「所以我那時就拿了一封信坐了下來,我永遠忘不了那一刻,就在我們用的廚房旁桌子上花了大約十分鐘的時間,寫下了《現在是聖誕節時刻》歌詞,那是一段我臨時想到的詩,內容到今日都還沒被改寫過。歌詞的內容大概一分鐘長,文斯之後就讓一群小孩來唱這首歌。」(So I sat down with an envelope — I'll never forget this — at our kitchen table and wrote 'Christmas Time Is Here' in about ten minutes, It was a poem that just came to me — never changed the words to this day. It was only about a minute long. And Vince got a bunch of little kids together to sing it.)
電視節目製作人李·曼德森在進行拍攝1965年美國CBS電視網聖誕節特別節目《查理·布朗的聖誕節》時,某日在經過金門大橋中聽到廣播裡播放的爵士樂《Cast Your Fate to the Wind》,當時李·曼德森直覺這首曲子的創作者及演奏者文斯·葛拉迪是擔任《查理·布朗的聖誕節》配樂的絕佳人選,便聯絡對方見面[4]。