清真寺中的祈祷者(法語:La Prière à la mosquée)是法国艺术家让-莱昂·热罗姆的一幅油画,创作于1871年,东方主义题材,描绘了一座埃及清真寺的内部,礼拜者在其中祈祷。现藏于大都会艺术博物馆。[1][2]
- ^ Prayer in the Mosque. www.metmuseum.org. [2020-07-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-23).
- ^ Edward Strahan [Earl Shinn], ed. The Art Treasures of America. Philadelphia, [1880], vol. 1, pp. 126–27, 134, calls it "In the Mosque of Amrou" in the text and "Sheik at Devotions, Ancient Mosque in Cairo" in the list of works in Miss Wolfe's collection.