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Coco Gauff
Cori Dionne "Coco" Gauff
國家/地區 美国
出生 (2004-03-13) 2004年3月13日20歲)
最高排名2 (2024年6月10日)
現今排名2 (2024年6月10日)
美網 冠军2023
WTA總決賽四強 (2023)
最高排名1 (2022年8月15日)
現今排名12 (2024年6月10日)

科丽·迪翁·“科科”·高夫(英語:Cori Dionne "Coco" Gauff/ˈɡɑːf/;2004年3月13日)是美國女子网球运动员。她以青少年球员(19岁)的身份在2023年美国网球公开赛上获得了首个大满贯冠军。



高夫出生于2004年3月13日,母亲坎迪(Candi),本姓奥多姆(Odom[11],父亲是科里·高夫(Corey Gauff),全家自佛罗里达州德尔雷比奇[12][13]。她有两个弟弟,分别是小她四岁的科迪(Codey)和小她九岁的卡梅伦(Cameron[14]。她的父亲曾在佐治亚州立大学打篮球,后来从事医疗保健行业,母亲曾是佛罗里达州立大学的田径运动员,后来从事教育工作。[15]

高夫在亚特兰大长大,四岁时在电视上看到塞雷娜·威廉姆斯赢得2009年澳大利亚网球公开赛单打冠军后,对网球产生了浓厚的兴趣。[16]她的父母鼓励她尝试多种运动,包括篮球和田径。[16]她六岁时开始打网球,并决定将网球作为自己的职业,因为这是一项个人运动,而且她在八岁时就赢得了「小莫」(Little Mo)八岁及以下组全国比赛的冠军。高夫回忆说:「我不太喜欢团队合作。我喜欢网球。一开始我打得很一般,因为小时候我根本不想练习。我只想和朋友们一起玩。八岁那年,我开始打『小莫』,从那以后,我就决定一辈子打网球了。」[17][18]

高夫七岁时,为了让她有更好的训练机会,全家搬回了德拉海滩[19][20]他们最初与科科的外婆住在一起,后来才有了自己的房子。[12] 在佛罗里达期间,她从八岁起就在新一代网球学院(New Generation Tennis Academy)跟随杰拉德·罗格洛(Gerard Loglo)学习。[18][21]高夫的父母放弃了他们的事业,专注于训练他们的女儿。她的父亲后来成为她的主教练,而母亲则负责监督她的家庭教育。

不过她父亲从小到大打网球的经验有限。[15][18]10岁时,高夫开始在塞雷娜·威廉姆斯的长期教练帕特里克·莫拉托格鲁在法国开办的莫拉托格鲁学院(Mouratoglou Academy)接受训练。莫拉托格鲁说:「我永远记得第一次见到科科的情景。她在2014年来到莫拉托格鲁学院试训,她的决心、运动能力和拼搏精神给我留下了深刻印象……当她看着你,告诉你她将成为世界第一时,你只能相信。」[22]通过自己的冠军种子基金会(Champ'Seed fund)帮助赞助高夫,他创建该基金会的目的是为那些没有经济能力负担高水平训练的天才少年提供资助。

高夫不断取得成功,在10岁零3个月时就赢得了美国网球协会全国12岁及以下级别泥地赛事冠军(USTA Clay Court National 12-and-under),成为该赛事历史上最年轻的冠军。[18]


高夫年少成名,曾是世界排名第一的青少年选手。[23]2016年,她以12岁的年龄参加了著名的Les Petits As英语Les Petits As14岁及以下锦标赛,并闯入半决赛。[24]高夫13岁时开始参加ITF青少年巡回赛,直接跳级参加最高级别的A级和1级赛事。她在职业生涯的第三项赛事——在马里兰州的举行的一级赛乔治王子郡青少年网球锦标赛(Prince George's County Junior Tennis Championships)中不敌杰米·弗里斯英语Jaimee Fourlis获得亚军。.[25]在下一项赛事中,高夫在 2017年美国网球公开赛上首次参加青少年大满贯赛事,并在决赛中不敌阿曼达·阿尼西莫娃获得亚军。[26]高夫成为美国网球公开赛历史上最年轻的青少年女单决赛选手。[27]

