雖然Dreamcast的生命週期不長、第三方遊戲有限,但輿論普遍認為Dreamcast是一部超前時代的主機。Dreamcast擁有《瘋狂計程車》、《Jet Set Radio》和《莎木》系列等創意十足的獨占遊戲,以及一些來自世嘉自有街機系統NAOMI的高品質移植作品。Dreamcast也是第一部內建撥接網路並提供原生網路遊戲的家用遊戲機。
Mega Drive(在北美地區稱為Sega Genesis)於1988年發售,銷售量達3075萬部,是世嘉歷年來最成功的主機[16][17]。Mega Drive的繼任主機世嘉土星於1994年在日本推出,採用CD-ROM為主要儲存媒體格式,搭載雙中央處理器(CPU)架構以同時處理2D和3D圖形,然而由於其複雜的硬體架構使其比其主要競爭對手、索尼推出的PlayStation硬體成本更加高昂[18][19]。儘管世嘉土星在日本和北美的首發日期都比PlayStation早(在北美地區的首發日期足足比PlayStation早了四個月[20][21]),但由於倉促上架以至於供貨不足、初期支援遊戲稀少,對其銷量造成了無法挽回的傷害[19][22][23];世嘉土星在價格方面也處於劣勢,其首發售價足足比PlayStation貴上100美元[18][24];加上家用遊戲機市場龍頭任天堂的次世代家用遊戲機研發計畫持續延滯,以及Mega Drive諸多缺乏相應配套遊戲陣容的配件(英语:Video game accessory)(尤其是Super 32X)對世嘉本身的企業聲譽造成的損害,使得索尼迅速在市場上占據了一席之地[22][25]。在積極的廣告宣傳及強大的第三方遊戲作品支持下,PlayStation在北美地區取得了重大成功[18][26][27]。1995年底時,索尼在北美市場已售出80萬部PlayStation,是世嘉同時間售出之世嘉土星數量的2倍之多[18][28][29];至1996年底,索尼總計在北美市場已售出290萬部PlayStation,大幅超越世嘉售出的120萬部世嘉土星[30]。索尼的市場優勢在與世嘉的價格戰中得到了進一步的鞏固:儘管雙方皆持續進行價格戰,但是由於世嘉土星之主機硬體製程複雜,成本不易壓低,使世嘉的財政赤字日益嚴重,連年虧損[18][31][32][33]。同時,由於將研發重心自Mega Drive/SEGA Genesis盡數轉移至世嘉土星上,導致世嘉錯失了利用16位元家用遊戲機市場剩餘獲利潛力的機會[22][29][34]。
1999年9月9日,Dreamcast於北美發售,售價為199美元,以「9/9/99,199美元」(9/9/99 for $199)為促銷口號,並有18款首發遊戲[5][91][99][100]。Dreamcast在發售24小時內銷量超過225,132部,收益達9840萬美元,摩爾甚至稱之為「娛樂零售業史上最重大的24小時」[54]。在發售後二週內,Dreamcast主機銷量突破50萬部[55]。該年聖誕節,世嘉於北美家用遊戲機市場之市占率達到31%[101]。11月4日,美國世嘉宣布Dreamcast主機總銷量突破100萬部[102]。
輿論對Dreamcast之整體遊戲陣容多抱持正面評價。2000年1月,《電子遊戲月刊》讚譽了Dreamcast的遊戲陣容:「有著《劍魂》、《NFL 2K》以及蓄勢待發等的《瘋狂計程車》等3A級大作,我們認為你會很高興能搭上這股128位元熱潮。」[303]《PC雜誌(英语:PC Magazine)》的杰弗里·L·威爾遜(Jeffrey L. Wilson)在一則回顧報導中稱Dreamcast的遊戲陣容為「殺手級」,並強調了世嘉在此時期趨於巔峰的創造力與視覺創新[304]。《Edge》的工作人員在對Dreamcast原創遊戲以及世嘉街機移植作品的看法上與威爾遜大致相同,並稱主機「擁有正好可以恰當地形容為『完美街機』("arcade perfect")的首發遊戲」[305];《GamePro》的的布萊克·史諾爾(Blake Snow)認為Deamcast的遊戲陣容多數「非常著名」[306];《Retro Gamer》評論者達米安·麥克費蘭(Damien McFerran)讚譽了Dreamcast平臺上的NAOMI街機移植作品,表示:「在玩《瘋狂計程車》街機版本時,知道Dreamcast上將有『絲毫不馬虎』("pixel-perfect")的完美移植(而不是那種半吊子移植作品)而感到興奮的經驗,(在Dreamcast停產後)很難再有了。」[54]尼克·蒙特福特(英语:Nick Montfort)和米亞·孔薩爾沃(英语:Mia Consalvo)在加拿大電子遊戲研究協會(The Canadian Game Studies Association)刊物《Loading》中寫道:「Dreamcast上有許多超越普通奇怪和異常等級的遊戲作品,在討論關於這些作品算不算前衛的時候其實挺有趣的。很難想像一部商業性電子遊戲機上的遊戲作品對商業觀點表達強烈的不滿,尤其這些遊戲的製作過程本身也是商業性的;不過Dreamcast遊戲是否較其他主機上的遊戲更拒絕被商業化這件事仍值得我們去探討。」[207]1UP.com的傑里米·佩瑞許(Jeremy Parish)對一些Dreamcast上的遊戲,包括「世嘉開發過最多樣化、最有創意、最有趣的那些遊戲」,與其轉型為第三方遊戲開發商之後推出的遊戲進行了令人玩味的比較[91]。IGN的特拉維斯·法赫斯(Travis Fahs)說:「Dreamcast轉瞬即逝,然而主機上充滿了難忘的遊戲作品,多數都是全新的原創IP。」[5]作家史蒂文·L·肯特(英语:Steven L. Kent)表示,「從《音速小子大冒險2》到《莎木》到《太空頻道5號》再到《人面魚》,Dreamcast給你、給你、一直給你好遊戲。」[307]
