匈牙利的政治领袖在折衷方案谈判其间有两个主要目标:一是恢复1848年匈牙利革命后匈牙利王国失去的哈布斯堡帝國內法政獨立地位,二是恢复1848年革命议会通过的改革法案,即基于《12点原則(英语:12 points of the Hungarian Revolutionaries of 1848)》,旨在匈牙利建立起能保障现代公民的政治权利、经济權利和社会改革的法律[1]。这份方案讓匈牙利王國和奧地利帝國兩者的地位變為平等,奧匈在對外時可以被國際社會視為同一個國家,也均要服從哈布斯堡家族的統治;但對內時卻實行著兩套獨立的國家體制,奧地利和匈牙利擁有完全不同的護照和法律,只有軍隊、貨幣和外交政策是統一的[2]。
匈牙利政治家费伦茨·戴阿克被认为是折衷方案的幕后推手。戴阿克最初支持匈牙利1848年的革命,想带领匈牙利走向独立,但他随后与匈牙利激进民族主义者决裂,从而主张在哈布斯堡王朝统治下争取自治。戴阿克认为,虽然匈牙利能够实行彻底的独立,但在1723年国事诏书(英语:Pragmatic Sanction of 1723)的条款下,奥地利与匈牙利在国防和外交事务上的利害是一致的。他还认为,匈牙利将从更富裕、更现代化的奥地利中获益,同时折衷方案将减轻奥地利在匈牙利王冠领地内选择与马扎尔人和斯拉夫人合作而持续不断的压力。[26]帝国总理腓特烈·斐迪南·馮·貝烏斯特(英语:Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust)与匈牙利的领导人迅速谈判并达成了共识。[27]贝乌斯特尤其渴望延续对普鲁士强硬的政策,而迅速与匈牙利人达成共识则是其必要前提条件。[28]弗朗茨·约瑟夫皇帝和戴阿克最终达成共识,与1867年5月29日签署了奥地利-匈牙利折衷方案,恢复了匈牙利议会。[29]
^Ferenc Szakály. Hungary and Eastern Europe: Research Report Volume 182 of Studia historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Akadémiai Kiadó. 1980: 178. ISBN 9789630525954.
^Kozuchowski, Adam. The Afterlife of Austria-Hungary: The Image of the Habsburg Monarchy in Interwar Europe. Pitt Series in Russian and East European Studies. University of Pittsburgh Press (2013), ISBN9780822979173. p. 83
^Andreas Komlosy. Imperial Cohesion, Nation-Building, and Regional Integration in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1804-1918. Stefan Berger, Alexei Miller (编). Nationalizing Empires. Historical studies in Eastern Europe and Eurasia 3. Central European University Press. 2015: 398. ISBN 9789633860168.
^Seton-Watson, R. W. "The Austro-Hungarian Ausgleich of 1867." The Slavonic and East European Review 19.53/54 (1939): 123–40.
^Good, David F. The Economic Rise of the Habsburg Empire, 1750-1914. 1984. p.82.
^Tihany, Leslie C. The Austro-Hungarian Compromise, 1867-1918: A Half Century of Diagnosis; Fifty Years of Post-Mortem. Central European History. 1969, 2 (2): 114–38. doi:10.1017/s0008938900000169.
^Albertini, Luigi, The Origins of the War of 1914, Volume I, Oxford University Press: 4, 1952
^"Impatient to take his revenge on Bismarck for Sadowa, he persuaded Franz Joseph to accept the Magyar demands that he had until then rejected. [...] Beust deluded himself that he could rebuild both the German Federation and the Holy Roman Empire and negotiated the Ausgleich as a necessary preliminary for the revanche on Prussia. [...] As a compromise with Hungary for the purposes of revenge on Prussia, the Ausgleich could not be otherwise than a surrender to the Magyar oligarchy." Albertini, Luigi, The Origins of the War of 1914, Volume I, Oxford University Press: 4, 1952
^Cornwall, Mark. Last Years of Austria-Hungary: A Multi-National Experiment in Early Twentieth-Century Europe, 2nd ed. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2002.
^Seton-Watson, R. W. Transylvania since 1867. The Slavonic Review. 1925, 4 (10): 101–23.
^Valiani, Leo, The End of Austria-Hungary, Alfred A. Knopf, New York (1973) pp. 9-10 [translation of: La Dissoluzione dell'Austria-Ungheria, Casa Editrice Il Saggiatore, Milano (1966) pp. 19-20]
Cornwall, Mark, Last Years Of Austria-Hungary: A Multi-National Experiment in Early Twentieth-Century Europe 2nd, University of Exeter Press, 2002.
Seton-Watson, R. W., The Austro-Hungarian Ausgleich of 1867, The Slavonic and East European Review (19.53/54), 1939, (19.53/54): 123–40, JSTOR 4203588.
Seton-Watson, R. W., Transylvania since 1867, The Slavonic Review (4.10), 1925, (4.10): 101–23, JSTOR 4201928.
Taylor, A. J. P., The Habsburg Monarchy, 1815 – 1918: A history of the Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary., New York: Macmillan, 1952.
Tihany, Leslie C., The Austro-Hungarian Compromise, 1867–1918: A Half Century of Diagnosis; Fifty Years of Post-Mortem, Central European History (2.2), 1969, (2.2): 114–38, JSTOR 4545523, doi:10.1017/s0008938900000169.