未來司令部副司令(未來及概念)(Deputy Commanding General for Futures and Concepts, United States Army Futures Command)(AFC) 未來及概念中心主任(Director, Futures and Concepts Center)(FCC)
陸軍聯合兵種中心指揮官(U.S. Army Combined Arms Center) (USACAC) 陸軍指揮參謀學院院長(U.S. Army Command and General Staff College) (CGSC) 陸軍大學副校長(Army University)(ArmyU)及李文渥斯堡基地指揮官(Fort Leavenworth)
美國陸軍太空及飛彈防禦司令部司令(U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command)/美國陸軍戰略司令部司令(U.S. Army Forces Strategic Command)(USASMDC/ARSTRAT) 一體化飛彈防禦聯合司令部司令(Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense)(JFCC IMD)
陸軍部助理部長(採購、後勤暨技術)的軍事幕僚 (Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology) 美國陸軍採購團總監(Director, U.S. Army Acquisition Corps)(AAC)
美國陸軍軍醫總監(Surgeon General of the United States Army)(TSG) 美國陸軍醫療司令部指揮官(Commanding General, United States Army Medical Command)(MEDCOM) 美國陸軍醫療部總監(Chief, Army Medical Department)(AMEDD)
戰略、計劃及政策總監(Director for Strategy, Plans and Policy)(J-5), Joint Staff 聯合國軍事參謀團美國代表團高級成員(Senior Member, United States Delegation to the United Nations Military Staff Committee)
美國北方司令部副司令(Deputy Commander,U.S. Northern Command)(USNORTHCOM) 及 北美防空司令部美國副司令(Vice Commander, U.S. Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command)(NORAD)