2018年伊始,高夫在澳大利亚举行的青少年一级赛特拉拉尔贡青少年国际赛(Traralgon Junior International)中打进半决赛,之后她在澳大利亚网球公开赛青少年女单比赛中输掉了首轮比赛。[23]直到法网,她才再次参加单打比赛,并赢得了职业生涯首个大满贯青少年赛事冠军。在决赛中,她在落后的情况下连扳三盘击败了凯蒂·麦克纳利[28]一个月后,她在罗汉普顿一级青少年国际网球赛(Grade 1 Junior International Roehampton)中又一次在决赛中战胜麦克纳利,成为世界排名第一的青少年选手。[29][30]

高夫在当年最后两站大满贯赛事中均闯入八强。在温布尔登网球锦标赛上,她与搭档玛丽亚·洛德斯·卡莱一起闯入双打半决赛,并在美国网球公开赛上与麦克纳利一起赢得了她的首个青少年大满贯双打冠军。[23]高夫和麦克纳利在决赛中直落两盘击败了同胞黑莉·巴普蒂斯特达莱娜·休伊特英语Dalayna Hewitt[31]9月,高夫代表美国队参加青少年联合会杯,她们与乌克兰队会师决赛并赢得了青青少年联合会冠军。[32]高夫在这一年的橘子碗比赛中再次获得A级单打冠军[33],赛季结束时她的世界排名仅次于克拉拉·比雷尔,位列第二。[34]

















高夫使用的是海德Boom MP 2022球拍[40],配有16根主弦和19根横弦。New Balance是她的服装和网球鞋赞助商。[41]

2018年10月,高芙与 New Balance签订了她的第一份多年期赞助合同。[42]2021年法国网球公开赛上,高芙身着New Balance有大胆的错位拼色的球衣,与双打搭档维纳斯·威廉姆斯的全白服装形成鲜明对比。[43]



高夫是一名基督徒。从8岁起,她每场比赛前都会和父亲一起祈祷自己和对手平安。 2023 年 8 月赢得辛辛那提公开赛后,她说:“……我要感谢我的主和救主耶稣基督。我独自度过了很多个夜晚,哭泣着试图找出答案。我还有很多事情需要弄清楚,但我感谢他保护了我。”在 2023 年 9 月赢得第一个大满贯冠军后,她说:“……我不祈祷结果,我只要求我有力量全力以赴,无论发生什么。我这一生真是太幸运了。“[45]