^Zackariasson, Peter; Wilson, Timothy L.; Ernkvist, Mirko. Console Hardware: The Development of Nintendo Wii. The Video Game Industry: Formation, Present State, and Future. Routledge. 2012: 158. ISBN 9781138803831(英语).
^äyrä, Frans (editor); Finn, Mark. Console Games in the Age of Convergence. Computer Games and Digital Cultures: Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference, June 6–8, 2002, Tampere, Finland. Tampere University Press. 2002: 45–58. ISBN 9789514453717(英语).
^, Scott; Park, Seung Ho. Innovation and Competition in Standard-Based Industries: A Historical Analysis of the U.S. Home Video Game Market. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2002, 49 (1): 67–82 (英语).
^Schilling, Mellissa A. Technological Leapfrogging: Lessons From the U.S. Video Game Console Industry. California Management Review. 2003, 45 (3): 12, 23 (英语). Lack of distribution may have contributed significantly to the failure of the Sega Saturn to gain an installed base. Sega had limited distribution for its Saturn launch, which may have slowed the building of its installed base both directly (because consumers had limited access to the product) and indirectly (because distributors that were initially denied product may have been reluctant to promote the product after the limitations were lifted). Nintendo, by contrast, had unlimited distribution for its Nintendo 64 launch, and Sony not only had unlimited distribution, but had extensive experience with negotiating with retailing giants such as Wal-Mart for its consumer electronics products. cf. Is War hell for Sega?(PDF). Next Generation. 1996-01, 2 (13): 7 [2019-08-27]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2019-08-27) (英语). Tom Kalinske: We needed to do something shocking because we were $100 more than the other guy ... I still think [the surprise launch] was a good idea. If I had it to do over again would I do it a little differently? Yeah, definitely. I wouldn't take the risk of annoying retailers the way we did. I would clue them in and do an early launch in a region or three regions or something so we could include everybody.
