英格蘭西北郡足球聯賽(英語:North West Counties Football League),由於贊助商關係,現名禾卡聯賽(Vodkat League),是英格蘭西北部的一個聯賽。至2008年,聯賽覆蓋全英格蘭西北,還有小許其餘地方。從前亦有來自威爾斯的球隊,現分為兩部分:超聯組和甲組北及甲組南,分別是第9和第10級,聯賽由Joint Liaison Council負責管理[1]
As from the 2018–19 the league has operated three divisions, the Premier Division at Step 5 and Division one - the Step 6 division being split geographically into North and South components both with promotional slots to Step 5. This was retained for the 2019-20 season.