  1. ^ Coco Gauff's Wimbledon run is over, but her future remains bright. ESPN. [2020-08-13]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-19). 
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  5. ^ 澳網女單 美國雙姝皮古拉、高夫輕騎闖頭關 | 運動. 中央社 CNA (墨爾本). 中央社. 2023-01-16 [2023-08-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-14). 
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  7. ^ 【法網】絲維雅迪克橫掃高芙二度封后 35連勝追平「大威」紀錄. 體路 Sportsroad. 2022-06-04 [2023-08-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-14). 
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  9. ^ 美網:高芙擊敗奧絲達賓高首晉女單四強. 澳門廣播電視股份有限公司. 2023-09-06 [2023-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-06). 
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  11. ^ McBride, Jessica. Candi Gauff, Coco Gauff's Mother: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Heavy. 2019-07-08 [2019-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-09). 
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  13. ^ Cohen, Claire. So who is Wimbledon wunderkind, Cori 'Coco' Gauff?. The Telegraph. 2019-07-03 [2019-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-08). 
  14. ^ Rothenberg, Ben. Cori Gauff: 10 Things to Know About the Newest Tennis Phenom. New York Times. 2019-07-03 [2019-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-07). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Bembry, Jerry. Coco Gauff and family following familiar path to greatness. Andscape. 2019-07-05 [2019-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-30). 
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  17. ^ Marshall, Ashley. American teen Gauff impresses in junior Slam debut. US Open. [2019-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-07). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Why 12-year-old Cori Gauff hopes she'll be the greatest of all time. ESPN. 2017-01-03 [2017-09-11]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-02). 
  19. ^ Coco Gauff Bio. WTA Tennis. [2019-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-28). 
  20. ^ Cori Gauff, 13, Has Great Potential And A Greater Goal: Be The Goat. [2017-09-24]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-11). 
  21. ^ Kane, Portia. Interview with Coach Corey Gauff. Black Tennis Magazine. [2019-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-01). 
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  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Cori Gauff. ITF World Tennis Tour. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-03). 
  24. ^ Andreescu to Gauff: Ngounoue joins rich tradition at Les Petits As. [2019-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-13). 
  25. ^ Lewis, Colette. Fourlis Sweeps Girls Titles, Mejia Wins Both Boys Championships at ITF Grade 1 Prince George's County International Hard Courts. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-06). 
  26. ^ Lewis, Colette. Anisimova Downs Gauff for US Open Girls Championship; Wu Makes History with Boys Title; Danilovic and Kostyuk Claim Girls Doubles Crown. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-06). 
  27. ^ Lewis, Colette. Americans Gauff and Anisimova Meet for US Open Girls Title; Geller and Wu to Decide Boys Championship; Wu and Hsu Claim Boys Doubles Crown; Stephens Beats Keys for Women's Title. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-06). 
  28. ^ Gauff edges McNally in all-American girls' final in Paris. WTA Tennis. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-01). 
  29. ^ Lewis, Colette. June Aces; Gauff, Nakashima Win Grade 1 Roehampton Titles; Nanda, Mayo and Stearns Qualify for Wimbledon Junior Championships; McDonald and Isner into Wimbledon's Second Week. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-07). 
  30. ^ Lewis, Colette. Kodat, Vallabhaneni, Bicknell and Wiersholm Win ITF Junior Circuit Titles; Gauff Moves to Top Spot in ITF Junior Rankings; Altamirano, Pegula Take Early Lead in US Open Wild Card Race; Liu, Aragone Qualify for WTA and ATP Events. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-07). 
  31. ^ Lewis, Colette. Seyboth Wild and Wang Make History at US Open Junior Championships; McNally and Gauff Capture Girls Doubles Title. [2019-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-07). 
  32. ^ Lewis, Colette. US Girls Win Second Straight Junior Fed Cup Title, Spain Claims Junior Davis Cup; Muhammad and Mmoh Capture Titles in Templeton and Tiburon. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-07). 
  33. ^ Lewis, Colette. Gauff Comeback Ends with Another Orange Bowl Title; Finland's Virtanen Makes History with Victory over Khan. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-07). 
  34. ^ Lewis, Colette. Burel and Tseng Named 2018 ITF World Junior Champions; Cressy Wins Tallahassee Futures; Racquet Club of Memphis, Site of USTA Girls Clay Courts, to Close. [2019-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-07). 
  35. ^ Wimbledon 2019: Qualifier Cori Gauff, 15, beats Venus Williams in huge upset. BBC Sport. 2019-07-01 [2019-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-02). 
  36. ^ Wimbledon 2019: Cori Gauff, 15, to 'just wing it', Kyle Edmund on Centre Court. 2019-07-02 [2019-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-04) –通过 
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  39. ^ Futterman, Matthew. U.S. Open Women’s Final: Coco Gauff Wins First Grand Slam Title. The New York Times. 2023-09-09 [2023-09-17]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-09-09) (美国英语). 
  40. ^ Tennis Racquet Reviews | Tennis String Reviews | ATP & WTA Tennis Racquets & Strings List. [2023-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-05). 
  41. ^ Newcomb, Tim. Breakout Star Coco Gauff Gives New Balance Fresh Momentum. Forbes. [2020-01-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-01). 
  42. ^ 42.0 42.1 Tennis prodigy, 14, signs multi-year sponsor deal. CNN. [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-31). 
  43. ^ Roland Garros…Fashion Palette. WLM Tennis. 2021-06-04 [2021-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-18). 
  44. ^ Badenhausen, Kurt. This 15-Year-Old Tennis Phenom Will Earn $1 Million In 2019. Forbes. [2020-01-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-05). 
  45. ^ Claybourn, Cole. Coco Gauff claims first Grand Slam, kneels in prayer to thank God. Sports Spectrum. 2023-09-10 [2023-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-10) (美国英语). 