^ of America appoints Shoichiro Irimajiri chairman/chief executive officer. 1996-07-16 [2018-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-18) (英语). Sega of America Inc. (SOA) Monday announced that Shoichiro Irimajiri has been appointed chairman and chief executive officer. Sega also announced that Bernard Stolar, previously of Sony Computer Entertainment America, has joined the company as executive vice president, responsible for product development and third-party business ... Sega also announced that Hayao Nakayama and David Rosen have resigned as chairman and co-chairman of Sega of America, respectively.|journal=被忽略 (帮助)需付费查阅
^International News: Sonic Rocks Tokyo(PDF). Electronic Gaming Monthly. Vol. 10 no. 112 (EGM Media, LLC.). 1998-11: 50 [2019-08-27]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2019-08-27) (英语). Sonic Adventure's Tokyo premiere was a grand event–three stadium-packed showings, a demonstration of the game and more... Afterward, Segata Sanshiro led the crowd in a Sonic chant, which will be used in the game.
^News: Sonic's Back!(PDF). Sega Saturn Magazine(英语:Sega Saturn Magazine). Vol. 4 no. 36. 1998-10: 6–8 [2019-08-27]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2019-08-27) (英语). On Saturday, August 22nd at the Tokyo International Forum, Sega showed the future of computer gaming to a 15,000 strong crowd—and they weren't disappointed.
^Sega Dreamcast. Game Makers. 第302集. 2008-08-20 [2019-07-26]. G4. (原始内容存档于2008-11-21) (英语).
^Dreamcast: Day One(PDF). Edge. 1999-01, (67): 7 [2019-07-26]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2019-10-16) (英语).
^Dreamcast: In the USA. Next Generation. Vol. 2 no. 9. 2000-09: 6–9 (英语).
^News Bytes. Next Generation (Lifecycle 2). Vol. 1 no. 3. 1999-11: 14 (英语). More than one Sega employee was witnessed during the festivities raising a glass and toasting ousted COO Bernie Stolar. "This was his launch," they would say; one or two was seen crying. cf. Kennedy, Sam. A Post-Bernie Sega Speaks. GameSpot. 1999-08-12 [2019-07-25]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-05) (英语).
^Gestalt. Dreamcast - thanks a million. Eurogamer. 2000-10-17 [2019-07-25]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-22) (英语). As Sega themselves point out, although Sony are shipping as many consoles in two months as Sega have in an entire year, this is still likely to leave retailers in short supply and unable to meet the massive demand for the Playstation 2.
^ 113.0113.1113.2113.3113.4Casamassina, Matt. Gamecube Versus PlayStation 2. IGN. 2000-11-03 [2019-07-25]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-04) (英语). Jason Rubin: If the PlayStation 2 is going to sell as many hardware units as the PlayStation 1 sold, then I don't care if I have to pierce my nails with pins to get it to work, I'm going to do it because that's where the money is.
^ 114.0114.1Sony Playstation 2 and HPC. Asian Technology Information Program: 4–5. 1999-12-31 (英语).
^The 30 Defining Moments in Gaming. Edge: 3. 2007-08-14 [2019-07-25]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-23) (英语). The Sega Dreamcast was the first home console that could go online out of the box, and the first to offer pay-to-play online games. These features clearly affected Sega's primary rival, Sony, who promised many online features for the upcoming PlayStation 2 in press reports from 1999. Once Sega abandoned the Dreamcast, Sony quietly dropped its plans for online gaming and movie distribution, and settled for a much less ambitious patchwork strategy.
^Parkin, Simon. A history of videogame hardware: Xbox. Edge. 2014-06-27 [2015-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-21) (英语). In the run-up to the launch of Sony's PlayStation 2, a number of Microsoft engineers became concerned at the Japanese company's claims that their new console was set to wipe the PC from the home.
^ 205.0205.1Loguidice, Bill; Barton, Matt. Vintage Game Consoles: An Inside Look at Apple, Atari, Commodore, Nintendo, and the Greatest Gaming Platforms of All Time. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press(英语:CRC Press). 2014: 278. ISBN 9780415856003(英语).
