUCN 3.1)[1] المرتبة التصنيفية نوع[2][3]  التصنيف العلمي المملكة: الحيوانات الشعبة: الحبليات الطائفة: الثدييات الرتبة: لواحم الرتيبة: كلبيات الشكل الرتبة...

Type of cinematography with extreme character A set of props used in the production of the Saw films, which are notorious for depicting extreme graphic violence Extreme cinema is a subgenre used for films distinguished by its use of excessive sex and violence, and such various extreme nature as mutilation and torture. It recently specializes in genre film, mostly both horror and drama. Reception The rising popularity of Asian films in the 21st century has contributed to the growth of extreme ...


Prominent Irish & British family in brewing, banking, and politics For other uses, see Guinness (disambiguation). This article may need to be rewritten to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards, as its current format is simply a genealogical listing. It should be re-written as prose.. You can help. The talk page may contain suggestions. (August 2015) This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (February 2016) The arms granted to the Rev. Hosea Guinness in 1814, Per s...


Este artículo o sección tiene referencias, pero necesita más para complementar su verificabilidad.Puedes avisar al redactor principal pegando lo siguiente en su página de discusión: {{sust:Aviso referencias|Ley del valor}} ~~~~Este aviso fue puesto el 30 de agosto de 2023. La ley del valor es un concepto en la crítica de la economía política de Karl Marx, primero expuesto en su polémica La miseria de la filosofía (1847) en respuesta a Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (quien había publicado F...

2010 remix album by 16voltAmerican Porn Songs: RemixedRemix album by 16voltReleasedMay 11, 2010 (2010-05-11)GenreIndustrial metalindustrial rockLength66:15LabelMetropolis16volt chronology American Porn Songs(2009) American Porn Songs: Remixed(2010) Beating Dead Horses(2011) American Porn Songs is a remix album by 16volt, released on May 11, 2010, by Metropolis Records.[1] The album comprises remixed versions of the tracks the appear of the band's 2009 album Amer...


Rail station in Baltimore, Maryland, US For the Amtrak station in South Carolina, see Camden station (South Carolina). For the London Underground station in Camden, see Camden Town tube station. Camden StationThe original B&O station restored as the Sports Legends Museum at Camden Yards in 2010General informationLocation301 West Camden Street[1]Baltimore, MarylandCoordinates39°17′00″N 76°37′10″W / 39.28346°N 76.619554°W / 39.28346; -76.619554Own...


2012 video gameLumines: Electronic SymphonyDeveloper(s)Q EntertainmentRocket StudioPublisher(s)UbisoftDirector(s)Ding DongProducer(s)James MielkeSeriesLuminesPlatform(s)PlayStation VitaReleaseNA: February 15, 2012PAL: February 22, 2012JP: April 19, 2012[1]Genre(s)PuzzleMode(s)Single-player, multiplayer Lumines: Electronic Symphony[a] is a game developed by Q Entertainment and published by Ubisoft for the PlayStation Vita. The game was first announced in Cologne, by publisher U...

Professional wrestling promotion in the Philippines Philippine Wrestling Revolution[1]AcronymPWRFoundedDecember 22, 2013DefunctSeptember 14, 2022StyleProfessional wrestlingOwner(s)Red Ollero (President) Lynch Imbat (Vice President) Timothy Ng (Executive Director) Philippine Wrestling Revolution (PWR) was an independent professional wrestling promotion based in the Philippines. PWR was founded in December 2013, and closed on September 14, 2022. History Professional wrestling in the Phi...


WWII war crime by Nazi SS soldiers in France 50°35′42″N 2°38′52″E / 50.59500°N 2.64778°E / 50.59500; 2.64778 This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Le Paradis massacre – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (July 2023) (Learn how and when to remove this tem...


De verzoeking van de heilige Antonius Kunstenaar Naar Jheronimus Bosch Jaar 1500-1550 Techniek Olieverf op eikenhouten paneel Afmetingen 88 × 71 cm Verblijfplaats Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen Locatie Antwerpen RKD-gegevens Portaal    Kunst & Cultuur De verzoeking van de heilige Antonius is een schilderij naar de Zuid-Nederlandse schilder Jheronimus Bosch in het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen. Voorstelling Zie Antonius-drieluik voor het h...

Subdivision in West Bengal, IndiaKrishnanagar Sadar subdivisionSubdivisionCoordinates: 23°24′N 88°30′E / 23.40°N 88.50°E / 23.40; 88.50Country IndiaStateWest BengalDistrictNadiaHeadquartersKrishnanagarLanguages • OfficialBengali, EnglishTime zoneUTC+5:30 (IST)ISO 3166 codeISO 3166-2:INVehicle registrationWBWebsitenadia.nic.in Krishnanagar Sadar subdivision is an administrative subdivision of Nadia district in the state of West Bengal, India. Ov...


Handmade TourAlbum terkaitHandmadeMulai7 Oktober 2016 (2016-10-07)Berakhir29 Oktober 2016 (2016-10-29)Putaran1Penampilan6Situs webraisahandmadetour.com Handmade Tour adalah konser tur pertama penyanyi Indonesia, Raisa. Konser ini disponsori oleh Oppo. Tur ini dimulai dengan Handmade Showcase di Jakarta pada 27 April 2016, kemudian dilanjutkan rangkaian tur yang dimulai di Bandung pada 7 Oktober 2016 dan berakhir di Yogyakarta pada 29 Oktober 2016.[1] Daftar lagu Berikut meru...


село Халеп'я Герб Халеп'я Країна  Україна Область Київська область Район Обухівський район Громада Українська міська громада Облікова картка Халеп'я  Основні дані Перша згадка 1093[2] рік Колишня назва Халеп Населення 756 (2020)[1] осіб Територія 28,2 км²[1] Пло...

Philosophical and theological concept This article is written like a research paper or scientific journal. Please help improve the article by rewriting it in encyclopedic style and simplify overly technical phrases. (June 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Free will in antiquity is a philosophical and theological concept. Free will in antiquity was not discussed in the same terms as used in the modern free will debates, but historians of the problem have speculated who...


2022 protests in People's Republic of China You can help expand this article with text translated from the corresponding article in Chinese. (July 2022) Click [show] for important translation instructions. Machine translation, like DeepL or Google Translate, is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the English Wikipedia. Do not tra...


Para los Primeros Auxilios en caso de heridas sangrantes, véase Primeros_auxilios#Heridas_con_hemorragia_(sangrados). Para otros usos de este término, véase Herida (desambiguación). Herida Persona con un corte vertical en la cara.Especialidad medicina de emergencia[editar datos en Wikidata] Una herida es una lesión que se produce en el cuerpo. Puede ser producida por múltiples razones, aunque generalmente es debido a golpes o desgarros en la piel. Dependiendo de su estado de g...

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Rajshekhar Basu – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (August 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)Indian writer Rajshekhar BasuPBBorn(1880-03-16)16 March 1880Bamunpara, Kandorsona, Bengal Presidency, British India (now Purba Bardha...


Former factory in Lincolnshire, England The Grimsby Ice Factory in Grimsby, England was built in 1900 The rear of the former Ice Factory and the now derelict concrete fish market (right), 2008 The Grimsby Ice Factory is a former factory located in Grimsby, England, that was constructed from 1898–1901 to provide crushed ice to preserve fish stored in ships at Grimsby's seaport.[1][2] The Grimsby Ice Factory engaged in operations up to 1990.[1] The buildings still cont...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!