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Medieval Icelandic clan The Svínfellings (or Svínfellingar) were a family clan in the medieval Icelandic Commonwealth. They ruled the Eastern Region of Iceland. Their forefather was Flosi, one of the Burners of Njal. Their name is derived from the clan's Svínafell homestead in Öræfi. References Árni Daníel Júlíusson, Jón Ólafur Ísberg, Helgi Skúli Kjartansson Íslenskur sögu atlas: 1. bindi: Frá öndverðu til 18. aldar Almenna bókafélagið, Reykjavík 1989 vteAge of the Sturlun…

This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Dunia Tanpa Koma – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (February 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Indonesian TV series or program Dunia Tanpa KomaStarringDian SastrowardoyoTora SudiroFauzi BaadillaCut MiniWulan GuritnoSurya SaputraUnique Prisc…

Time spent on any device with a screen For other uses, see Screen time (disambiguation). A person reading on an iPad tablet Screen time is the amount of time spent using a device with a screen such as a smartphone, computer, television, or video game console.[1] The concept is under significant research with related concepts in digital media use and mental health. Screen time is correlated with mental and physical harm in child development.[2] The positive or negative health effe…

2004 video gameFish TycoonDeveloper(s)Last Day of WorkPublisher(s)Big Fish Games (PC) Majesco Entertainment (Nintendo DS)Designer(s)Arthur Humphrey, Carla HumphreyPlatform(s)Windows, Windows Mobile, Android, Tapwave Zodiac, Mac OS X, Nintendo DS, iOS, Mobile phone, Palm OSRelease May 3, 2004 WindowsNA: May 3, 2004Windows MobileNA: November 8, 2004ZodiacNA: 2004MacintoshNA: June 8, 2006Nintendo DSNA: October 16, 2007EU: March 14, 2008AU: April 28, 2008iOSNA: November 20, 2008 Genre(s)Business sim…

1998 American filmChildren of the Corn V: Fields of TerrorPromotional posterDirected byEthan WileyWritten byEthan WileyBased onChildren of the Cornby Stephen KingProduced by Jeff Geoffray Walter Josten Starring Stacy Galina Alexis Arquette Adam Wylie Greg Vaughan Eva Mendes Ahmet Zappa Angela Jones CinematographyDavid LewisEdited byPeter Devaney FlanaganMusic byPaul RabjohnsProductioncompanyBlue Rider PicturesDistributed byDimension Home Video (Buena Vista Home Entertainment)Release date June…

Tapio Lehtinen on his yacht Galiana in the summer 2020. Tapio Lehtinen (born 19 January 1958[1]) is a Finnish Industrial engineer, a former commodore of the Helsingfors Segelsällskap and one of the most prominent Finnish single-handed sailors.[2] He participated in the 2018 Golden Globe Race and sailed solo, without stops, around the world. He was placed fifth in the race. Sailing career Lehtinen began sailing in 1965 with optimists, and during his junior years he raced actively…

2023 mixtape by Biig PiigBubblegumMixtape by Biig PiigReleased20 January 2023 (2023-01-20)GenreAlt-popLabelRCA RecordsBiig Piig chronology The Sky Is Bleeding(2021) Bubblegum(2023) Singles from Bubblegum KeroseneReleased: 6 September 2022 This Is What They MeantReleased: 20 October 2022 Picking UpReleased: 8 December 2022 Bubblegum is the debut mixtape by Irish artist Biig Piig, released on 20 January 2023 through RCA. Background and release On 6 September 2022, Biig Piig …

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