^ 207.0207.1207.2207.3207.4Montfort, Nick; Consalvo, Mia. The Dreamcast, Console of the Avant-Garde. Loading... The Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association: 82–99 (英语).
^Parish, Jeremy. Valkyria Chronicles Interview. 1UP.com. 2008-09-26 [2016-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-05) (英语). Ryutaro Nonaka: Yes, definitely—I've had a lot of experience with strategy thanks to Sakura Taisen. But I've also worked with a fair number of action titles as well, including a game called Nightshade(英语:Nightshade (2003 video game))... The team also worked with Skies of Arcadia, and we gathered a staff from many different titles.
^Rez Review. Edge. 2001-11-29 [2019-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-22) (英语). In its appreciation of 3D space and in the way themes of evolution and transcendence are intertwined with, and layered on top of, exhilarating abstract soundscapes, Rez is a work of genius.
^Retro Reviews: Typing of the Dead. Game Informer. Vol. 15 no. 150. 2005-10: 165 (英语). One of the strangest titles to come out of Sega's workshop... It's actually a more addictive and challenging game than the original game that it is based on.
^ 226.0226.1226.2From the Living Room to the Grave: Remembering the Top 10 Dreamcast Games. Game Informer. Vol. 16 no. 166. 2007-02: 116–117 (英语).
^Mott 2013,第415. "'I'm dating the head cheerleader', you might type while playing The Typing of the Dead, before digressing into an extended discourse on health and safety measures or financial prudence"頁.
^Retro Reviews: Seaman. Game Informer. Vol. 15 no. 151. 2005-11: 198. A surreal adventure with a certain brand of humor rarely achieved today. cf. Provo, Frank. Seaman Review. GameSpot. 2000-08-08 [2014-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-30) (英语).
^The Story of Sega's Oddest Game Ever. Edge. 2008-07-21 [2014-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-27). cf. Vore, Bryan. Alex Kidd: Sega's Forgotten Mascot. Game Informer. Vol. 22 no. 227. 2012-03: 98–99 (英语). Alex Kidd, Segagaga: I debuted as Sega's mascot, and went head-to-head against Nintendo's Mario. But it didn't work out in the end. For the longest time after that, I beat myself up about it, thinking about why it turned out the way it did. I spent a lot of time on this riverbank, staring at the sunset.
^Hegelson, Matt. Tennis 2K2. Game Informer. Vol. 12 no. 113. September 2002: 81 (英语). ... universally hailed as the greatest tennis game ever. cf. Chen, Jeff. Virtua Tennis: Sega Professional Tennis. IGN. 2000-07-07 [2014-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-24) (英语). cf. Gerstmann, Jeff. Virtua Tennis Review. GameSpot. 2000-07-10 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-18) (英语). cf. Reed, Kristian. Virtua Tennis 2. Eurogamer. 2002-11-19 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-04). Two of the greatest sports titles ever made were released on the console: Virtua Tennis and its superior sequel Virtua Tennis 2. cf. Virtua Tennis (Dreamcast). Metacritic. [2019-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-17) (英语).
^ 237.0237.1Top 100 Games of All Time. Game Informer. Vol. 11 no. 100. 2001-08: 22–41 (英语).
^ 238.0238.1Ingenito, Vince. Jet Set Radio Review. IGN. 2012-09-17 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-04) (英语). The overall gameplay in Jet Set Radio is merely passable... But the game didn't enslave a throng of loyal fans because of its gameplay, odd as that might sound. It was its style and spirit that made it worth experiencing.
^Leone, Matt. The Essential 50 Part 48: Jet Grind Radio. 1UP.com. [2016-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-01) (英语). Takayuki Kawagoe: It would be a success if it can become a part of the memory of the users rather than set a record for sales.
^Justice, Brandon. Jet Grind Radio. IGN. 2000-10-27 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-04) (英语). Smilebit shows why Sega has the best development stable in the world... It truly is an original creation, and you can see this distinctness shine through in every aspect of the game. cf. Reiner. Jet Set Radio. Game Informer. Vol. 10 no. 92. December 2000: 116–117 (英语). The rewards are magnificent, and each stage is something to behold, but the gameplay is mediocre at best. cf. Venter, Jason. Jet Set Radio Review. GameSpot. 2012-09-17 [2014-11-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-18) (英语). Even the simple act of skating in a straight line can sometimes prove difficult.
^Thomason, Steve. Birth of a Hedgehog. Nintendo Power. Vol. 20 no. 211. 2007-01: 71 (英语).
^Chau, Anthony. Skies of Arcadia. IGN. 2000-11-14 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-04) (英语). cf. Shoemaker, Brad. Skies of Arcadia Review. GameSpot. 2000-10-16 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-23) (英语). cf. Reiner. Skies of Arcadia Legends. Game Informer. [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2005-11-12) (英语). cf. Time Extend: Skies of Arcadia. Edge. 2009-07-19 [2015-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-10) (英语). The moment when Vyse officially leaves home... with his skyfaring dad acknowledging him as an equal, is as touching as it isn't melodramatic, with both parents on hand to offer their blessings instead of blubbery histrionics. Vyse's down-to-earth nature is buffered by the aforementioned Aika, an ever-present confidante and childhood friend, and a playful female companion. More games need a marriage like this: splitting the emotional and verbal duties of the lead character into a double act, a sexless husband and wife who can reassure and question one another without the game having to resort to the internal monologue of a glum teen. Aika and Vyse's relationship is flirty and loving, but never blooms into the dreaded romantic subplot, filled with ellipses and uncomfortable mutterings.
^Corriea, Alexa Ray. Creator Yu Suzuki shares the story of Shenmue's development. Polygon. 2014-03-19 [2014-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-28) (英语). Yu Suzuki: The biggest challenge we encountered was project management. By the end, we had 300 people [working] and no experience on such a large project. At the time there were no project management tools... so instead we made a job order sheet that was a list of action items in Excel. Because we kept testing, the items did not decrease. At one point we had 10,000 of them.
^Chau, Anthony. Shenmue. IGN. 2000-11-03 [2014-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-28) (英语). cf. Provo, Frank. Shenmue Review. GameSpot. 2000-11-11 [2014-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-08) (英语). Like an old style text adventure, albeit filled with appointments and curfews. cf. Jay. Shenmue. Game Informer. Vol. 10 no. 92. December 2000: 120 (英语). Every critical encounter... lasts for less than a minute, and if you fail, you simply try again... what once seemed so intricate in the Japanese version has become elementary now that the language barrier is broken. Determining your character's next move requires little more than talking to someone, who will then tell you who to see or where to go... Shenmue is not the next step in video games; merely a glimmer of what the future of gaming might hold... all that's left is a guy walking around an amazingly detailed environment. If I wanted to experience that, I could see it in another game with proven endless entertainment value. It's called life. cf. Shenmue Review. Edge. 2000-11-29 [2015-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-29) (英语). Shenmue is much more than an interactive movie, but certainly does not deliver the freedom expected. It's involving, and ultimately rewarding, but only represents a step towards what may be possible in the future, rather than the milestone Edge hoped for.
^cf. Matt. F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa. Game Informer. Vol. 10 no. 92. December 2000: 124 (英语). F355 Challenge was breathtaking when played in the three-monitor coin-op unit, but it seems to lose impact on Dreamcast. For an alternative perspective, see Wiley, Mike. F355 Challenge. IGN. 2000-09-19 [2014-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-22) (英语). It is smoooooth.
^cf. Virtua Fighter 3tb. Game Informer. 1999-10-25 [2014-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2000-06-03). cf. Gantayat, Anoop. Virtua Fighter 3tb. IGN. 1999-10-01 [2014-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-04) (英语). cf. Virtua Fighter 3 TB Review. Edge. 1998-12-23 [2015-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-06) (英语). The omission of a proper 'versus' selection is unforgivable, forcing twoplayer fights to be organised via the singleplayer mode. Purists may well argue that the arcade original lacked said option, but in Edge's view, buyers of modern coin-op conversions have the right to expect more from their investments than unenhanced facsimiles.
^Virtua Fighter 4. Metacritic. [2014-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-17) (英语). cf. Andy. Virtua Fighter 4. Game Informer. Vol. 12 no. 109. May 2002: 78–79 (英语). Will change everything you have ever come to expect from this genre. cf. The Top 50 Games of 2003: Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution. Game Informer. Vol. 14 no. 129. January 2004: 64 (英语). The most balanced and challenging fighting game the world has ever seen.
^ 260.0260.1Justice, Brandon. Sonic Adventure. IGN. 1999-09-08 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-30) (英语). Engrossing, demanding, and utterly awe-inspiring, Yuji Naka's vision has finally come full circle in this phenomenal title.
^ 261.0261.1Sonic Adventure-Dreamcast. Game Informer. 1999-10-27 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2000-12-03) (英语). I wish more time was spent to make this game truly remarkable, rather than the decent game we see today.
^Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast). Metacritic. [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-27) (英语). cf. Chau, Anthony. Sonic Adventure 2. IGN. 2001-06-22 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-02) (英语). There aren't many viewing problems... be prepared to take a more active role when playing. cf. Reiner. Sonic Adventure 2. Game Informer. Vol. 11 no. 100. August 2001: 100 (英语). Hardly any mistakes from the original were fixed... The lackluster difficulty and cartoon-like presentation is perfect for kids, but it really does nothing for hardcore gamers or Sonic fans of yesteryear.
^Sonic Adventure. Edge. Vol. 7 no. 68. 1999-02: 70–73 (英语). Sampling one of the earlier levels out of context could leave many with the impression that Adventure is a flashy but essentially shallow experience. It isn't until a good portion of the game world has been explored with a few of the characters... that the charm and style of Sega's title is fully appreciated...It must be said, however, that none of Adventure is hugely challenging to the experienced player... Edge only managed to discover a few places where poor collision detection detracted from the gameplay... Given the never-before-witnessed scope and detail of Adventure's levels, these are forgiveable–but somehow the smaller problems are not... The camera's occasional visits behind walls do little to aid the case for forgiveness, either, although it never frustrates to the extent that Banjo-Kazooie does... a wonderfully absorbing game experience.
^Justice, Brandon. Chu Chu Rocket. IGN. 2000-03-07 [2014-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-31) (英语). cf. Jay. Chu Chu Rocket-Dreamcast. Game Informer. 2000-05-02 [2014-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2000-12-05). I consider it the best and most original puzzle game since Tetris. cf.Nutt, Christian. ChuChu Rocket! Review. GameSpot. 1999-12-13 [2014-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2009-09-15) (英语).
^Best Launch Titles. GameSpot. 2005-09-30 [2019-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-25). cf. Kato, Matthew. Which Game Console Had the Best Launch Lineup? We Look Back to Find Out. Game Informer. Vol. 22 no. 226. February 2012: 99 (英语).
^Kato; Reiner. ESPN NFL Football. Game Informer. Vol. 13 no. 125. 2003-09: 106 (英语). Madden has become a deeper simulation, but it hasn't evolved to the degree that Sega's title has. ESPN NFL Football is jam-packed with new features, innovative ideas, and must-see elements. First-person football sounds like a nightmare, but Sega figured out a way to make it work.
^Metropolis Street Racer (Dreamcast). Metacritic. [2019-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-17) (英语). cf. Paul. Metropolis Street Racer. Game Informer. Vol. 10 no. 92. 2000-12: 121. I found the game's control and physics to be exceptional. Likewise, the graphics are brilliant and are probably the best of any racing game on the Dreamcast. cf. Justice, Brandon. Metropolis Street Racer. IGN. 2001-01-19 [2019-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-05) (英语).
^L. Kent 2001,第573. Charles Bellfield: "When you consider that Microsoft has announced a $500 million marketing program for the launch of Xbox and that Nintendo has a $5 billion war chest and the overall power behind Sony's PlayStation brand, Sega does not have the ability to compete against those companies"頁.